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Everything posted by BritneysPAIRS
Should have made it coinops+ with the roms and screens from 2nd quarter
2nd quarter actually has alot of games in it Gavin
Start with list from coinops + 2nd quarter add loderndf mt_soni2 mt_sonic quartet2 opwolf othunder also anyone can send me a link for a rar with screenshots taken from those build to remove ill consider them. I will give you a folder of screenshots in 2-3 days of games to remove. It wont be any major game but the sooner I know the issues the sooner I can make a Refined version to tidy up the loose ends for everyone
As I say it built this for simplisty most people dont use all the features you mentioned they just want to play SFA2 and it will do a pretty good job of that... I dont have time to manage a spreadsheet sorry set all up etc Ill need someone else to manage it.
Who can make a up a spread sheet with cats so we can get the 900 odd games sorted so they all work sweet as... some games might get cut if they dont work right as I want this build to be tight
I I allready use an HD XBMC for myself.... this is why HD and commandline launching is not a thing I can be arsed about as you saw the version 6 months ago I use But added looking into 720P support is that the only other video res really needed?
NeoGeo / CPS2 will NEVER be deleted there is no way at all, I also think some king of fighters can go and few others people can them back if they want. I need a spread sheet with Zip File Rom Name Keymapping issues Does it have sound Speed Issues Analog Issues BP Fixed I will populate the games in the next week then people can start testing I will then sort out every game on the list to work correctly
PS I wont be commenting about DVD size anymore its of little to no relavance as stated before... so excuse me if I dont comment on this stuff again as it is the least of my concerns at present
Neo Geo stuff will never leave this EMU as they work pretty well and alot of people wont use 2 GUIs
the disc size isnt an issue and the least of the worries... its easy to save space as just doing a rom audit is going to save alot id say. Out of everything this is the least concerning for me as it will be easiest thing to sort out by looks and can be done another way if needed to.
Sorry but this has been covered and its also totlaly the wrong thread... this is to do with a new project. Bug questions etc are in a thread for CoinOPS or 2nd quarter or CoinOPS+
this has been covered so many times go into E:/Tdata/4d414d49/SYSTEM/MAMEoX.ini change the location in here then scan for new games it will update the list
It wont be an issue getting it on one disc... ill look at stuff like AOF 1 2 and 3 and maybe get rid of 1 and 2... for the lesser of the games All Mwtal slugs will stay. I will be putting a full installer like Plat 2 in... so it can be installed from dvd List to do = - Add sound to Midway games (NBA jam series)
PLEASE HELP US perfect all the games on the list...test the games in coinops, fill in the spreadsheet a little and together we can make this great. http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pNr...udEQ&hl=en# Hi my goals with refined are - Cut down the games list for stuff that wont be played eg crazy kong, 5 diff versions of space invaders - Size it to fit on one DVD - Add a few more games - Go though every game and check it not only runs but runs correctly and is controlled correctly and fix it if not both in source and keymapping. - Get Commandline launching working properly and docummented. - Get SMB working fully and documented. - Look at New games to add. - Change cheats menu around a bit. - Look at the best way to handle a new autofire option - Look at the best way to handle 2 player game switching - Add a few more shortcut to the sort methods to make things easier to find - Look at 720P support - Fix speed in double dragon 1 and 2 - Add sound to Midway games But basically it will be an end to end look at making this better. Take care
Man ive tested many times on 6 xbox and you guys have to many builds I know its not installed correctly these problems are due to bad installs or bad downloads... remember the 2 xbes are linked and the save must be rebuilt for the new version as it doesnt match the old version. I know the issue here and its a mix of builds....... I will have to stop suppling patchs as people are getting confused and missing stuff up. CoinOPS REFINED will be a while I guess and an end to end overhaul of each game and some features. I have fixed many unplayable games lately when it coes it will be a whole new install but each game rather than tested to be working will be tested to control correctly (eg I fixed Operation wolf and operation thunderbolt in the drivers... I fix hangon in the drivers)
Fixed dual monitor games to play on single monitor and 3 monitor games to play as if it was 2monitors..... a bit wirerd but best comprisimes and makes them playable on single monitor... stuff like tecmo bowl and warrior blade are alot better this way
Its dual monitor but it will be addressed and a few other dual games have been addressed now Megatech Loadrunner (the new 10meg version) both fixed in this version
ill need more info to fix that and its only of minor importance to me sorry... there must be something about the names or captisalising or something that is blocking them.... do some investigation please
