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Everything posted by BritneysPAIRS

  1. dats will be released on CoinOPS 3 till then theres no point alot of drivers are being altered a little....
  2. ratherAnnoyed yousaid would never post here...changing your name and now posting is silly...what a joke you guys are years of this and you still play the same game a few people with no skills changing there name and preaching around release time....and what have you ever achieved nothing ever
  3. thanks for helping waal your the man...lol your helping everyone im bad boy.....I steal everything cause I cant code and you on the other hand dont answer anything cause we all know YOUR A FRAUD NO SOURCES EVER...A USER AND A LEACH....THAT PREYS ON OTHERS AND TRIED TO BELIEVE HES ON THE SIDE OF GOOD...LOCK YOUR CRAP AWAY I DONT CARE ...JUST DONT PREACH YOUR ANYTHING BUT AWOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING....WE ALL KNOW IT NO MATTER HOW YOU TRY AND AVOID IT...WE DONT NEED AN ANSWER I KNOW WHO YOU ARE....
  4. PS for you +T+ this was sent to surreal team and the answer "...if you wanted to make surreal patch with games...alot of credit can happen...eg catagory could be Surreal64 or when the loading bar thats removed is running a message....or what ever you guys want...ill continue with the CoinOPS stuff but I can easily allow you access to make a patch that will insert in CoinOPS seemlessly and you guys can control it.... then you can release packs etc...its up to you guys really.....im working on things at present....but I can open you a door for CoinOPS to support your stuff and your ingame menus but use CoinOPS front end...for this to work would require you guys to support and promote these packs...and means you might have 2 slightly diff builds... BP I don't have any interest to support Surreal64 for CoinOPS. If you are going to add our work in the future, I would ask that you make it apparent to the user that they are launching someone else's core. For example: "Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time Launching with Surreal64 XXX B5 - 1964" or "Sonic the Hedgehog Launching with NeoGenesis v20" Surreal so we had an impass if you play N64 at anytime it adds credits.txt to CoinOPS root that has all the credit to all the orig people unchanged from the origional I could turn it off or add myself to credits but I dont...if you play its added to all CoinOPS builds with N64 Next your emus never credits Haze and he did most of the work you guys play with....he was belittled by new people and now he left...the man that got all the stuff you wanted in was turned on by newbes and now mame is a shell because of it....you guys own him the world yet credit people that steal a few backgrounds from the net and make a skin compaired to the person that cracked the uncrackble protections and released how to do it to the world....all open source stuff like XBMC has stripped alot of the workers names out of the sources and when I look at nearly any source most of the people that write 90 percent plus of the code never get credited only the ones that hack it a bit and call it there emu....I dont add my name to stuff theres no point...I know you personally used alot alot of stuff..the new surreal favs is an exact copy of CoinOPS and maybe even the sources from it...I dont care....ive had my say on open source...ive done my bit and alot of sources from many projects are out there...ive used many names for diff projects and never credit myself in the work....xtras/madmab team post there names over everything...never release sources....this is fact and you can take it anyway you want....you know its true Haze your a God....please come back to Mame.....or make your own build it will own others.....Please come back
  5. but most say your the problem and come here to here about CoinOPS...not waals hang ups and unfounded issues when he doesnt do anything he preachs stuff and he never ever answer one simple question as he think we will think hes a newbe.....waal I know your a newbe and we all know it.... long live the joke...the joke that keep giving with his pants on the ground
  6. notice after I said release the first the crying started ....always the same....still no answer on the sources from waal the wolf in sheeps clothing...just blame and questions from me..... waal im not answering any of your questions I think your a newbe a troll with no skills....and you wont answer a single question....just a blamer and shit stirrer..... So the question is Waal where are your sources you are against open source...nothing to do with me it to do with where are your sources ....
