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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. too close to call im gonna go with rampage on this one though.
  2. beating ninja gaiden on one life getting knights of the round on FFVII beating ultimate weapon with out dying even though it took me 45 mins!!!! beating unreal tourney 2k3 and 2k4 with out dying beating doom3 on nightmare just dying once (funny thing about the 2 FPS i suck at multiplayer but i kick ass in single player portion of it wierd) beating super mario bros 1,2,3 and world on one life there are more but im on meds and cant remeber them now lol!
  3. cant really choose between the 2 because each were great systems. dreamcast could have been so much better if it would have had the stateside support.
  4. that guy who he is fighting is one of the black star dragons from the GT series i cant rember his name.
  5. SNES rules all one of the greatest systems ever!!!!!!!!
  6. how long have u had it sounds like the battery is gone out in it
  7. very interesting read on the history of KOF
  8. that was funny props to the guy and the song wasnt that bad some of u guys are so anti rap its not funny , this coming from a guy who doesnt listen to much rap.
  9. hey my ex used to talk abou tour sex life to her gfs all the time they got curious i felt obligated to prove that they were not just stories they were hearing lol !
  10. sleeping with your both of your gfs best friends and she still doesnt know about it.
  11. i dont even listen to much rap music but the game is just fun to play.
  12. ghetto has nothing to do with it just 2 very good games heres a short review almost 70 characters which means a fair amount of replay value, AKI did the engine again on this one but its a mix of wrestling and fighting which is very good considering on this one u r no longer really tied down to a ring interactive crowd they help u either kick a@@ or help whip your a@@ lots of bottles,bats, and pool cues to use. nice voice acting in this one too from all the hip hop people that appear. one last thing cuz i gotta get back to work is that the create a fighter is really good he actually looks like he was made for the game really good rental even better buy.
  13. i picked this up today on my way to preorder GTA san andreas and i must say im glad i did nice fighting action, very good story mode, and very good graphics, i give it a 5 out of 5
  14. havent heard a peep out of them the bastards all that hype for nothing lol
  15. no on nes it was ninja gaiden 1,2,3 it was ninja gaiden trilogy for SuperNEs
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