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Everything posted by BritneysPAIRS

  1. sure thing as it is MAMEdOX core
  2. Overlay is allread availble ive only added one or 2 cause the rest are ugly but the folder and feature is enabled EXAMPLE
  3. keys work like org just gone from skin.... yes many advanced option keys arnt shown.. eg pause to get to cheats and the anolog triggers fast scroll to games I would think instructions on side of cab are the way to go or a manual as before so many keys seemed to just confuse people. I am thinking of putting in 3 launchers. 1 is like it is now 2 has start removed for cab 3 has all inc rom adding and deleting you could use full to set it up then change it to 2 and no one can change setup. Anyway ideas and talking is what is needed... this stuff takes 1 minute to change now that all keys, names, cheats, favs and all other things are in place, its simply what should be enabled / disabled for people so its as simple as poss and fits the core things they want it for PS could make option of a skin with all written and minimal and press start, select skin back in settings... just ideas need feed back or else people get what ever is in my head
  4. OK ive actually removed light gun games... as I cant test them and they are buggy if I had one ill do a proper light gun one with diff interface. Ive simplified the interface not been adding to it . But played most games and added any that Ive never played but looked like quality games. I cant think of ways to improve interface apart from removing the confusing keys all over the screen... ive made that easier as you will see in screenshot, I added pressing Y makes it come up with full info of game only while you are holding it... but after using it kind of liked it cleaner so I removed it. PM me scumball you can Beta test stuff if you want. Its pretty much done just seeing if anyone has any ideas.
  5. OK just finished a skin upgrade and looked though 3000 games to pick around 150-200 new games... plus more optimisation of stuff. Any ideas on Games that would be cool to play let me know or interface adjustments to make it better to select a game. There is actually quite a few improvements already but ill see if theres any more. Then I need a name for this..... as well
  6. bummer ill have to look at it...Cheers for the release
  7. what extra characters does this game support eg Eagle or anyone like that?
  8. runs fine, except for storm on last boss. And a little slow to boot but apart from that its runs perfect. I have a stand alone street fighter alpha 3 thats optimised and simple key and screen setup.
  9. its just more refined thats all
  10. awaiting a reply but might be looking at helping out...
  11. its not that easy.... i dont have any of that stuff, plus stuff should b discussed so everything is correct. EG the lock so I dont get people that dont know what they are doing doing stuff and then asking me for help. I test my side but I know others and the millions of issues they have and if someone want to support that they can. But I make it so there wont be any if I can. Also games that need to be added, if any and ill complete the build. Also at the moment my arcades are intergrated into a Platium version of XBMC version 2 as I dont just use my xbox for arcades. So if people discuss stuff with me for a few days who knows what you can get. But as I say I dont hear much (dont want to know about mods to it as I cant control the bugs) dont hear about bugs or games wanted. Believe it or not im pretty quick but I dont put out half arsed stuff.
  12. I added alot more games simplified down some stuff... intergrated in a few genisis games eg sonic and reskined. (also remove a few games that where doubled up and made more world versions) And as usual all 100 percent tested so sould be no bugs.
  13. its only sitting on hdd..... I have standalone Street Fighter and Alpha 3 and SFturbo and xmen as xbe optimised with easy key reconfigs. And a full installer for people that want everything to work from backingup stuff to playing arcades to music to movies.... all simplified and pretty.
  14. ive updated it massively........ some guy was ment to MSN me for it but hes been slack. Plus I have finished a much bigger project for Xbox... but good to see the old one going up, it wont have any bugs and for most part is all people want. If you like Platium let me know and I can show you tonnes more stuff like it. Just didnt get much support and to me I just thought other stuff was rubbish, just a personal opion. And one cant push that personal opion onto people.
  15. it finally is being used....
  16. that was only a 5sec job..have been in contact with gogo and hes been great. I will make a quick skin this week for fbaXXX but I have talked to gogo about a new GUI in which id say both functionally and graphically it could be improved heaps. So the answer is Yes and maybe alot more.....cross fingers
  17. Not good enough by looks sorry.................. ive updated but no support, no ones really interested and its not really hosted or out there. Still no bugs though yeah new skin
  18. I cant sorry it was 0.72 and below the the sound driver is all good. to play MK1 2 3 and ultimate or an other midway game eg NBA jam, Narc, Rampage world tour turn the sound off in the options then they play at full speed. I wish someone would work out rolling back the midway sound drivers as well. Its beond my skills
  19. you can press the white button in my programs and choose rescan database this will update it to its correct status. If its still shown there must be a file with an default.xbe in somewhere you will have to delete the folders that have the bad game data in and then rescan the database
  20. all stuff is looked at but if people want changes someone has to organise what people want.....to me it easy to change as ive said but I need a proper list of changes. (bomberman is a good idea, battle toads is a good idea, rom removal is a good idea). Basically I need a few people to make a list and talk about it for a while then give it to me and ill sign it off and add all the changes right now its a mess of ideas and really its just personal preferences. Id like to do a patch that address s all the issues in one go so people can enjoy mame without wooring about dats and sound glitchs etc. And just play all there fave old games.
  21. ive asked if he wanted that stuff would have been 2 secs to add that stuff .
  22. yes that is the best solution for sf1 on the xbox or update the ram
  23. the way they render screen requires alot of mem the xbox doesnt have I think. Anyways SF1 is working but at 1 frame a seconds. So in reality no it doesnt work and I cant see it going on xbox
  24. they can try what ever they want now with mamedox HK build....bendermameox mameox or mameb-6 no issues there..but if one wants access i say I have no issues with that. But last guy said he would rather it gets sorted. In the end it will be up to you guys ill do one or the other. Needs a vote . Also I didnt lock it that hard yip a little knoweldge its easy to rescan roms and its listed here a few ways to do this. I could have locked that I just wanted those that really didnt know what they where doing to make sure it was setup correctly. Eg if it runs I know how its setup which would have helped any bugs but as yet no reports of any
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