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Everything posted by BritneysPAIRS

  1. ******OK BETA ******should make your front end tider and easier to use, copy over exsisting MAMEdoX files with stuff from these files and it will be converted. Ill need feedback on this for it go any further, take care http://www.thraxen.com/BritneysPAIRS/Frontend.rar
  2. I can supply dats easy as but they are the same as MAMEdOX 1.1 ive just totally redone the launcher interface and none of the game playing engine is changed, I could put back in light gun but id have to up game engine then. This front end would work on HK$ version as well and if he supply source I could add all his functions in easy as. Basically I found it complexed to do sorting of roms and it looked scrappy so I cleaned it up. Raiden drivers have been put in but it doesnt run, sorry speed and mem not enough need to wait till xbox360 id say. Becuase later games wont run right like powerdrift and galaxy force ive opted to keep same dat so all games still work fine as I cant find many if any glitchs in them.
  3. I see HK released a new build with many more options, im about to release a new build with many options gone...... I know this sounds bad but it will be reskined and alot easier for normal people to select roms in a far more intutive way It should work alot easier and be pretty (and chokemanic may help with PM3 skin, hope he does), a few changes are : stuff like Year if sorted by year is displayed unless viewed by Name as its only needed then if you hold Y to fast find. Sort methods are Now only Name, Year, Most Used and Type. Many other changes have been made to make it easier for people that want to sort and pick roms and dont want a million options on the front interface to confuse them. Oh coarse the options in the menus are very large. Best of all the mod will be a 2-3 megs and you get to keep intact all your old rom set. Its 90 percent finished now, experenced people can ask for beta so I can tune it alittle more for everyone. Take care
  4. MAMEdoX MSH.zip dont work use MSHA.zip it works perfectly
  5. Ummm I got them all going with no issues in MAMEoX. Everyone of those 10 Yard Fight 1941 - Counter Attack 1942 - Battle of the Skies 1943 - The Battle of Midway 1943 Kai - Midway Kaisen 1944 - The Loop Master 19XX - The War Against Destiny 720 Degrees 88 Games Act Fancer Aero Fighters 2 Aero Fighters 3 After Burner After Burner II Aggressors of Dark Kombat Air Buster Air Duel Airwolf Alex Kidd Alien Storm Alien Syndrome Alien Vs Predator Alien3 Aliens Alpha Mission II Alpine Ski Altered Beast Ambush Amidar APB - All Points Bulletin Arabian Fight Arabian Magic Arkanoid Armored Warriors Art of Fighting Art of Fighting 2 Art of Fighting 3 Ashura Blaster Assault Asterix Asteroids Athena Atomic Robokid Aurail Avengers Bad Dudes Vs Dragonninja Bad Lands Bagman Bang Bang Ball Bank Panic Baseball Stars 2 Battle Chopper Battle Circuit Battle Flip Shot Battle Garegga Battlecry Bay Route Berzerk Best Bout Boxing Bionic Commando Black Tiger Blade Master Blasteroids Blazing Star Blazing Tornado Block Block Blood Bros Bomb Jack Bomber Man Bombjack Twin Bosconian Boulder Dash Break Thru Breakers Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble 2 Bubble Booble Symphony Bubble Memories Bubbles Buck Rogers Burger Time Burnin Rubber Burning Fight Cabal Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Caliber 50 Capcom Sports Club Captain America and The Avengers Captain Commando Captain Silver Captain Tomaday Carrier Air Wing Caveman Ninja Centipede Chameleon Champion Wrestler Championship Sprint Chel Atomic Runner Choplifter Circus Charlie City Bomber City Connection Cobra Command Commando Congo Bongo Contra Cop 01 Crazy Kong Crime City Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Crude Buster Cyber Lip Cyber Police ESWAT Cyvern Dangun Feveron Darius Gaiden Dark Seal Darkstalkers Defender Demons World Devastators Devil World Dig Dug Dig Dug 2 Dimahoo DoDonPachi Donkey Kong Donkey Kong 3 Donkey Kong Junior DonPachi Double Dragon Double Dragon 2 DownTown Dragon Blaze Dragon Breed Dragon Buster Dragon Spirit Dungeons & Dragons Dungeons & Dragons 2 Dynamite Duke Dynamite Dux Dynasty Wars Eco Fighters Eight Man Elevator Action Elevator Action Returns Empire City Empire Strikes Back ESP RaDe Exed Exes Exerion Express Raider Extermination F-1 Grand Prix Fast Lane Fatal Fury Fatal Fury 2 Fatal Fury 3 Fatal Fury Special Fighter and Attackers Final Blow Final Fight Final Round Flicky Flying Shark Football Frenzy Forgotten Worlds Frogger Front Line Galaga Galaga 3 Galaga 98 Galaxian Galaxian Turbo Galivan Gallop Gang Busters Gang Wars Gaplus Garou - Mark of the Wolves Gekirindan Ghost Pilots Ghostsn Goblins GI Joe Giga Wing Gladiator Golden Axe Gradius III Gratia Green Beret Guantlet Guantlet 2 Guerrilla War Gun Force Gun Force 2 Gun Smoke Gunbarich Gunbird Gunbird 2 Gundhara Guwange Gyruss Hammerin Harry Hang On Heavy Barrel Hippodrome Hit the Ice Hot Chase Hyper Olympics Hyper Pacman Hyper Sports Iga Ninjyutsuden Ikari Warriors Ikari Warriors III - The Rescue Image Fight In The Hunt Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Insector X Iron Horse J J Squawkers Jackal Jail Break Joust Joust 2 Jr. Pac-Man Jungle King Juno First Kageki Kangaroo Karate Champ Karate Tournament Karnov Karnovs Revenge Ken-Go Kick and Run Kicker Kid Niki King of Dragons King of the Monsters 2 Kizuna Encounter Klax Knights of the Round Knights of Valour Knuckle Joe Kung Fu Master Kuri Kinton Kyukyoku Tiger 2 Lady Bug Land Sea Air Squad Last Blade 2 Last Duel Last Resort League Bowling Legend of Hero Tonma Legend of Kage Legend of Silkroad Legendary Wings Lemmings Lode Runner M.I.A. - Missing in Action Macross Plus Mad Gear Mag Max Magic Sword Main Event Major Title Marble Madness Marchen Maze Mario Bros Mars Matrix Marval Land Marvel Super Heroes Marvel Super Heroes Vs Street Fighter Marvel Vs Capcom Matrimelee Maze of Flott Mega Man Mega Man 2 Mega Twins Mega Zone Mercs Metal Slug Metal Slug 2 Metal Slug 3 Metal Slug 4 Metal Slug 5 Metal Slug 5 Plus Metal Slug X Metro Cross Midnight Resistance Millipede Mirai Ninja Missile Command Moon Alien Part 2 Moon Cresta Moon Patrol Moonwalker Mortal Kombat Mr Do Mr Heli Mr. Do's Castle Mr. Do's Wild Ride Ms. Pac-Man Musashi Ganryuuki My Hero Mystic Riders NAM 1975 Naughty Boy Nebulas Ray Nekketsu Kouha Nemesis Nemo New Zealand Story Night Warriors Nightmare in the Dark Ninja Combat Ninja Commando Ninja Kid II Ninja Kids Ninja Spirit Ninja Warriors Operation Thunderbolt Operation Wolf Operation Wolf 3 Out Zone Outrun OutRunners Over Top P.O.W. P-47 - The Phantom Fighter Pac-Land Pacman Pac-Man Plus Pac-Mania Pang Pang 3 Paperboy Pengo Peter Pack Rat Phoenix Pipi & Bibis Pirates Pitfall II Pleasure Goal Pleiads Pochi and Nyaa Point Blank Pole Position Pole Position 2 Pooyan Pound for Pound Power Spikes Power Spikes 2 Prehistoric Isle in 1930 Pro Gear Psychic 5 Psycho Soldier PuckMan Pulstar Punch-Out Punisher Punk Shot Puzzle Bobble Puzzle Bobble 2 Puzzle Bobble 4 Q*bert Quartet Rabio Lepus Rad Mobile Rage of the Dragons Raiden Rainbow Islands Rally Bike Rally X Rambo III Rampage Rampart Rapid Hero Rastan Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 Recordbreaker Renegade Rezon Ring of Destruction: Slammasters Riot City River Patrol Road Fighter Road Runner Robo Army Robocop Robocop 2 Robotron Roc'n Rope Rolling Thunder Rolling Thunder 2 Rough Ranger R-Type R-Type 2 R-Type Leo Rush and Attack Rygar Ryu Jin S.P.Y. S.T.U.N. Runner Salamander Samurai Aces Samurai Shodown Samurai Shodown 2 Samurai Shodown 3 Samurai Shodown 4 Samurai Shodown 5 Samurai Shodown 5 Special SAR - Search And Rescue Saturday Night Slam Masters Scramble Sea Fighter Poseidon Secret Agent Section Z Sega Ninja Sengoku 3 Shackled Shadow Dancer Shadow Force Shadow Land Shadow Warriors Shinobi Shock Troopers Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad Side Arms Side Pocket Silk Worm Simpsons Sinistar Sky Shark Slap Fight Sly Spy Smash T.V. SNK Vs Capcom SNK Vs Capcom Plus Snow Bros 2 Soccer Brawl Sol Divide Solomon's Key Son Son Space Harrier Space Intruder Space Invaders Space Invaders '95 Space Invaders DX Space King 2 Speed Rumbler Spelunker II Spider-Man Spiders Spin Master Splat Splatter