  7. its release time the girls love to cry at this time...its the usual it stops nothing....waals a newbe and doesnt know anything and openly wont comment on his anti sources.... its only for fun and doesnt stop anything....that team never stays away around release time every time they cry like girls they actually think it stops things.....lol and I do think they are total newbes......all I said is I was sad all those videos where the ones from emumovies with no credit and then I downloaded them and released I had them and id have to create my own as they wherent good enough for release for CoinOPS hey newbes use the sources make your lightgun fix .... update the core..... do it all and quote me....I think you cant code for shit all....prove me wrong....I think if you touch it it will get massively buggy and bloaty...prove me wrong.....cry all you want....you guys are cry babies with no skills everyone else that come here have to listen to children with no skills trying to tell people they beleive in open source and say I dont when mine are out.....as per last posts answer this question 1 question waal where is your sources? you run on the back of an open source project? this is the answer ummmm BP dont give credit its left in sources as anyone can see...BP dont do this BP dont do this....never I dont do anything ever im 100 times worse than BP and I ride on your backs claiming im inocent and on your side...when I know I a fraud and deep down we all know it as its so obvious. If you open anything of these it has there names all over it mine has nothing I never hard code my name all over the place like they do....skin everything with my name...add my sigs with names etc...its not needed and doesnt help stuff all lol he will answer it blame....crying and misdirection....well I know they are a joke.....young children with no skills....OK ill only talk about the release....its the same cry babies at the same release time.... If you want to find out about the xtras team read from a few pages ago...you will see they lay blame...all of which I provedI had done...never ever once admiting they dont do anything...not once....its a fun ride.....complete newbes getting owned and crying its my fault OK ill stay away from this now but the release is getting close for sure and allways has been headed this way nothing has slowed or stopped
  8. less than 1100 games....if you want this....you must put the CoinOPS 2 standalone over the top otherwise you can modify it to much
  9. im happy now with my CoinOPS N64...its buggy as shit but its moving along...ive tested surreal and I see issues and I know them as some of them ive found them in my version....was hoping they would be gone...I can post my conversation with the patchers of surreal asking them if they wanted to patch into CoinOPS or anyway I could work it out and give them credit...they said no thankyou....I have it stored if you want it...should be clear at least twice I asked if I could help and patch it in...I also talk with some people that have there names in the sources from day one and they are happy
  10. http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...&start=4092 its the developmnent thread and its locked down...all info about release that needs to get past trolls will be there also PM me .... have a look at the past threads its quite funny....but dont expect a straight answer from one of us....its look over there maybe they dont see im a fraud in sheeps clothing approach thats so funny...its hard to spot but closely look for it...it maybe hiding
  11. run a diff programm it will tell you all lines that have changed from mameox....for feck sake.....you a re newbe it will tell you all lines added all lines removed all lines modified....all files add all files removed as well.... the tools are there......allways questions about me....always me thinking your a newbe....but never not once in 100 posts anything about waal and that he doesnt beleive in open source he bleieves in blame and he wants everything handed to him his way even though he doesnt hand anything over....but we can blame it if it isnt waals way...cause waals a great guy and BP is a bad guy... im explaining entry level svn to you waal...im sorry I dont run the project like you want me to...im only saying I supply my stuff and you dont...and that makes you questionable to me
  12. Massive update to CoinOPS 2 is on the Release forum now.... over 200 arcade games
