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Everything posted by BritneysPAIRS

  1. you dont need the default.xbe from the game save folder it just allows you to scan. Just copy everything over the old build and then copy over the tdata and udata to your e drive (overwrite old saves)
  2. test build is still up as posted.... ill be doing a full test this weekend
  3. no just overwrite it
  4. you need to copy the save over you also have the rom names but some needed to modified to run correctly...ill upload the whole thing soon please let me know about bugs or anything... to go back to mamed plat 2 just load the lock again it will go back to plat 2 build
  5. http://www.thraxen.com/BritneysPAIRS/test.rar doesnt have the roms but ill upload them soon.... shouldnt be any errors
  6. cheers.... i could upload a demo of it no worries its all done bar new features. I also included a default.xbe that allows you to scan new roms and meta info
  7. http://www.thraxen.com/BritneysPAIRS/roms.txt http://www.thraxen.com/BritneysPAIRS/justdone.txt
  8. I added 85 or so roms and did all the work needed.... I am currently looking for my source code and can only find my launcher code not the drive sources this is an issue to put stuff in like new drivers and autofire and diff keys to shutdown a game as ill have to use a new driver set (this would mean a tonne of rom rechanges) So please give me launcher suggestions at the moment ill look and answer what my thoughts are. Remeber its being made for arcade machines and grandkids to be able to use it...not massive features just simple easy to use roms selection. Also ill be printing a list of current roms ill need someone to compair the changes eg added and deleted, wont be many deleted and in truth you wont have to delete them they just wont show any more but id like to know where I stand as plat 2 was along time ago. And lastly if someone wants a new rom please test in HK build as I think I got alot myself and make sure they are good games like p47aces as this part is over unless people can suggest good working roms Cheers
  9. COTTON; COTTON 2. crackdown All unplayable unless you can find a version that works hot rod is uncontrolable but will work it has 2 dials and 1 accellerator suggest workable keys and ill add it. Also id love to get some of the coders onboard as im kind of a basic coder very basic add remove buttons redo GUI type of stuff. Get some on board and ill work with them for sure Cheers
  10. id like to add both of these but currently cant get them running... is it possible for you to get them running in HK or Mamedox builds if so let me know the exact set that works please Cheers Right now it stands at 85 titles added 3 duplicats deleted and a few rom changes eg Winterbobble changed to snow bros for consistancy
  11. features come next... any sources to hk build will help with that stuff. Also you have about 12 hours to add the roms you want before I lock that part down pretty much
  12. tested again both sonic hedgehog 2 megaplay and Loadrunner the dig fight ver B have 2 screens
  13. nope strret fighter alpha uper would be great but protection is to great on niomi. OK so raiden 2 2000 is the only real runner. Do you know how to remove the top info screens from megaplay games or playerchoice games its stopping quite a few games going in...it just looks wrong
  14. ill look into this for sure (does raiden fighter2 2000) run on a standard 64meg xbox and do any other of the raiden 2 series run and in what state eg no sound I can still add but bad graphics or 2 choppy I wont. whats is diff about that street fighter as Alpha3 for me is king also ganryu is allready present
  15. ill look into if its worth it like what games..some are easy and some are hard and some id like in like power drift just wont run fast enough PS id love to add sonic hedgehog 2 megaplay but it has a silly screen at the top of it is there anyway to remove this screen? also id like to add Loadrunner vers 2 the phyko 10meg one but it has 2 screens on it if you can find a way to remove this stuff ill add more games as well
  16. tattoo assasins suxs ive added quite a few more you have 1.5 days for new roms or ill lock them down. New features are next disucssion ill add a setting to make it Back plus Black if you want to quit a game
  17. nearly all yes I might kill any issued games or duplicates but otherwise all of them
  18. sure you have till end of weekend to add new titles
  19. black dragon is there
  20. ill be checking adding new games in about 24 hours guys and post some results let me know
  21. any more games please get them going in MAMEDox first and let me know..... if your unsure If your kind of think they will work let me know some more.
  22. added these roms rest didnt work well enough at the moment.... if you test one on mamedox let me know.
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