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About Sandie

  • Birthday 06/06/1977

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. www.efx2.com has realy great blogs with lots of options for design/format
  2. how high was it ? on another board i am on that has an arcade the tetris score is up to 5 million O_o
  3. Milk Inc - Breath
  4. You could add a last online hack so that when you look at a persons profile you can see when they were last logged into the board.
  5. I saw them when I was at target.. I thought about getting my kids one but I think they are more then happy using emulators on the pc and the consoles they have.
  6. Are there ever going to be any tournaments? It's already built in to the board/arcade and they are a lot of fun
  7. I don't think black is the default text color.. i think it's like a really dark greyish blue test yeah here's black... just do the [ color.. ] tags if you want black
  8. As long as you don't have it set to remember you it shoule be fine.. I login here at work and as soon as I close the browser it logs me off. Then i have to relogin when i come back.
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