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Everything posted by BritneysPAIRS

  1. Can someone try command line launching using mame <game name> as the syntax behind the launch..... http://www.mameworld.net/easyemu/mameguide/mamew32setup.htm is info on command line stuff that may have been added
  2. BP is fine its the other things $BPM or whatever it is. People here generally want to help even if you think they dont want to. They want to see people work together for a greater good. Just needs to be controlled and time needs to be taken to progress things.... and the right people need to work on the right stuff. Submit any driver changes you want for control changes eg non keymap stuff like analog sensitvities and reasons why ill add them if they make sense. Also submit any keymap stuff and reason why if they make sense ill add them. If not you are free to release your own stuff its all good I just wont put my name to it. Dont expect it to all go in but if theres not a good reason why it shouldnt go in, it will go in and save me time. Its normally only about 10 percent of your stuff I had issues with and if they were readdressed it would probably be less than 5 percent.
  3. havent looked at that as yet sorry..... maybe for the next build.
  4. just change them in the game then you can test them as you go... its easiest for you. Just grab a full rom set.... then run it though CLRMAME or Romcenter to change it into the correct files... No offense but this is about level 1 out 10 stuff RX and you wish to change the world. Dats is the basis to rebuild all your roms to the current version and you should learn this first. Anyone can help you here id say the programs pretty much speak for themselves. Im gone from this thread it just a waste of time. Anyone in 10mins can create full rom set with the dats and this thread is alot of trash talk as usual. I have unlocked things I cant offer help at such a low level please ask around this is all easy stuff and Mameworld can help you with ease. I have actually coding to do sorry. If you cant work out how to add games(properly tested) and keymap from here well i cant help you, others might. Sorry RX but I have other fish to fry... its not intended to offend like it will to me its just the facts PS if you ever mention names the way you do again you will recieve absolutly no help from me and I will go out of my way to stop you on new build... that is a promise so no MBP or whatever it is or refrence to HF or fum if it happpens anywhere and I see it I will keep my word on this. This is your final warning if you want stuff in dont bite the hand that feeds you, then complain about the bite All those guys would find dats to be the basics as well RX although you might think its us being hard but it is the basics and for you to tell us whats what with questions like that makes me wonder about your knoweldge even more and also why you shouldnt release a build publically, but hey its up to you my only advice is for you to walk before you try and run it will happen just not in 5mins like you want it to. Right im out of this thread good luck everyone peeeeeaaaaaaaaccccccceeeeeeeee
  5. its allways been there and there tools to change these files on PC it will be out this week by looks
  6. add a patch sometime, rom limit is off 3rd Quarter (Will be called CoinOPS+ by looks as its a whole new engine)..... just build it from dats add screens and CFG files for keymapping
  7. sorry that info is really the basics ... its hard not offend you but this is bottom line stuff you go to months of work for stuff that is right in your face... and as I said theres 100s of these little things. I do like the quote.... ill be changing the anticlutter code a bit but no you need your own build RX as you have spent months on it it would be good to see it. If you had listened and stopped critising personal triats maybe I wouldnt find it so amusing to see you flounder but due to that I do.... im still waiting for you to prove me wrong... also its fun baiting you along at times even though im the dummy that cant spell
  8. The right way is the source..... but a keymap editor is all you need or you can just change the keys in the games and then go into CoinOPS/CFG/ folder and sort by date those files will be the last keymaps you altered. Save the whole folder it will be about 100k and anyone can use it with all your keys this is why I dont go with your build from the man himself Albert Einstein Any fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.
