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Everything posted by Shoma

  1. Im amazed b y your reply. TY I tried to use comedy for this one, but i have a certain unpopular taste so maybe it was hit and miss.
  2. So 5 chapters down, Im sure no one is sure what the heck is going on but you gotta put your pieces together first. Anyway, how are the readers liking the series so far?
  3. NEW CHAPTER Released!!!! Chapter 5 - Summary: Inky roles up on another boss, a Karate senior. New Faces: Gavin)
  4. New Chapter (D.I.)Chapter 5 - The Karate Leader of the South
  5. "hey we got about 45 characters in the games" "yeah its pretty awesome.." "Hmmm.... How about..." "2o more?" "OMG YES!" "LETS GOT FOR THE 100 MARK!" "LETS DO IT!" "Smart Hulk!" "Then half transformed HULK!" "AND THEN....." -both- "PMS SPIDERWOMAN!!!!" .. Nonsense sketch aside, I do feel like they may just flooding the roster, seems like a new char was coming every week. Like in the MUA, there's only so much each cahr do diferntly, Damage, defense, increase ability, increase team ability and elemental damage... Mua basically just had all the characters form around this set of powers and they did the same thing in a different way. Hope we wont be having the same issue in this one.
  6. Whoah! Dats loks cool? It looks like he should his own new move set Also the stages look real and free and not like a pop-up board piece game!
  7. I wonder if it will keep those amazing graphics all the time during gameplay
  8. WHo's loking the new Zanpaktou ARc? Im loving it! However some forums were saying this arc contradicts what was said in the regular Arc and im not sure how. I think maybe its something to do with Zabimaru's new form.
  9. NEW CHAPTER Released!!!! :-( Chapter 4 - A Date with Death! Summary: After the Black Knight explained a few things regarding Hera, she calls Inky on for a date to meet a Chef Yet many unkown accidents seem to be happening around her. New Faces: Mag(nis)
  10. Um..... I guess me too? Update: Chapter 4 - A date with Death
  11. Here's a rough draft of my cover art for the first 5 chapters. I was kinda lazy with this one and so i just rushed through it but I assure you the next one will have a much sexier Hera. So here it is:
  12. CAn they make a patch that adds moves on to a character or is that too far fetched?
  13. I always loved villains with that kinda persona. Except when they're weak; without realizing I've already grown to like the BlackKnight character(wasnt expecting him to have much face time but now that may change).
  14. Hmmm... Impressive Inks, need to sum research to verify that 1st part but indeed impressive.
  15. I actully would watch that movie, looks fun.
  16. New Detective Inky chap uploaded: Chapter 3 - First Lead : The Knight of the Eastern side! Do wat it do baby!
  17. Back to the old format, lol! NEW CHAPTER Released!!!! Chapter 3 - First Lead : The Knight of the Eastern side! Summary: Inky is very bothered by who Hera really is, after getting some names from GameCop, Inky tries to get info about her from a rich foreigner. Unfortunately, he doesn't trust investigators too much and doesn't give them such a happy welcome. Not to mention, Johnny's rookie behavior may have dug his own grave. New Faces: BlackKnight
  18. Alrighty! Like before, I've waited til the second chapter to put this up and see if Im interested in doing a whole volume and I kinda feel like going for it so I bore another 1Emu Exclusive Fanfiction featuring our members in a totally new universe than 1emuAdventure. Wont be as much superhero stuff in this one so people will be realistically fragile but I gotta throw some supernatural phenom in there somewhere^^! Detective Inky - A quick talking, potty-mouthed investigator who is pretty famous for his cases is now being employed by a luscious women named Hera. She seems shady, and Inky isnt too far from that POV as well and so we unravel the mystery while discovering who Inky was... and really is. That's all you're getting from this, and for those who are familiar with the previous stories, updates and commentaries will all work under the same rubric. After reading please post thoughts, and as far discussions, please post here! YOSHAAA! Mystery isnt my forte, but heck, that's the joy of writing! Time to friggin learn through practice! Detective Inky series begins....NOW! (any requests to be put in, please post it here and try not to change avatars every few weeks.)
  19. Hmmmm....I was jus bout to swap my game out.(its fun but when i played 2k2 on mame it was like.....ehhh) Hmm... I may keep a hold of it for awhile. However I wished they put in the orochi team. so i can complete my grappler team (shermie, goro, clark)
  20. I just realized, if u look at the game art, it shows Leona's old outfit. What's up with that? Oh i know dis games pale in comparison to da other ones but i bought it so.....kinda have to enjoy or just reurn and get what...15 bucks back. I enjoy still(a biT) from time to time.
  21. It still seems a bit slowr to me, mayb it just online, cuz dats all ive been playing 1 sitting of offline. ANyway, hit me up and lets hag a hug match to da death
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