I added 85 or so roms and did all the work needed.... I am currently looking for my source code and can only find my launcher code not the drive sources this is an issue to put stuff in like new drivers and autofire and diff keys to shutdown a game as ill have to use a new driver set (this would mean a tonne of rom rechanges) So please give me launcher suggestions at the moment ill look and answer what my thoughts are. Remeber its being made for arcade machines and grandkids to be able to use it...not massive features just simple easy to use roms selection. Also ill be printing a list of current roms ill need someone to compair the changes eg added and deleted, wont be many deleted and in truth you wont have to delete them they just wont show any more but id like to know where I stand as plat 2 was along time ago. And lastly if someone wants a new rom please test in HK build as I think I got alot myself and make sure they are good games like p47aces as this part is over unless people can suggest good working roms Cheers