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Everything posted by BritneysPAIRS

  1. 50 games will be allowed to be added only
  2. havent done as yet prob will do before release will be Mortal Komats all NBA jam a few Narc Rampage World tours
  3. easy fix I wont be supporting it with roms Im looking at sections at the moment maybe a turn on/off each cat 1v1 Fighters, Shooters ETC and color each of them.....but ill see if it works and doesnt clutter it if it does it will be cut
  4. OK list of changes so far with basic upgrade not 720p version 1 ) 280games added 2 ) Fixed lightgun support 3 ) added an on off Section for lightgun and a folder to put in lightgun roms (green highlighed items at present) 4 ) fixed 80 or so keymapping issues 5 ) added proper support for TMNT and Simpsons as 2 player standalone versions they are no longer clones 5 ) New setting system in place 6 ) A few games tweaked for speed 7 ) A few clones merged into one game 8 ) A new CLASSICS Catagory 9 ) Command line launching (for xbmc / ux ) 10 ) Rom limit to avoid clutter 11 ) New Save and system required to ensure all files are correctly synced (wont work without it) 12 ) New Name and skin update 13 ) Some new options like remove splash screen even though most options are killed 14 ) Fix faults in settings that returns all keymaps and settings and rom selects favs etc back to defaults BETA will be private and more to come and maybe remove some its allways in a state of flux
  5. I hope it doesnt get confused with Arcades (it may give people the wrong idea) I can also see a few issues with letting RX post a patch that he doesnt know about yet but time will tell
  6. about a 10sec job to do transfer the keymaps over from arcades to baed that ive done well less than 1minute anway
  7. Sorry RX I didnt mean to hurt your feelings...we can all have a laugh though thats the main thing. You didnt read my hints about you very well though and as the pics show im so far ahead of where you are I think it maybe a step back to deal with keymapping of rubbish games, just my opion again go and make your patch with all the keymapping errors and whatever or work out that source. By the way as much as I insult you...if you look closely maybe its reflecting a mirror just something to consider. I should spend my time better and redo the keymapping for these instead of the doing stuff in the previous screenshots and got RX to help me but I have stupid ideas and cant be pulled to better projects even when i see stuff like this (the reason I split from BAED etc in the first place)
  8. you really think things have stopped you are amusing..... maybe I need a bit of time and you help me out by being the way you are ... I think it maybe further along than you think and maybe there was a reason greater than just because I didn't like it that I was heading in a direction maybe there was stuff happening and already happened...also BAED already has every rom Maybe that is just me being silly though you are a revolutionary man with inspiring vision you would have actually been allowed to patch in if you had listened. Don't bite the hand that feeds you... bad boy
  9. you havent slowed me down one bit...... just cant be arsed giving it to people like you. Im using it and so are people I know. I didnt read your post sorry someone reported it to me second hand im sure its all in good humor. But I still want to see you do something you have promised alot and nows the time to deliver the goods I will release stuff right after you does anyone know how to capture video V4 is nearly ready and is xmbc plus arcades in the same package and can run as a dash(it bloats arcades by about 400megs) you can turn off/on any section eg movies tv shows music pictures games arcades...I might show it off a little PS me using it as a dash/xbmc not playing mame at the moment
  10. it may never go public if people like RX are around saying im a ball licker
  11. sorry its internal only at the moment... that guy will help you out hes over at XBscene you dont mind bugs I hope also tonnes of rubbish and none of the new features or keymap / bug fixes. Fam I see you are a premium member ill start a thread in the premium place soon. Arcades plus running with videos as previews at 720p in xbmc
  12. Ill be releasing builds internally from now you can go visit RX guy for help..... unless hes told where to go please no more PMs just message him.
  13. I missed those last roms now you have 24Hours to ask for new roms then this thread is dead and ill be asking about features and deciding on end roms list that sample list as 97.5 percent of whats in it
  14. yeah ummm ok ill add SFZ2A but just. Ill look at the other SF the movie also works but ummm its so bad
  15. Ok RX list is mostly right, some are wrong like Daraku Tenshi - The Fallen Angels - Doesn't work does actualy work with a tweak, its a little slow and id say later into it will run to glitchy, a few others there work that are listed as not working by RX, ill test them out but if I liked them I would have added them. You can allways add them later on
  16. sorry missed the list but ive added the ones that look and work ok I think ill revisist it a little but only a little as ive started a new project. What is in street fighter zero 2 alpha please I looked at it and I cant see any diffs just quickly and its not as good as street fighter alpha 3...let me know if I see apoint ill add it tonight and that other game mentioned ive added the spinny vector one
  17. also source for commandline someone asked for if( ret != ERROR_SUCCESS || g_launchDataType != LDT_TITLE || mameoxLaunchData->m_command == LAUNCH_RUN_AS_IF_REBOOTED ) { if (g_launchDataType == LDT_FROM_DEBUGGER_CMDLINE) { const char* temp = ((PLD_FROM_DEBUGGER_CMDLINE) (&g_launchData))->szCmdLine; if (strlen(temp)) strncpy(szCmdLine, temp, 255); and there will be restrictions in new arcades to stop clutter so soon you will have to split away from arcades to another build
  18. I know RX missed alot of games ill look though some I have a full list of working roms (eg thunderblade isnt supported)
  19. you can add any game you want now..... just add it and click start and choose scan for new roms. You have 2 more days for rom choices and even the shots of the choices. Ill look at that one if its ok ill add if its rubbish you will have to add it
  20. TMNT and Simpsons are now 2 player versions so you can choose your characters. TMNT 2 (2player) isnt supported in MamedOX sorry
  21. ok sorry but rx threw the game totally off. Screenshots of all but current games (missing real ghostbusters and armed formation) is here please look you have one day to grab them http://www.thraxen.com/BritneysPAIRS/screenshots.rar rejected games for clutter mostly, please comment a little if you want, not to much though http://www.thraxen.com/BritneysPAIRS/rejects.rar date of release well I have to add security to make sure clutter doesnt happen but still allow rom load... id like to redo settings so people need to tell me setting they want to keep or they may find them most gone. plus I need to finalise the rom list...so you will need to comment soon or ill lokc it into stone and carry it out. Then ill need someone to sync the builds and release it. I would release a beta but last time beta was released and had a couple of issues like mainevent didnt work correctly but it got out as the proper release even though beta only lasted 10days. If I trust someone for sure ill give them the beta but wont the betas out its real close to going live and that will be up to someone else to release it as I dont release builds just give them files they need and the help to release it. Cheers PS not all but 80-90percent of games ive added http://www.thraxen.com/BritneysPAIRS/alotofthechanges.rar
  22. id say this thread is dead but what was asked is done now 1 issue with widescreen thats small and cant be arsed sorting it at the moment....... as ill be adding a few features people asked for while testing probably this week id guess
  23. Autofire wont make it into the next build but will after this one. Im just waiting on RX to do something more out of interest than anything, arcades plus has been done for a bout 4 days now.....fumanchu I gave him the source he asked for because he has little to no knoweldge i really just fecking with him, he has no idea how big a thing it will be to do what he wants to do with his knoweldge.
  24. keep an eye here and comment to him Rx has some good stuff coming soon http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?sho...7770&st=135 he has the source for what he wants.........
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