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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. ghost and goblins super ghouls and ghost ninja gaiden 1,2,3 ninja gaiden xbox battle toads ikaruga smash tv super smash tv lol same game as nes intelle cube just to name a few
  2. i'm 6'2" 236lbs black hair nice build with a bit of a tummy chicks dig me lol. i wear glasses becuz the puter took away my 20/20 vision.
  3. theres some big talk about a burger u guys will prolly never get to try, but i have put down 2 classic triples with bacon and cheese my self. but we also have a place here that serves a burger with over a pound of meat after cooking thats hard to put down!!!!!
  4. hey welcome back garage, most of the same ol same ol cept for SSV special coming out. nice to see ya back.
  5. it doesnt search for zips or rars but nice other wise
  6. whats your fav beat em up and why do u think it deserves top honors?
  7. would you stay at a job if it were full of stress and thankless managment even though u got mad bills. or is nothing worth losing your sanity over!!!
  8. work has been kicking my a## latley but i post when i can. i gotta start making some topics though.
  9. usually at home i let the 3 sec rule apply but its a at home thing only never at any resturant or public place who knows what has been going on on that floor lol
  10. that has to be one clean floor for me to eat off it
  11. what a nes emu runnin on a pocket pc
  12. im with the majorit why get stuff u will never play just taking up HD space for nothing.
  13. i got a portable nes too its called a pocket pc!!!!!!
  14. ok im stoppiong this lovers quarrel early!! sorry guys
  15. shenmue has a crap story too, and it may not even get finished!!!
  16. LMAO that was what i needed this morning
  17. SNES Super Punchout Super Mario Kart (too hard to just pick 2 NES Ninja Gaiden Tecmo Bowl (again 2 is not fair lol) DC should count but that system is almost more popular now than when it was first on the market lol
  18. 1 because u really do need a camera to take a pic 2 Johnny 3 um strike the match 4 48 cuz it doesnt double or go up by 3 5 C 6 C
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