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Everything posted by Ender1978

  1. Hi there, I'm moderator at RomShare.Let me clarify a few points. - Weirdanzeige, your post about Cassini was deleted as it's clearly against the Forum Rules.Consider that, even you break the rules (not for first time I'll add) you are still not banned.You even didn't receive a temp ban.Nothing.And you broke the rules a few times at RomShare.Mod team there has been very nice to you in my opinion to keep you inside the community. - I don't think it's nice from you to insult people. -Squaresoft74 does not have to consult anything with webmaster as he administrates the forum same as him. -RomShare's mod team doesn't execute the Rules "too heavy".We've been nice to people breaking the rules several times.And, after all, rules are the same for everyone,don't you think? -If you do not agree with RomShare's rules (or think they are wrong) you are free to leave and post whatever you want.Emulation is a hobby.Something we love.Let's keep good athmosphere everywhere. -Goku's story at RomShare is really more complex than that Weird.Far more complicated and the story you tell is not accurate. Anyway, I can tell guarantee to you and to everyone that Squaresoft74 and Goku are completely different and that Square is not gonna follow Goku's story.I'm 100% sure about it. -Chinese board has another rules.Nothing to do with RomShare. -Mod team (and that includes Squaresoft74) has nothing against you Weirdanzeige. Just, respect the others.They can be right or wrong (noone is perfect) but respect them. And follow the Forum Rules.Forum Rules are not made by Squaresoft74.It's a result of an agreement by the Mod Team. Thanks a lot Ender1978 bbs.romshare.net EDIT: http://bbs.romshare.net/showthread.php?t=1...&highlight=rant
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