  13. there the orig docs....I didnt add my name...lol...should I open it and add my name as credits thanks for the word I know its clearly you...and it makes it funner you clearly think its me....to all those that read this they can make up there mind it should be obvious as ....... really obvious...on of us has proof after proof one has look over there its him Projectioning.....then thinks oh im ok I think it is him now....its not me if I say it often enough and avoid the obvious and not answer that I dont do anything open source I like to blame others but I dont do anything....maybe actually im no a nice person...maybe im a leach after all Peace brother....ill leave it there.....the prrof is all there....im happy as with where I stand......maybe one dark night you way see your reflection of blame on others to avioid the truth...thats cowardly...stand up like a man and say you know what I dont give out sources I dont hide behind stories now I dont give out sources but thats me thats who I am no more lies no more secrets thats who I am...I once liked misdirection and blame but no more I am now looking at myself and I dont give out shit all
  14. you can branch it newbe dont you understand open source...its not so you can do everything and let you adjust what you want....you might be a complete newbe and make it bloaty and buggy...branch it if you want its all there....then sync when you want....schoolin newbes with my pants on the ground.... I cant find any of your sources online under google...cant find any svn or cvs...how can that be in an open source envoment where the people that use it question others...surely they would conform before questioning others....and then surely they would say sorry when found he did what they asked long ago....or maybe we could just use the time and tested look over there I dont want you guys to know we are not what we seemed....hahahaha if anyone is fooled....another pants on the ground like every other one....I dont want your sources dont worry.......I just think wankers dont supply stuff thats all...its only my personal though
  15. OK the first patch for CoinOPS 2 is nearly ready...its going though a bug bash.... its about 250 games....200 plus new Arcade Games...all with videos game information etc it has pixel perfect for all consoles and linked though a one touch button that automatically adjusts all games for any screensize N64 now works in HD for all users.... Plus lots lots more..... CoinOPS 2 Upgrade 1 is now in bugbash time MASSIVE UPDATE THIS ONE
  16. pants on the ground pants on the ground lookin like a fool with my pants on the ground hahahahahaha thats so funny....ummm why dont you do this (even though we dont)ummm so you say google it I cant find CoinOPS SVN....oh its the first google link, if I search for it like you said....oh what about docs....ill say you dont do any....ummm oh thats the first folder.....with the org files....oh well I still wont talk about my pants on the ground cause BP is to blame....and we know cause we know the facts hahahahahaaaaaa.......every time the jokes get larger
  17. lol what a idot now the facts are out .... looking like a fool with my pants on the ground pants on the ground.,.. Lookin like a fool with my pants on the ground
  18. oh for feck sake its about me....im the non open source one.....lol your an idot and you keep digging....well dig a hole http://code.google.com/p/coinops/source/br...FCoinOps%2FDocs docs of the org people....newbes.....oh my god the first folder and first files....where are yours???? ok this is pointless I think everyone can see I supplied it all and kept all the org stuff in the sources for people to read....you wont find jack shit for those that say I dont give anything and im against the open source system....you wont find jack shit its allways me to blame even when I pove everything wrong we never get one answer from them like we are wankers and dont conform to it.....we just like to blame people and dont even research it we just blame people...and then dont ever do a 5 sec search...even when he says we just say hes a liar...then next time we will say well we want more....but never give anything.....predators.....open source hogs....always hiding behind others at fault... well guys this is the best proof ive ever seen Badly researched facts Always avoiding the org question about themselves Always looking to blame even when facing the facts.....your right we wont see eye to eye...I have the facts you have blame only ok im out of this back to 2.1
  19. Look waal you always say I dont do this I dont do that a simple google sewach will find your SVN ...its always a lol moment what newbes.....always wrong....always but always thinking it me not doing stuff and never looking at there actions...always balmming me...even if ive done all the stuff they ask along time ago..anyway I did a 5 sec google search for CoinOPS and SVN and bang....a hit straight away I wonder why http://code.google.com/p/coinops/source/checkout for christ sake you are the ones that dont conform.....you have no proof of any open source behavour...none what so ever......its always about me...never about you....thanks for the word for people like you....ill go with leach im sick of answering to idots that put blame onto others.....you my friend I feel sorry for...ive answered all your questions with proof ive heard nothing about you or your choices or why its allways about me....
