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Everything posted by BritneysPAIRS

  1. OK its time for a new thread remember this and I can post facts to prove this I didnt want rx banned and stated to gamecop that freedom of speach im all for, but the new thread must be clean and I dont want to have to lobby to be like the old Russia and kill the problem... I am not to sure why one must listen to so much for so long about stuff they think they know when they are not a mod staff or anything but a new to the site preaching about what they think is happening.
  2. rubbish I can lock it to to a serial/HDD/Macadress/Versionnumber one or all of those etc no worries V4 allready does this and I havent seen it publically ever if so it just wouldnt work for anyone. I can just get that info and lock it into each xbe I allready do this on V4 and made the mistake of not doing this last time, a copy leaked that had issues about 2 days before testing finished and I still see the issues popup even though in the final they were gone. I could also put in if serial was wrong flash 0s to the bios , flash 0s to the eeprom data, format C E F G X Y Z so it wont even boot just to piss off idots so unless you really know what your doing you wont even be able to recover your xbox. I dont want to do this stuff but its one or 2 people like you that put the flag to the bull and ask for it and say you cant stop me. And then blame me if I put this stuff in even though you keep asking me to get to this level of behavour. All this does is make me want to lock it down to this level, I unlocked the save and adding roms last time as it this behavour seemed to have died down now I have to lock it down to my trial level so it runs on one xbox only and people would have to ask for keys for there mates xboxfor it to work.
  3. I made plain and simple warnings many times, infact the first conversation I did, about misinformation general bugging me and I would go private again if this was the case, im not even going to defend that or wether its right or wrong but for sure it is the facts... you can say what you want I remember what went down and the reasons why I said alot of stuff. You tried me in every way so now on you have your own projects and ill conduct mine in private also it has an advantage where I dont have to talk to people so I wont have to work on it, its a win win So I am who I am you dont want to agree with that so we cant work together due to personal differences, others seem to want to work in my direction no worries so they can join me and we can part ways.... I have no worries about you or your goals and do wish you the best (to achieve the result you will probably need some designers and developers and I hope you do). Its just best for me and a few solo fans that I help them out and offer them my personal builds so I can live in peace somewhat, I left xb for this reason and everyone was happy to say plat was crap there, I continued and most private friends said this is way better so I released it away from xs and joined here. Now I see its all over there and even more misinformation and alias the same stuff after 2 years has joined me here so we are deemed to repeat the past.... why fight anymore everyones had there say its clear there is a devide so it makes sense just to devide and run with that, I cant agree with your ways im sorry and it is the reason I left xs and mamedox years ago...I have thought about it for years more than most people who fire from the hip on forums and never has it changed. Its that simple its been that simple for years I can live with it, it wont slow me or change me in any way rx I am working towards my goals with or without any of you guys and if your along for the ride I guess all good if not well thats al good as well everyones unique, and times ive seen some great stuff that reinspires me and even alters my goals. I AM SICK TO DEATH of explaining stuff it is what it is and has been for years I am not defending myself personally anymore so get over it ive heard this for years and years and still im around and want to finish my vision and its never really drifted to far. Fam .... What do you think of the new working title for my build next week ill redesign the GUI for a new look, this will help stop confusion id say. Also PM me with the settings you would really require to keep I need to know this for V1
  4. Sorry Fam dont bother with a new thread I wont be returning to it. Its 90percent uploaded now ill finish it off soon and offer it to a few people privatly Ive sent out to a few invites to people and ill do a few more after I go away for a day or 2 mountain biking. I will be able to fast set it up to your exact preferences then. The days of discussing this for me are over its been a month or 2 and really just got back to sqaure one, apart from gathering personal preferences on who walks in my direction and who should be doing there own projects. Some people just want to harras and in the end I knew from when I said id take it private that it was a likely it would end that way...even after many warning and trying to be clear about it nothing stopped and even got worse, but everyone got there say. So as I say people can debate my motives or about me or whatever, really only I know them and others no matter how much they seem to be experts are guessing.
  5. Source was supplied but sadly all things come to an end . I thought I had run far enough from this behavour and was safe here, it was to good to be true I guess and I wish to train for my mountain biking race now. So its time to just do stuff for myself and help friends along the way, and to leave the pubic debate with you guys. Best of luck I have listened to all of this stuff, it all points to where I must direct my future. Take care BS or BP
  6. I agree im actually tinker with the GUI of FBA now a bit, you can teach RX no worries I have no issues with that this has long since got personal and has been personally insulting me so why would I be nice as you have stated. I have actually been nice to him with multiple requests for weeks from people to ban him... alot of long term premium members. The source is small its handed over what more do you want me to do with someone that just had his own agender all along is personally insulting and expects me to help him hand over everything and turn it into something that i have for years personally steered away from.
  7. what has been logged about you, does one have the right to remain private when one gives stuff out so easily...
  8. I wonder if you like your name....ill ask thraxen..... say your good byes guys to rx he broke the rules and I might just talk to some others I wonder if he likes his handle.
  9. The time is getting close id say its time to do the cut cut im boring of all this stuff. Your right your a legend you run rings around people. You called me out I know, I talk rubbish, I havent done anything and dont really know what im doing I guess, and I fumble my way around and generally bug people...and this is the reason why we must say bye bye cause we cant get the seroius stuff done on amateurs night. Ill start the new tread tommorrow night it will stay on track RX, one wrong tread and it is the axe...keep posting on this one I dont care just stay away with your keeping it real crap I have warned you and it is the last time, dont take them seriously I could care one way or another you dont need rules its just common sense.
