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Everything posted by solidius23

  1. agozer is the man he hooked me up and google didnt solve this problem.
  2. i got all of my drives spread out between 2 systems all used for various reasons
  3. i have a 80 120 120 160 40 80 40 to total 640 gigs of space
  4. i havent seen where u can download it but i did see where u can buy it.
  5. the rock is very entertaining he was hilarious on his last apperance!
  6. im already bored of benoit being champion, i would almost want trips back as champ. kane would be a good champ but no one on raw is a good contender for him, im also glad edge took that belt from orton , he was a boring champ as well.i long for the old monday night wars of yesteryear when u flipped channels back and forth between USA and TNT lol.
  7. thanks for the link mag great addition to my anime faves
  8. been here since the beginning and will hopefully always been here.
  9. fox already announced they will air the new season next yr.
  10. final fight 1,2,3 all the tecmo bowls there are so many i forgets names now lol.
  11. i always hire someone to do my moving cuz i hate it, anyways good to hear from you dude.
  12. i will have to check into the game i loved the show.
  13. never got into counter strike but i loved all the dooms and quakes all the unreals soilder of fortune 1&2 ,return to wolfenstein, halo and who could forget goldeneye a true classic.
  14. o i forgot about the nintendo cereal i ate that like crack when it was out it was actually pretty good!
  15. hey basara pm me that free movie site lol 1 emu multiple times a day gamespot every day prowrestling scoops yahoo.com weather.com spymac.com
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