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Everything posted by BritneysPAIRS

  1. not working on DVD rom sorry
  2. if it didnt rebuild the DB when you deleted the 3 files from tdata/facebabe you are using the wrong version of CoinOPS its NOT CoinOPS Gold and doesnt support the features you want
  3. Ok what has heppened is you scrambled the DB some how go into E:/Tdata/babe face and remove the 3 files except for the mameox.ini or whatever the ini is called. Or you can delete the babeface saves and then replace the save from the disc back on. This will rebuild the DB from scratch and fix cross lining issues good luck
  4. this is incoreect..... id say you are using diff rom set the romstatus.xml if the names match they will turn off. Check the romstatus.xml stuff in the readme
  5. I suggest a separate thread once again where you guys sort this side out I dont deal with my build changes every 2nd day or so. Sorry but its continously changing as I develop and at a time I decide to put in all the non beta stuff and give it to someone......
  6. all info supplied looks correct.... cheers Gavin ive taged BETA now to the Build and will rebrand the next one. Id truely recommend its released properly as the next one the stanalone and full will be diff slightly
  7. it works fine for me....
  8. that is a corrected build...... your using everything should be great in that build including dats etc its a pity the release for it was messed up in the next build id recommend people make a effort on another thread to get together and get it happening correctly. As I wont be doing it and it seems to be the biggest issue people have........and not with the EMU itself crytal system doesnt run well it might on 128 but doesnt on 64
  9. final build was released....... its ok the next build ill lock down so I know its right platium 2 there was no issue with what it was this will save the experts jumpin in and stating stuff thats 95 percent true and pretty close just issued.... eg main event has issues its loads but it has issues and big ones so why have it. Fixeight doesnt work but the clone does so why have both its confusing to have errored roms Buts its all good Cospefogo your advice is correct but it also introduces bugs for the common man
  10. crytal system added
  11. the dats dont give you a correct set.......there are many issues with them that I have got rid of...... you can trust me on the issues I dont want to list them all but there is at 50 roms with issues built from dats. Its up to you guys if you dont mind a small issues hidden around the place then the dats are great everything should boot at least with them
  12. ill be back on in 10 hours.... I need to know games that where fixed after 84...... the comment about how they were fixed and the version or what games people play on HK version or other version that doesnt work on CoinOPS.... I can only get raiden fighters 2 2000 to work all the rest dont boot ever also cause this version is balls up so much all new versions will be beta for a while.... then ill recommend you guys get together and ill release a new full version of everything fixed with a new branding and id recommend people get it as it will sort so many issues. the version online is quite wrong in many areas workable but wrong. Good luck
  13. raiden fighters drivers added ... looking into viper a bit
  14. there wont be a next full release this is what all patchs will work on...... and will be based on I wont be looking if its compatible with any other version they are all patch from the proper CoinOPS Gold Full and will allways be updated from that base
  15. there is also quite a few ones removed due to issues and changed....... so if you want the correct set thats what I posted all the rest have many issues but are resonsable acurate I was anal on the last build to check and check again every game its a pitty it was never released properly
  16. no idea about MD5 as Ive siad 1million 100 and 52 times you guys release it.... my build is diff. no one answer the questions that I asked about the bit whatever version id say its full of errors Rastans version was spot on and all the others had the stanalone...gaven handed out a spot on standalone as well
  17. covered 100 times someone should have docummented it
  18. dont think thats skinable its a 2sec job to make it skinable.... or to change it in source
  19. if someone would help with a cab for a few weeks id add a switch for Cab mode Xbox mode that would change between 2 key configs each would be diff and could be altered indipendant of each other.....
  20. I have code to make the exit button cofigurable....cant see how you cant use back how would you insert a credit. Anyways can think about it some more. To get the text to be sharp run your TV in progressive scan eg 480p not 480i
  21. I dont think its proper at all but it should be close enough.....questions 1) does it have only one version of fixeight and does it work? 2) is there only one version of slapfight and does it work. 3) Also does it have main event? if the answer of 1 only one and it works its correct if the answer of 2 only one and it works its correct if the answer to 3 is no then its correct If the answer varies this version has bugs in it but will be closeish Id say and is just a straight untested build from the dats
  22. 10 plus releasers and all these troubles and all these diff version even though I only gave out 1...... and still only Rastan released it properly oh well im sure one day you guys will sort it out The Dats dont help you with all the games that dont work the ones that need clones and not parents to work and alot of other issues...rastan released the one that fixes all these issues take care
  23. dirk hermans people dont keep stuff from going live so your forced to release alot..or stay away from testing ut would have waited but it got away untagged
  24. reading the crap about rolling it back..... its cause the beta wasnt tagged as beta if people told me they would release it I would have tag it in source as beta onscreen on launch then it wouldnt have been an issue. It was that or rebranding it as people would be asking me questions about why sf1 didnt work say and I would say its beta and they would say no it isnt it doesnt say it is. 2nd quarter will be out soonish PS im sorry about this but it cause all my issues with arcades.... from now on all BETAs will be taged as such and I could careless where they go. The source is out there and anyone can do what ever they want themselves. And talk such as why I dont do stuff just makes the release slower and makes me work on other projects. Also the help I got on this one was about 20 promised and nothing much else. A few people helped later on with the spreadsheet and I thanked them but most are complainers and tire kickers and ex HK$ users and ive allways said just go and use another mame or build your own mame its that simple really I have told people for years to release it themselves and contact me to help them do it...if you guys did that it wouldnt be an issue IM NOT DOING it plain and simple...it has its own issues and I just Dev, if they want my builds work with me and dont expect me to allways do what you want your free to do it yourself. Im not telling you guys again my rules of release its plain and simple and allways has been the same im not changing it on you guys. that side you should start your own thread and work it out yourselves I dont know about that side and never will. WARNING:::::: If there is any more talk about this the only way you will hear from me is MSN people till its ready.....things go well talking instead of flaming the people that complain so much should do it themselves ive seen so many try and drop out its not funny but my project has remained consistant in thought since I split from MAMEdox others have changed there tune, look up and you will find that this project has been done the same way with the same goals against many peoples wishs. Under my build you have seen intivation that no one has helped with. If you have a difference in philisophy as many do they want every feature like they are a mame dev start a branch and make it happen I stated my goals about 3-4 years ago and ive seen it improve but stay focused from that day. My rant over and out
  25. this is the final CoinOPS GOLD ...... it will then have 2nd Quarter 3rd quarter 4th qaurter 5th quarter..... All builds will be exponential..eg if you have CoinOPS Gold and get 5th quarter it will be all updates this will mean 1st quart maybe 10megs 2nd will be 20megs etc they will allways get larger but still small in release size etc This is the final version all other realses will be patchs to go on CoinOPS GOLD FULL. CoinOPS has that list of tested games and im aware other others to patch in now. (about 6-7 have been fixed at present with updated drivers) Some of these would have made it in but I rolled it back to the BETA Driver to save confusion. Everything can be patched from BETA or CoinOPS gold in the future.
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