mostly all... im not aware of any bugs apart from driver ones that im currently about to fix (hydra hand on etc) What didnt work is the question what do you mean scanning, if its rom limit gone...... it was just people problems asking then reasking then reasking the reasking to be blocked untill one person effects everyone, I couldnt help but except the challenge... we / you know who and what im talkeing about ( PS if he wants the source the for plat 2 ill give it to him.... as he once said its all he wanted plat 2 was perfect just needed all games, I knew it had 10s of issues and lacked lots of features from usablity, if I give him the source for plat 2 and heends up using coinops plus as the the driver I will never deal with him again... it will be his decision )
landmark the only old issue some people had was a controller in port 4 or something like that try using 1 controller in port 1 and see if the issue goes away
turn off setting add Hot games or Add classic games to Favorites. One of them is on by default. Its a quick way of Adding 70 odd All time classics to favs or 250 odd Hot games (this will also add the All time classics) Its a quick switch to add - remove a lot of games to or from the If you turn off the add to favorite options and leave colorise top and classic gmes you will see the games I tagged as Allime classics as bright green and the games games as hot as darker green. It is a quick way to move alot of big games to favs....eg move hot will transfer 250 odd games over and then you have a filtered list of alot of great games. Saves alot of time for fast selecting All Time Classics = stuff like Street Fighter 2, Defender, Pacman..... (70 odd games) Hot Games = All time classics + EspRaid Rainbow Islands.....(250 odd games) these can be colored or locked into your favs (if they are larger font you have turned them on as a fav if they are small and gold the option has moved them to favs) Good luck when you get used to it you will like the quick control for massively adding games to your favs.... for this reason I turned it on by default so you would get to see it and use it . It is also why there isnt a classic catergory now as you can just turn classics on as favs in one click....
should have read hells nfo better the EMU is not so buggy
its out any feedback welcome.... this is the most bug free version ive released with no screen tearing so games dont break up.. please report mislabled roms or mislabled manufactures... or keymap or games not operating correctly. The next version will be less front end GUI from now on and more backend perfection (eg fixing games adding games getting games with no sound to run with sound ) as the rom selection stuff works well. Any suggestions would be great though StandAlone/Patch for CoinOPS This will work as a standalone or as a patch for CoinOPS or CoinOPS 2nd Quarter This is a total new backend to give me access to legacy issues like screen tearing and access to bad drivers like champion sprint (key mapping issues sorted now). It is completely retested and remastered and tweaked allow mame to move forward and remove old issues that have been around for years. Whats New? - Fixed Screen Tearing THIS ROCKS I hated blacktiger robocop etc having screen tearing when scrolling - Fixed small wrap around bug where it didnt update the list. - Removed Rom Limit - Completely reworded the backend and altered all the menus for easy of use and clutter removal. - Tested all games from CoinOPS 2nd Quarter - Built Dats for it - Fixed SMB shares - Added sort by Manfacturer - Renamed EVERY Games name Manufacture and Year so they display neatly - Fixed Boot progress Screen info - Fixed "No good dump" and "Bad Dump" press any key to contiue errors. Install * Ok after you unrar this you will have a folder called CoinOPS+ inside that folder you will see a folder called -SAVE inside that folder is two folders called UDATA and TDATA.. Ftp over the contents of them two folders to the UDATA and TDATA on the E drive on your xbox.. For CoinOPS+ to work correctly this is required for it to boot. * Ftp all the rest of the CoinOPS+ folder to the CoinOPS folder on your xbox hd or if your using as a standalone just ftp it over to somewhere on your xbox hd. * If CoinOPS+ does nothing but sit there on a black screen the contents of UDATA and TDATA Was Not Ftp to your hard drive correctly. Note: If using as a standalone you will need to add roms to the roms folder and screenshots to the screenshot folder. (Dats included for building roms) Good Luck, Enjoy!
2player fixing isnt in current build as it needs time to settle it could complete scramble games so untill I get time to properly test it and properly look though all code relating to it.... it will be in Beta. I have a very stable build Id say with most to everything done at present. The correct way to see patchs would be a list in text or xls sampled like HYDRA hydra.c fix to make game controllable, sensitivities defaulted to 20 from 100 After Burner afterburner.cfg kemapped accell and decell to triggers so you can use these PS Example only not real and a rar file with all the fixes .I can only map 30 or so a week so not 500 of them choose wisely I guess if you have plans to do alot espec with drivers ill test those for other issues as well as the things they fix. There is so many links in mame ill have to make sure.