  10. its been done for weeks and you amuse me I havent coded in weeks this is far more interesting. Im buying time as I know when I move to a proper thread im going to have to axe you..... it actually make me sad your quite a human oddity...rare breed
  11. what a sad sad man. Sorry dude PS I worked with gogo on KIXXX Bendermike HK and ebsay on Mamedox, XBMC with tonnes of people DVD2xbox with wiso and you say I dont help or teach people do your research each of these had something to offer and you do its just not your skills, so why bother teachin you.
  12. Your just a cock and you benifit from being a cock life aint fair I guess. Maybe someone should punish you duplicate post from xs : I would bet with comments like that your not a very big man. Would be fun to get on the piss together id say... if your coding skill are anything like your life I feel very sorry for you my friend and also you are such a sore bitter newbee wanting to put the boot in personally when both of us know your a total newbee you can try and hide it all you want, but we both know. You are probably the sadest person ive seen here and in truth I actually feel a bit sorry for you. Call me names if it makes you feel like you have skills and like a man, we both know the truth dont we.
  13. I actually own my own house and hope it tubes as I want another, but good luck RX, I did it myself because I had done it myself in 4 odd days, ages ago.... it was only you holding it up. Or did you want me to talk to you about it even though it was done. As stated people want it, not to ramble on about it like you want to.
  14. time frame is soon like weekendish soon hopefully but say a week at most id say.
  15. im sorry RX your a complete newbe...not far off you a simple search in text for the name or key would have found all those files...and due to that im totally ignoring you and your work no offense I gave you more give than I should have really you push me in ways I dont want to go and continue to and arnt really working with me. You are at the simple end at the moment it will get alot harder soon for you.... you will actually need to learn real mame skills not just renaming but recoding. I only taught you renaming cause in reality its your level pretty much. Dont ask any more questions. Mameox to Mamedox was written in total in a week you have spent a month just trying to work out how to rename a rom or change a key and that is at the bottom level. As I say you can just search for the text and rename that. From now on im totally ignoring RX if you want to know why just read the comments. Its not parlor tricks at all alot is actually coding..... with palor tricks you are only going to have BAED and for newbe sake just look at the calls, its all written in plain english in the Cpp files.... and can even be looked how it links in the project solution its bottom level coding if you cant work it out mamedox 1.1 source is synced for you across all files so you dont have to learn how to read code or put in party tricks.
  16. class files are unmatched plus need to be assigned to skin.ini skin H and Cpp and to cat H and CPP files then skin.ini and cat.xml must match the calls RX is Voting for B by looks
  17. Im sorry rx but id bet if you put it to a vote people would rather I do stuff and release it vs teaching you and letting you do your stuff its no offense but people should be more pissed as you really are getting in the way of progress and eating half the dev time I have Vote A ) Let me develop Arcades in peace Vote B ) slow develop and teach RX the basics of mame new thread more on the actually subject tommorrow (wasning for anythone time wasting off the subject will result in warnings) anything about the actaully release is no worries
  18. you are totally looking in the wrong area again I dont want to teach you how to develop I could fix it in 2 secs but I have allready done this..... it has to do with source vs other files fixing one will not fix it both must be synced. Like everything in mame any files arnt matched you will get errors. There are alot of other skin issues you have with that build right now if you look closer alot.... they will need to be fixed as well please dont ask me what they are I have fixed them and why do I have to do it all again for you all the time when its done and done years ago
  19. the skin wont work with the build your running sorry lots will be messed up id say.....maybe not id I would bet it probably is. Sort by cat is gone because the files arent synced Sorry RX your build questions take way to much time.... I wish all the best with your build but I must get work done here and my interests dont really lye in teaching you developement work there is still alot of things you havent fixed that are fixed in arcades (at least 50 different things that needed fixing for certain stuff) and your build to me as I say im not interested in, if I was it would have been done by now. I have an hour or so a day to do this cause although you say I havent got a life....well you are just saying stuff that you really know little about or should I take your word for it.
  20. 24 hours time or so ill release a new thread. It will be alot tighter than this one (hint RX) with pics, no getting off the subject with the new thread or it will be cut as yes I need to get the build up and pin down a new direction of things...you will understand soon. Basically it will be a total new disc....it is being built with a new feature of version controls (each new patch can be installed and wont need any patch before it eg if you get version 10 patch you wont need all the other 9 they will all beincluded in 10) each patch from now on can be less than 20megs id say and will be mainly bug fixs, skin tweaks and UI tweaks as the roms are starting to get bloated now. So you will need a new disc (maybe a new title but penciled in Arcades Plus at moment) the standard disc should rock and patchs only for die hards...but I am including patch tech for me to easily produce patchs that dont rely on getting all of them in sequence to work. Sorry the release will be large but its a major overhaul of the rom package and also because of so many past builds I dont want them mixing up...so it will probably get a new save as well and a new folder so the 2 can run side by side if you wish although I dont know why you would do this.
  21. no other issues at all. Just out of sync with arcades
  22. it wont work with arcades...but will do with any build you make no worries...
  23. you are fine there... the way you are doing things are correct it will of course unsync the builds but this is the correct way to do things
  24. cool you just killed some other stuff but it will work as said
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