  9. there is only one limit and its amount of games and only imposed after constant harrasment so I didnt see a cluttered mess, everything else could be added or changed...they are all in xmls including keymapping. also the reason I lock it down for you is I dont want to see buggy source.... the way you are doing 2play swap code makes it really hard to revert back, or to add new drivers in or change them. It also effects new screen tearing code and new screen filters all use the rotation code so for now its best I just fix the stuff and when its ready it will go in. I have complete control over the source now not just the backend. Also Dats will be included so anyone can build a proper list of games quickly without testing to save the old school issues we had on day one
  10. they allways could add them themselves...... I never removed one single driver so people can choose to add whatever they want Only added a rom limit in last build which im 50/50 wether to leave this in... we will see
  11. OK -fixed After Burner 2 for better keymap -All midway games robotron defender jouste etc so advance and service mode and highscore clear are no longer mapped. -Rempaed all NBA Jams for a pass, b shoot, x (or left or right tigger) turbo -Fixed small wrapp around bug where it didnt update the list. - Completely reworded the backend and altered all the menus for easy of use and clutter removal. - Tested all games from CoinOPS 2nd Quarter - Built Dats for it - Fixed SMB shares - Fixed Screen Tearing THIS ROCKS I hated blacktiger robocop etc having screen tearing when scrolling - Added sort by Manfacturer -Renamed EVERY Games name Manufacture and Year so they display neatly - Fixed Boot progress Screen info - Fixed "No good dump" and "Bad Dump" press any key to contiue errors. - Support Added a 1/2 player swap code in Beta ill test it later. - Support Added New Commandline code in Beta ill test it later. Plus other stuff I cant remeber im sure. But its pretty much done
  12. Its currently in Beta......... havent really looked at it as no ones asked for it. Fixed alot of other issues in last day or so. Continue with your project its all good You told me you could code by the way. I have added in the stuff you asked for just its better I add it no offense as it takes forever to explain. As you say months hacking every rom vs 10mins to put a switch in it change the behavor of every rom. its not turning on you its just me doing my project you doing yours..... I offered a hand a few weeks ago and you turned it down. Now I am nearly ready with the rewrite of CoinOps and also talking with Kenshiro about adding new games like Powerdrift and Galaxy force and also a complete new GUI for FBA so im busy as...even though you say im not and spend to much time here and not enough coding. I have just finished testing 2000 roms for the new Backend of CoinOPS
  13. Yip doing that it was an old keymapping issue to pass the first screen on first boot... I mapped a key to do it now ive overcome this I need to unmap the key will effect defender stargate joust etc as well if you press randomly on buttons till you find the service mode button
  14. OK its a keymapping issue thats easy to sort. Ill fix NBA jams and these 3 games keys before release was there any others?
  15. I will soon try and help out on this project..... mainly skining and GUI as kenshiro is doing a great job adding in new games... Ive had a play with power drift and it was rocking along very well. Peace
  16. no ones really helped me with commandline code its in.... Its sort of working but need a few hours of someone that knows how to test and is working with me to perfect it. Ive fixed the SMB also there isnt any issues with robotron I got to level 30-40 no issues at all
  17. all is fixed msn me cospefogo for a beta you can extensively test it before release if you wish
  18. yes..... just testing what HK users want really then a full version
  19. Cores updated now.... stuff done New Dats (Allowing complete backend editing now not just rom launcher editing) Fixed Screen Tearing Renamed every game not just the ones I choose Renamed all Manufactures Added Sort by Manufacture Reorged the cheats and other menus Fixed APB Fixed Championsprint Fixed Supersprint Fixed Megatech games (Sonic Hedgehog 1 and 2) Fixed Loadrunner dual screen newer versions to be 1 screen Fixed a few issues Tided up more wording Stand alone BETA is avaible really soon to see what HK$ users want. Then a rebuild to CoinOPS 3rd Quarter which will further tidy up all the stuff I have wanted to for ages but was to lasy (Screen Tearing was the one that bugged me the most, but it needed the 10-20hours work to fix it)
  20. I currently have a build sitting on PC that has issues sorted some keymapping sorted etc ... I can release this if people want. But I have decided to scrap all the code of CoinOPS and 3rd quarter will include a whole new dat I wish now to support people better, and this will allow me to look at autofire options, ive allready fixed screen tearing. I can fix games better add new ones and do stuff like change the keys to get out of games Its about 30hours work so, it will be in Beta in 2 weeks but will allow for so much better bug fixing instead of cheap hack patchs to the main core. So soon ill support Front end and back end stuff.
  21. as ive found the key to Screen Tearing and want to patch it into my build and not just the stand alone
  22. Autofire cant go in this build sorry.... Probably the one after. Anyone else want to see 50/1090 display to see were you are on the list? Syvalion tagged as non working sorry cant find out how to map it
  23. OK making some keymapping changes tommorrow..... pplus a few more bugs ironed out .... any more games to look at or any more games without sound to add? Ive worked a way of forced removal of games so hang on and hydra are being axed unless someone complains as they cant be controlled.... Also any settings people want back or new ones?
  24. sounds like his fat table is screwed eg he went over 250gig on a partion and it wasnt formated with 32k clusters
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