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Everything posted by BritneysPAIRS

  1. Ok the process of transfer is starting any unorthorised grabing of stuff will be punished its only a few days I dont want what happened last time so ill be keeping my eyes open I dont want to have to lock it down
  2. So busy today will look at it tommorrow night
  3. It will have to be a full new DVD as its massively changed
  4. Havent worked on it for weeks.. new PC and all but really because it was done ages ago really. I removed lightgun full support as it suxed also the midway games I hated playing with no sound so im not to sure if its a good idea to alow them to play but disable the sound. I guess I could release it now. Who out there wants to release a build..... and I guess any good ideas for features?
  5. i allready know why you have this issue.... just go back to full arcades and remove the debug stuff. I would say I wouldnt get you to help e with the source as you are far off working that out i would say also MSN is the best way to do this and I need to know if you are going to reupload this. As arcades plus could be released really soon (will need a full disc again as so many changes its impossible to patch really). A patch can follow in a week or 2 for extra games... I have locked down arcades roms for me so the patches will be small and GUI stuff only.
  6. im running vista on this PC now its giving me a few issues... and my other machine is formated. Ill be trying to get a dev machine tonight. Then ill get back to you
  7. thats what everyone is waiting for
  8. nope havent thought about it really but dont want a clutter of colors and options... it will have to be logical. Like way old school
  9. yes I allready added bendermikes fixes...but after testing it dont work on modern TVs so I dont want to add the Folder for Lightguns and color them green as I did add. Alot of features I add like "BLUE" while it is being held displayed showed details of the rom, are removed later due to it only really cluttering. Another on is press left it jumped C B A Z or press right it jumped A B C D or 1989 1990 etc depending on sort mode as it just got confusing. Alot of good ideas ive had I added to later kill as they make it more cluttered for the little they add.
  10. about 50/50 if it needs source alteration I do it...if not I tweak the features that are availble now. Which there are many unused or badly used features that can be massaged to better suit. Also Light gun support is a dream....its so buggy there are so many ways that need supporting now... 100hz 60hz 50hz 30hz 25hz 1080p 1080i 1720p 720i 480i 480p 4x3 plasma projector LCD CRT and more than that so I am cancelling support for this... ill add the fixes but no way im adding a section it will lead to way more questions than answers
  11. http://forums.xbox-scene.com/lofiversion/i...php/t73791.html old history of this stuff I could of course reinvent the wheel but why when I have 5 odd sections (1 used for favs now) that I can color and filter very easily. And once setup is can be adpted with ease from an xml
  12. no worries its all pretty much done anyways.... from 2-3 years ago ROMSTATUS.XML: This release of MAMEoX adds preliminary support for an input file from our upcoming ROM status reporting tool. This file will allow MAMEoX to automatically hide ROMs that have been reported as broken. To use the file, you'll eventually download it from the reporting tool, and place it in the GENERAL subdirectory of your MAMEoX directory. For anybody who wants to try out the functionality, we're providing a simple example file: <Roms> <Rom name="005" version="?"> <Status>Working</Status> <Statusnumber>1</Statusnumber> </Rom> <Rom name="1942" version="?"> <Status>Slow/Frameskip</Status> <Statusnumber>2</Statusnumber> </Rom> <Rom name="1941j" version="?"> <Status>Crash in game</Status> <Statusnumber>3</Statusnumber> </Rom> <Rom name="1943" version="?"> <Status>Out of memory</Status> <Statusnumber>4</Statusnumber> </Rom> <Rom name="1942a" version="?"> <Status>Other nonworking</Status> <Statusnumber>5</Statusnumber> </Rom> </Roms> The name="" attribute must be set to the name of the zip file of the ROM, not to the description (don't worry, the reporting tool will make this _much_ easier to figure it out). version="" is currently ignored, you don't even have to include it. The <Status></Status> tag is also ignored, it's just there to make the file more readable. The <Statusnumber> tag is read, the valid values are: 1 - ROM works 2 - ROM works, but has framerate problems 3 - The ROM crashes 4 - The ROM prints an "Out of Memory" message and quits 5 - The ROM doesn't work, but no more info is available Please be aware that this is only preliminary support, so it's likely very easy to crash MAMEoX with typos. If you have problems after adding a ROMSTATUS.XML file to the GENERAL directory, please post your file as a bug so that we can check it out and try to make the system more robust! (You should also move it from the GENERAL directory so your copy of MAMEoX works again ) all that has to be done is rename one of the status " even by hex editing" setup romstatus.xml and set each status of each game I could code it but this feature has never been used and is also in the skin engine " eg non work can be colored" non working could be called retro and could be set to grey if not a favorite and turned on/off with little work....
  13. I pretty much new this stuff from the start due to your knowledge to start with.....I know it sounds bad but I knew it was not going to be as easy you thought from the position you were in... but some people need to learn for themselves. I am not and have never been opposed to what you want in. It was just that you have alot of errors and I wont support that you believe you dont have errors and want anwers to all the errors instantly and also want me to tread lightly... im sorry I just want to do the big bits fast and to sort out the rest one step at a time. I have been told of many many bugs and dont take it personally everyone makes errors and generally if it isnt an error no one comments. If you didnt take stuff so seriously and get pissed all the time and listen to advice then maybe you would have achieved your goal you think im the bad man for disallowing you when you are breaking into my project and telling me alot of stuff, I know your passion and would have worked with you but you must listen as I have shown you, your along way off understanding mame and your passion actually hinders you. In time if you were more patience I know you have what it takes to make a difference Also you say im bad but you actually get personal about posts not about the stuff that counts the project... I just proved a point which I dont really like doing but with you I had to do this. You actually launched arcades forward but then killed the passion getting personal and blamed me for all the issues when Ive worked for years to make myself happy and tried to spread the love. So I offer you a my hand and say I can work with you but you must work to the rules as stated as its the only way that will benifit everyone cause your method I would say will benfit some but hinder alot. And my dream for arcades is to not let the tail wag the dog.