  20. source changes pinned download them if you want.... post your ones lol......you avoid that subject everytime...always balmming me...never looking at yourself.....look what that is on wiki there are many words for it...thankyou for that word as I say I release mine you hold yours and always go look its him I dont want to look at my actions its always him.......its always him....I avoid talking about what I do everytime cause its always him....and if I dont talk about it then its him and not me ..... why I dont post them with the binary...(6gig at present) but even with its smallest build its 300 megs 2.1 is still coming and should do well
  21. CoinOPS 2.1 prep is going on....release notes will come out soon.....big big update with 100s and 100s of new games...plus new console features and seemless intergration....all those that said I use madmab due to pixel perfect well its done and its a one click button for everygame no matter what screen your on...and if you change from sd to hd dont worry it will adjust for you automattically....also N64 will do the same now....all these features and 250 more playble games.....oh yeah
  22. do a google search CoinOPS scr or CoinOPS source code and you will find the binaries....also credits are in them...if I search on google for your guys code I find nothing....I find nothing to say all your videos are emu movies in that set as well...and they are..... patches have been pinned here and multiple downloads of all of them have happened...alot of dev also have sources....and they can hand them to whoever ive always said this.... you guys try and justify everything....you live with yourselves if you think your doing the right things Im fine with it....ok this is once again pointless I have saifd my piece I know at least what I think....best of luck in your closed world loop
  23. The term open source describes practices in production and development that promote access to the end product's source materials. Some consider open source a philosophy, others consider it a pragmatic methodology. Before the term open source became widely adopted, developers and producers used a variety of phrases to describe the concept; open source gained hold with the rise of the Internet, and the attendant need for massive retooling of the computing source code. Opening the source code enabled a self-enhancing diversity of production models, communication paths, and interactive communities.[1] Subsequently, the new phrase "open-source software" was born to describe the environment that the new copyright, licensing, domain, and consumer issues created. The open source model includes the concept of concurrent yet different agendas and differing approaches in production, in contrast with more centralized models of development such as those typically used in commercial software companies.[2] A main principle and practice of open source software development is peer production by bartering and collaboration, with the end-product, source-material, "blueprints," and documentation available at no cost to the public. This is increasingly being applied in other fields of endeavor, such as biotechnology.[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source I CANT HOLD ANYONE CREDITIBLE THAT DOESNT CONFORM TO THIS AND YES GRABBED ALL OF IT.....AND YES THATS MOST OF YOU NOW LEFT
  24. oh well ive said my piece its up to your guys concience....ive offered my hand to most people that work.....its up to them to take it...CoinOPS moves forward anyways as a hobby....yes I know its taking shares off others and lately I offered others to keep there build and patch into CoinOPS and id leave it alone...they declined so I moved forward....I dont take it personally I know gogo well and I know he likes this stuff to keep moving on.....no matter in what direction, it will be the users that decide in the end...but I do feel sorry those that think closing others sources is exceptible
  25. videos is a tiny part of CoinOPS....a few hours work.....this was about 2-3 percent of the work load for the upgrade.....anyways to me they are facts.....you always talk about respect.....you are the disrespecters...ive achieved what I said and in a short time frame....and all by myself...includes videos synopsis features cores...upgraded cores....the list goes on.....and as you know I release my sources so you can steal or use what you want you hide yours and think I need them well that so anti open source and you guys talk about fair...well to me is against all this stand for....you dont release updates for the work of others you stand on.........very very disrespectfull of the scene.... and that once again to me is facts.... you guys really think stuff like 720P in surreal is hard I posted the code and it took about 5mins to find and add it....also I posted it live for anyone.....im not worried what anyone does with it as its open source as my stuff was founded on it your attitudes is to try and protect everything....even coming here of all places and not release anything you add on the backs of others like xport who put the work in......then claim your helping.....I say use what ever you want in any way you want of mine and add it where ever.....and build on it hopefully I dont support it but hey use it if you want..... the kind that work off others open source products and claim they are great break the basic rules on which this is founded....it would be okish if you where the orig creaters which you are not and that makes it 10 times worse for me.... but hey its just my thoughts.....
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