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About koneki

  • Birthday 03/18/1980

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  1. i got the R4 from dselite and a 2gb micro sd everything plus shipping came to $32.00
  2. -
  3. Dear 1emulation fans I remember being able to listen to music tracks without limit on FinalBurn Alpha (v0.137) in the sound & voice test menu. However, in the latest versions of FB Alpha, Mame32, and Kawaks; the music does not loop. It may have been a glitch in FBA 0.137, but I wonder if it is still possible to loop the music tracks in the more current versions of FB Alpha, Mame32, or Kawaks. Kindest regards. koneki.
  4. God Bless England - for the mother land T_T
  5. Coldplay X&Y Mars Volta The Killers Devil May Cry 3 [OST] it's been a while since i've last visited 1emu. it's great to be back HAVE AN AWESOME SUMMER GUYS
  6. Will CvS 2 be emulated? (I heard that it's hardware is too hard to be emulated) *sorry to sound stupid*
  7. Thanks Daeval and Agozer. The cross-over style explanation makes more sense now - thanks Daeval. Capcom and Sammy sounds interesting, I really like the characters and music from the guilty gear series. I think Sammy can put up a good fight with Capcom lol. Do you think Konami or Squaresoft | Square Enix might pick a fight with Capcom? (I don't think Square has made any arcade games have they? oh what the heck).
  8. So there will be a KOF 2005 and so on? Oh will Capcom be collaborating with SNK again? The style of play from the Capcom vs SNK series and SVCChaos is some what different, why is that?
  9. It would be different playing in the arcade than if you were to play on an emulator right? I played the KOF 2003 in the arcade and the graphics look better. I'm sure you might feel different about it if you play in the arcade. Is 2003 the last KOF, or is there going to be one last 2004 installment?
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