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Everything posted by sf2_ryu

  1. DUUUDEE!!! this movie freakin pwnd!!! personally i liked it... alot beats ne resident evil movie,,, soo yeaa..... haha
  2. 0 outta 10 and i was trying.... but is that possible?? oh well i guess i dont desevre religion..
  3. GEntly- Slipknot
  4. hehe thats pretty cool.. but i dunno i think ne things cool
  5. wait but if ur resolution was to keep quiet and ur telling them it was to keep quiet isnt that condradcting urself? or am i just reading it wrong? ne wasy whatever mine are - not to be so lazy?.. i dunno i really dont have one..
  6. haha thats freakin funny....
  7. tony hawks american wasteland.. thats was pretty cool u could change the guys skateboard and clothes and such but yea it was pretty good i liked it
  8. yay! i hope this one is a good one cuz i liked the 2nd one really good but yea i hope X3 is good..just as long as the dont ruin it with too many movies... but ne ways looks good i would see it
  9. i beat gta 3 all the way thru once went on to vice city... about 60% of the way got bored cuz i was stuck on a misssion. went on to max payne 2 and amlost done with it ( but u probably dont care) so how is LCS ne ways im sure way better then the 3 cept on the psp right..
  10. ooh this is kinda creepy.. i heard about that in church once..
  11. hahah yea!! i lked ep. III today battlefront II came out and i wanna try it.. or get it i hear u can be a jedi. my friend got both today... lucky but ne ways yea iwanna get both of those
  12. yea thats creepy if it evolves to a can move frim person to person then its could be a global pandemic i dunno.. but yeah.. its creepy could kill millions and AHHHHHH
  13. hahah i remeber watching this movie its was fuuny and i was lauging the same guy did shaolin soccer right i think he did.. but yeah thats was funny movie
  14. i hope theres a helll... but thenn it just says Hell is unleashed which is as good as sayin chaos or something of that matter and tere not demins according to the trailer it's an expirement.... some stuff like that
  15. whats this all about?
  16. marvel vs capcom and i finally beat it but i feel so sloooow... oh well
  17. andrew w.k - we want fun
  18. hah that would be funny to see that. the rock vs. a head.. but ne ways yeah i dunno about teh fps view... that'd kinda weird but yet kinda cool... i dunno im gonna see it either way.
  19. i played gunz once and i was like this is fun and then i was like cool then i got to level like 6 or something like that but then i have a mac so that sux cuz i cant play it all the time like i would want to. so argh but yeah that game is really fun!
  20. hahahah that guy is really funny... oh thats so cool (well not really) but hahah
  21. slipknot- purity
  22. Delta Force: black hawk down its pretty cool i like it havent had the chance to play it online yet i hope to soon.
  23. ur logos are cool i like ur first logos.. on the age thing i think ur the youngest im not sure tho but ur logos r cool.....
  24. i think the lowest we can find is like 2.81 at an arco or somehting
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