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Everything posted by NeuronMaster

  1. That has to be the sickest picture of santa I've ever seen. ^
  2. Does anybody know if one exists and where to find it?
  3. Use mirrors of suprnova and the pirate bay site works just fine for me.
  4. Marvel > DC I get the essential ones from the library, and I've pretty much loved everyone.
  5. suprnova gone..an era has ended.
  6. If its pay to play, yes. I play a free one, which still gets pretty darn boring without friends.
  7. Right. DragonKeeper: It's not a bright idea. I've had the crap scared out of me with stuff like that. If you want to actually have friends, dont persue this.
  8. I've got a great idea, lets make a TV network, and have this show, where we give all the popular games awards!
  9. Why dont cheerleaders have obscenely large breasts..like mannuquins?
  10. How about...no. We aren't exactly allowed to link now. But give me a nice pm and gain a couple more posts and I'll try and hook you up.
  11. Garbage, I'm 16 and haven't heard of any of this crap.
  12. Oh noes, cheerl337ers are turning against us, oh noes.
  13. Congratz dude. If I got one for free, I'd post about it too.
  14. Wow, I must be fat..150's
  15. I'm safe, I dont download DVD's or movies for that matter.
  16. Captain Planet had nothing on Transformers. http://www.vandegrift.net/evert/retro.html
  17. Finally! boomba goose, that was great, I hate having tiny controllers. Who on earth decided it would be a great idea to create a MicroCon? (That tiny geigh controller for Gamecube, think of half a gamecube controller) I like the original Xbox controllers.
  18. It already is smaller, right?. And where would they crease it to fold?
  19. ROFLOL! If you dont know, its people that post here..
  20. I liked the first one. Never tried IW, not about to either, heard it was teh suck.
  21. Works with some songs for me, and some dont work. I wish it just found the lyrics for the song playing instead of having to search, I'd rather use google than that.
  22. News to me. I doubt its true though.
  23. Looks cool, I want subtitles.
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