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Everything posted by BritneysPAIRS

  1. ill send though an MSN and see what diff you have from others....it will be resolved in 2.1 im sure it wont be hard to track down.... http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZRJ7VS39 try this first..I looked at the diff between the two builds and this is the 1st diff removed try with 480p on and with it off...PM sent with msn
  2. well 100,000 plus views in a few months...vs ummmmm how many...I wont ague it anyways maybe your right +T+ I know the stats and I dont think its misinformation....
  3. yes most have been put off by behavour...and maybe its here...but all the other sites are dead except for CoinOPS stuff now...pretty much...so really this leads me to think its other infuences they are put off by...the lastest download went as good as it ever did...my threads have grown on others sites and here....everything else doesnt track these days...yet people tell me im killing the scene....while the places they go everyone leaves what a load of crap my misinfomration....I know about 1000 times more about CoinOPS than anyone here saying I dont know what I talk about....use what you like...its comments like that that make me ignor feature suggestions from people like that....
  4. the people that defend me are new and hate trolls...the same 5 people going your great on every forum to something like an icon they have done....and they comment on all sites the same thing....and then nothing more...they just think you guys are retards..... other long term people stay out as they know its just trolls...and all there support left them long ago really...this is why they have only one place to come now....they killed all other sites they touched...im sadened by xbox scene now...I warned them not to go that way...and now its gone that way....thats the biggest shame there is....
  5. To fix the N64 issue...go into your main dash and turn off 480p apparently...or try the standalone version I think I fixed 480P issues...it could be that 480P is ticked in XBMC...untick it...not to sure what is happening in XBMC to cause this...ill look at it sometime....its wierd what you say though as it must be the 510.xbe that has the issue and not the 560 as pilot wings runs on that....if you want to help me remove this ill give you my msn and the bug can be removed with a bit of support ive never seen this but others have Scanlines is on my todo list.... yes ram can vary...ill adjust donpachi to give a bit more ram in 2.1.....so you dont have to mod it...I did this on mazinger last time as people reported this but I never saw any issues
  6. scummVM and xneoRaine commandline launching added...
  7. Im constructing my own build now....now thats constructive.....thanks though......the only issue is you guys said I cant code......time sorts the weak out anyway as we know...talk is cheap....
  8. Added support for Midway core in HD Add Cheats to Midway Change keymapping features in Midway core Added support for midway Core and launching
  9. The rant is simple..... the stuff you get from them generally is full of bugs as per what I told you(test them for yourselves)....if you dont believe me then use it....if you do beleive me then go with my end to end tested stuff.... and yes you guys do have a habit of killing all you touch...thats a skill...and yes you are killing here with your help as well...its a skill back to the development thread alot is being added and will be on there soon....100s of new games
  10. lol good help guys.....with help like that who needs enermies is all I say...I did help and released the whole thing done right and tested end to end your stuff will cause issue and im not supporting it....im well aware of dat issues due to multiple cores....but sure offer help im going to have no issues doing that....I just dont support it...and if you wanted things done right you would go though the proper channels, if not well why should help you guys and why should I support the issues...... you are the guys that say my stuff is buggy and you dont use it...so run with that and let people decide...do what you want im moving forward now and cant look back at stuff done long ago...I cant spend a year waiting on a screenshot pack or something I must go forward...best of luck im sure people will follow anyways and your wasting your time doing the stuff you want to do...but hey its up to you guys........ Right this stuff is over....ill wait till it dies out now and I get legit people wanting legit features...not people that give me grief wanting me to help on stuff ive done long ago....
  11. yeah I couldnt stand the hype....im about to expand on it though...that was a start...I take it it worked for you...ive had 30 people tell me it does out of 30 and 3 out of 3 xtras say it doesnt work....you can tell me straight if it doesnt work properly...and ill fix it
  12. I dont want your defense guys....I want defense from people having to listen to you guys...its that simple....ive told you everytime your wrong and why as I just did...yet everytime you tell me to be nice....its not about being nice or whatever its about help and you guys offer bad help for CoinOPS...no idea what so ever...its about me ...its about you...no its not get over you have to take down me to be successfull....you have to be helpfull with help or new stuff to be successfull....you might even beleive your helping but all I see is help with alot of issues and never pointing out the issues....and then going BP why dont you help us.... look guys im sorry that you may mean best...I always have been but I dont want your help im sorry unless its proper and controlled....its not at all and leads people down the garden path....maybe its not intentional...but ive told you time and time again not to do this for real people...you dont listen and once again give out information that is flawed....then tell me to support it....and then think its about me or you.....ITS ABOUT OTHERS.....PERIOD.....
  13. hahaha no idea.....none what so ever....good luck guys.....you will need it...... OK ill keep this simple as I can get...I wont be supporting anything these guys say or release ever....ever...ever....for reasons over my last few posts and the response.....good luck everyone they will kill everything they touch....xbox scene should have listened its a sad place now...so sad.....man its hard to kill everything one touches and still have confidence its a special trait very few have in life great job guys....its quite a skill you have peace and out for this stuff anything else from others for real support?
