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About NeuronMaster

  • Birthday 10/24/1988

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    2000 miles away from Ghost.

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  1. I've got a ticket to see it in IMAX. Stoked.
  2. SAVE THE GREEN PLANET! I'd give it 5 stars, or very close to 5 stars.
  3. OH MAN I HATED IT BECAUSE IT SUCKED BECAUSE MY BEST FRIEND SAID IT SUCKED EVEN THOUGH I SAW IT AND DID NOT THINK IT SUCKED. flock off, tools. It was awesome because form matches function: By seeing the disaster happen through the eyes of a doofus, it makes the entire situation plausible.
  4. The Darjeeling Limited. I am growing into quite a Wes Anderson fan. A wonderfully, and often beautifully, elegant movie.
  5. Uh And ordering one online is a problem because you can usually avoid sales tax on several hundred dollars, right? Right. Always gotta pay the governor's share, man!
  6. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/meet_the_spartans/ Yes. Yes, it does.
  7. It's not a rip-off of another monster. It's a movie that reinvents an old genre by showing it--and showing it well--from a different perspective. It's the best movie I've seen in theaters in a long time; I thoroughly loved it both times I saw it. People go in expecting to be explained about the monster, how it came, where it came from, all that stuff, and they're upset at the end when it's not explained. It's not meant to be explained. It's about a small group of humans caught up in this fantastic (in the most terrifying sense of the word) situation. At the core of the movie, it is a love story. The monster is just a backdrop. I loved it. I would not have it end any other way. Yes, I was surprised they didn't explain the monster at the end; but then again, that wouldn't be true to how the movie was made. Form matches function, and by seeing this unbelievable event through the eyes of a spectator, it becomes plausible and serves to suspend your feeling of disbelief.
  8. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I had a slight problem with nausea, but it wasn't to where I had to stand up and walk out or I'd throw up. I loved it because by seeing the unbelievable through the eyes of a spectator it suddenly became plausible. I can understand why people hated it, but I also think they came in with presupposed ideas of what the movie was going to be, and because of that they don't realize a lot of what you have to pay attention to understand. I don't know how to do spoiler tags, so I'm not going to attempt and fail at it.
  9. Oh sweet lord, that was the funniest thing I've read here in a while! Hahahahahahaha! You rock!
  10. voice in the trailer sucks.
  11. Where did you work at? Man, I can't get myself to buy Orange Box. I don't know why. I work at Border's Books and Bath and Body Works. BBW was a shitfest. Border's rocked. The discount at BBW is nice for christmas presents--and I get no crap from my friends when they use it, or after they use it.
  12. I ordered myself the orange box for $25. Bought some clothes on sale. Worked 14 hours on black friday, and it was mellow.
  13. I saw it in 3D IMAX, and it was fairly disappointing.
  14. All I read is blah blah blah who needs an antivirus blah blah blah who needs a firewall. System resources would be a problem if you were running something like 512mb of ram. Mine doesn't hardly take that much at all compared to my total (2gb). If you're that anal about having nothing running, uh, disable features?
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