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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. two attacks i would have came back with a win from that and i suck at VF4!!!
  2. i just got into watching this anime and its absolutly one of the best i wish i could find someone to send me all the old ones on a disc or something lol , i dont know how i missed out on this great series. the last one i watched i think it was 97 was freaking hilarious.
  3. a man after my own hart i got my network adapter for a bday present last yr and i always got a spare HD laying around
  4. they havent announced downloadable content yet i think they are saving that anouncement but i think u may have to have a HD to get the good stuff.
  5. just think of all the possibilities !!!!! online factions, the double teams its gonna be awesome. non all u non wrestling fans who read this start with the flames while drinking your hateraid!
  6. both of them have their strengths and weaknesess but i think as time goes on theres gonna be a thin line between the 2.
  7. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...st/beer_beating
  8. metal gear solid 3 Smackdown vs raw GTA san andreas hon men STALKER Half life 2
  9. i planned my vacation around the release of MGS3 and a few days around smackdown vs raw.
  10. u r just stuck between a rock and a hard place u dont want to ruin your friendship but u dont wanna give up on something that can be good, my advice u both should break it to him he may not mind at all.
  11. Doom3,ESPN2k5.Madden2k5,SSX3,NCAA2k5 biding time till half life2, raw vs smackdown, GTA san andreas, and most of all MGS3.
  12. MY EYES MY EYES thats gotta be borderline abuse on some level lol. but hey dude if it feels right to u go for it.
  13. goodfellas is the shizzle i own both the first and the new dvd editions. def best mob movie ever!!
  14. yet another reason for me not to get service pack 2 i have heard nothing but probs since it release.
  15. i liked 4, 3 still edges it out a little but it was good and shold not be missed i own all the tekkens and must say its a very good series. cant wait to play 5!!!
  16. interesting with the orton win they are hinting towards a face push for him, which is the oppostite of how i heard it was gonna go. i knew taker was gonna get the belt but was gonna pretty much punish JBsucky after the match. i hate they didnt hype cena and booker like they should have could have been a decent match. i too want this kane/lita crap to be over with, its so stupid. and the eugene triple h stuff is dangling in the middle of being interesting , they just need to make it where trips beats some knowledge into eugene so he can give up this special ed stuff.
  17. Final fight Super double dragon gunstar heroes axeley gradius punchout super punchout
  18. ook why may i ask pocket pc is basically a watered down version of windows.
  19. morphgear emulates a few game systems but its not free i use it a lot. then there is pocket nes which is awesome for nintendo on the go perfect speed and sound.
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