  14. OK simple its not happening in the next year, its not on my todo list....CoinOPS 3 ill think about it...undecided CoinOPS 3 feature....now you can talk about how you guys are going to support Dats I wont be....
  15. tested on 4 machines working fine...mail others and it tested fine on Full CoinOPS 2...can anyone else report this....are you using full or standalone?and what games did you try?
  16. opps sorry LBA48 issues maybe hope not
  17. no people complain about to many updates even though there is alot of updates there of course....it will happen in time there are many issues with the dats Bigby gave you and ill explain why and leave it at that Bigby attempted to you help and by in large he did...98 percent of stuff will work... As Bibgy didnt attempt to find out the issues and released this I was unable to help on the release of this.... As I didnt help I wont support it.... Another reason for not supporting the issues is I released a build that has all these issues acounted for and tested in SD and HD Also I have been moving forward as I released a point release with pretty much all the stuff people wanted at that time, and my time is better spent adding stuff than answering stuff for the next year.... examples of issues but there are more.... the support files vary from standalone to full version so games run under diff cores(so there for dats changed) some games had dat changes from standalone / full some games require support files like bios that are not in the roms folder some zips require the games in other folders(eg mk1 and 2...Killer Instinct 1 and 2 and more) anyways for this reasons and more I dont support it...but by in large this will be all you require..... OK guys this is the last time I try and explain reasons for stuff...this wastes my dev time.......its nearly always the same....the same people that complain about things dont like the results about things...also the same people that killed my support of these things...want me to now do it...and they also want to control it......this is why im happy releasing stuff as I see fit and letting you guys decide what help you want....I am sick of the people that tell me off about saying they produce bad information and questioning my motives...also they say I cant codeetc....I dont care anymore espically as they took it to a personal level....its a hobby for me and im moving forward....im fine with this and there is stuff I wish to do and continue to improve most days....unless you guys sort out your stuff I wont be sorting out my side...im fine with it.... ill continue with this untill I notice peoples attitudes changing if not you guys can control it yourselves im happy with that.....get people onto xtras.net and support them ill move forward and let you and cry for people that go there....but ill leave it be....you guys are very nasty work and I cant be bothered with it anymore....im not in her for this stuff...im in here to develop......Id recommend most get the full CoinOPS 2 version then CoinOPS 3 full version as it wont have the issues that I know will be there if others help without listening.....I cant and dont care now if they listen..... OK guys ive bullet pointed one last case to why its flawed and why I wouldnt do it that way(I coould do this pretty much everytime and have tried to do this)....this is the same as everything else ive seen and im sick of saying it and then getting oh your a bad person....well you live with your own decisions everyone... "but its time to control the release thread now.......and just answer stuff I feel like and not justify stuff I dont feel like.....its getting to personal and its just a hobby. But ill read though this stuff and pick what I want to answer....there are no rules around it...its just what I want to answer really....anything offical will be on development thread and new releases will continue as its a hobby and new stuff is add constantly...there is at present quite alot in the beta phase...." and you will know why.....
  18. the problem is the skin...I never made a monitor on the side skin...so its all a bit out of sync
  19. hope its not a fatx issue
  20. those are not full dats what so ever...about 20 percent of games I added....80 percent arnt there...I have about 1000 more working games I dont put in my package...that dat is very limting compaired to the .84 mame dats even...also people like fumanchu are running have packaged nearly all the games ive added on most builds....I only added about 20percent of them but all the drivers are there and where doced at the time of release....just theres been lots of them if your talking about downscaling arcades as in a lite 4.5 gig version...I have that and its the best 400 games....no one voted they wanted it so it never came out.... also 2.1 will break some games and my dats are not in sync now with that....pretty close but at least 5 games have been altered....
  21. can anyone tell me more games they wanted added to any console list...eg N64 games? or C64 games? SNES etc.... also I need to know the best way to handle PSX 2 disc stuff....how does it work do we need PSX GAME Disc 1 PSX GAME Disc 2 on the launch window? or PSX game and button to switch to Disc 2 while playing?? I dont know anything about this...as ive never played 2 disc games....its easy to add the best way...but dont know what the best way is
  22. answer should be around 400 mark... any less and your being short changed not to mention 100s of games with rom changes....should be a good list and I to will be interested to see it done....its been a long road with probably 100 releases....would be good to see the results of labour since I started on Mameox
  23. "but its time to control the release thread now.......and just answer stuff I feel like and not justify stuff I dont feel like.....its getting to personal and its just a hobby. But ill read though this stuff and pick what I want to answer....there are no rules around it...its just what I want to answer really....anything offical will be on development thread and new releases will continue as its a hobby and new stuff is add constantly...there is at present quite alot in the beta phase...."
  24. Added a seprate sensistivity for N64_Golden Eye
  25. do you want any more Commodore 64 games added...or other consoles at all? N64 is getting quite a few added at present
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