  14. everything you need is supplied and even more so the features you want are allready done and in and have been for years...... just not used sorry as I said quite a while ago you should have listened really, in 2mins I would have expained how to do this but you dont need help. Start from mamedox 1.1 it doesnt have alot of the files you are wanting in there, its mostly in your lack of understanding that is slowing you down and I knew then and still know alot of the answers to puzzles that you will face with any of the sources. But sure I welcome you to redo everything from scratch again and better and supply the source openly even though its been done it wasnt really done with that much passion and I guess could have been written better supply the patch and ill remove the old code and update it.
  15. arcades is alot of differences than the source..... alot you need to understand alot of support files CRC editing dats etc ... basically the underlying engine of mame
  16. you are only at the tip of the iceburg there is FAR MORE THAN THE SOURCE changed as stated many times but good luck its a steep curve for you from now on.... also once you like the source every game will have to be retested this takes the longest of the time for me...to make sure nothing is effected, this is carried out before each release
  17. thought you wanted the keymapping and sectioning code thats all handed over now. Launcher code wasnt supplied as not needed everything else was
  18. all the solutions might not be in the source...... I change alot more than the source to get it to arcades level and all must work together seamlessly
  19. ive never removed sort by genre ever.... I only reordered sort methods and removed some like parent PS I will be back onto this project soon properly at the moment im setting up a new machine.... then ill have time for a proper look at this again on a shiny new machine
  20. as I say I allready know alot of bugs you will introduce I hope they dont make it in... also know of 100 plus games you havent including in your list that are of better quality than the ones you are adding but just putting them in and seeing if they work is only a 50percent test really. But good luck my only concern is future builds ill have to lock this stuff out as I dont want to put my name to it and I only hope my name doesnt get associated sorry but I truely hope it isnt... PS ive seen your cat list and buggy game list and I dont trust what xbox scene people say at all really..... so im sorry I wont look at it as I havent with HK$ build (loaded for the first time a few weeks ago to see raiden jet) and BAED and Bender build its no offense I konw there ideas are closer to yours and arnt my idea of good direction, Ive also seen these come and go even though people on XS loved these and told me they are way better. I didnt really listen to that just left and continued elsewhere as it was plain to me that they arnt really the people I should listen to. This was proven again when I returned and not in a small way Id say apart from old schoolers nearly everyone there made me feel stronger that I shouldnt listen to anyone there. The stuff they tell me are facts are laughable to people with knoweldge and they feel so strongly its true I cant fight that and in truth dont want to. So in no way do I want to support or talk to them as feel they are talking with facts and I dont even know where these facts are coming from or why they believe such stuff all I can think is I totally have no idea what im doing or they are delusional there is no other explaination for this type of behavour. But hey XS is for you my friend good luck its like someone telling elvis on a forum hes black and many supporting the decision he is and saying they know 100percent for sure he is. Should he believe them what do you think?
  21. you wont even if you achieve what you want ill never look at it as its what I turned away from years ago, no offense it holds no interest for me I could add a full working rom list in a few hours as BAED allready has every rom tested. If you had been heading in a direction I was interested in id say it would have been organised with a bit of help and in by now.
  22. not mad at all.... just dissapointed that I wasnt proven wrong I have no monopoly on this at all and want real help for sure. I dont hold my breath for you.... the mod was all pretty much done in a few days id say you would have known about the time I finished it (eg the time I told you what was added and what wasnt). Just takes time to sync it to arcards as I dont even have that build so ill have to work with someone to release it. Ive been working on different stuff and its all done now took about 20 hours of testing which suxed so might finish it up this week and see if someone can release it. Forgive me for not helping you but I saw you had a vision diff from me and offer you the same help I gave to BAED and would have to HK$ except his coding is better than mine so he didnt need it. But I became aware of the fact that you wouldnt really listen and would blame me for not listening when clearly one person was a bit more experienced than another even if people thought that wasnt true... Ill put my word on it that im more experienced than you and would like to be proven wrong but find it hard to fight about stuff that people say is one way and are supported at saying it when I know 100percent they are all wrong... and hence why I left people I believe are newbees on other forums to spread misinformation etc and got proven that I shouldnt have gone back yet again (this dissapoints me the most really)
  23. id say theres alot less action myself. I have been waiting for you to do the stuff you promised so I dont have to be proven right. (as I say I cant be that arsed releasing this stuff with people that tell stories and say production has stopped because of people like me, and programming is easy and I dont need any help ive got it all sorted just means I cant be arsed and leave it to people that I know are wrong but dont like to be told....in truth im boardering on just doing my own builds and releasing stuff to a select few) I havent forgotten about acardes but have finished up v4 and all testing...some small issues I sorted out that I will sort in arcades too, as they parrallel in alot of places.... Light Gun support allthough ive added the fixes from bendermike still has so many issues so im removing support but leaving in the fixes
  24. means im not in any hurry...... ill get around to it but still requires work to sync the builds, just taking my time thats all
  25. everything is non public as stated due to lack of support..... testing and adapting it at times still as always though
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