House Spy Hunter Star Wars Stargate Steel Force Steel Gunner Storm Blade Street Fighter Alpha Street Fighter Alpha 2 Street Fighter Alpha 3 Street Fighter II - Champion Edition Street Fighter II - The World War Street Fighter II - Turbo Street Hoop Street Smart Strider Strikers 1945 Strikers 1945 II Sunset Raiders Super Bagman Super Burger Time Super Contra Super Cross 2 Super Dodge Ball Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix Super Pac-Man Super Pang Super Punch-Out Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo Super Sidekicks Super Space Invaders '91 Super Spacefortress Macross Super Sprint Super Spy Super Street Fighter II Super Street Fighter II Turbo Super Trio Super Xevious Super Zaxxon Superman Swimmer T.N.K. III Tecmo Bowl TeddyBoy Blues Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 Tempest Tengai Terminator 2 - Judgment Day Terra Cresta Tetris The King of Fighters 1994 The King of Fighters 1995 The King of Fighters 1996 The King of Fighters 1997 The King of Fighters 1998 The King of Fighters 1999 The King of Fighters 2000 The King of Fighters 2001 The King of Fighters 2002 The King of Fighters 2003 The King of Fighters 2004 EX The Winter Bobble Thrash Rally Three Wonders Thunder Cross Thunder Cross II Thunder Dragon 2 Thunder Fox Thunder Zone Thundercade Tiger Road Time Pilot Time Pilot 84 Time Scanner Time Soldiers Toki Toobin Top Hunter Top Players Golf Total Carnage Track & Field Traverse USA Trog Trojan Tron Tropical Angel Truxton Truxton II Tumble Pop Turbo Force Turkey Shoot Tutankham Twin Cobra Twin Eagle Twin Eagle II Twin Hawk TwinBee U.N. Defense Force U.N. Squadron Ultra Balloon Undercover Cops Up'n Down US AAF Mustang Valtric Vampire Savior Vampire Savior 2 Vapor Trail Varth Vasara Vasara 2 Victory Road Video Hustler Viewpoint Vigilante Vindicators Vs Gradius Vulcan Venture Vulgus Wardner Warrior Blade - Rastan Saga Warriors of Fate Water Ski WEC Le Mans 24 Wild Fang Wild West COW Boys of Moo Mesa Willow Wizard Fire Wizard of Wor Wonder Boy Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair World Heroes World Heroes 2 World Heroes 2 Jet World Heroes Perfect Wrestle War WWF Superstars X Multiply Xain'd Sleena Xenophobe Xevious X-Men X-Men Children of the Atom X-Men Vs Street Fighter Xybots Yie Ar Kung-Fu Zaxxon Zed Blade Zupapa these all tested perfect as
  6. No PM no interest so I havent release something I believe kills everything ive seen on xbox . I believe things could be done much better......so I believe everything on xbox homebrew was not reaching its potential so I changed it all. As I once believed MameOX didnt stand up to its potetional so MamedOX was born. Not much of a change but just touched it up...........I did that with everything now complete touchup.
  7. works perfect on MAMEdOX 1.0 and 1.0 also all other variants work as well if you want dats let me know also that is not the parent make sure you have parent or else it wont work
  8. I was talking about MAMEdOX Prican PM me if you want to help on a project ive spent alot of time on..........
  9. yes they do work.......but they play so slow its not funny 2 frames a sec..... dont know about them with ram and cpu upgrade
  10. sammaz PM my new project is pretty special if you liked MamedOX GameCOP your the man and have helped me heaps by having a forum with many people that helped me, other sites are full of people that have no idea and hinder projects rather than help
  11. by the way the installer isnt like others with all stuff from the net on it..........all packages are changed to make it easier to use, all the UI has been thought about like I did in mamedoX (you could say its just mameOX but is it really)....so dont think its just a collection of downloadable stuff cause it isnt. Its downloaded stuff all majorly overhauled for my own interface design
  12. ummm I know you guys are into mame but all installer like autoinstaller delux, slayer etc I find terrible for gen user..... this sounds vain but I set about a completely intergated installer and its 4 gigs with all of mame intergrated it..............and the finished result is great.....but it needs manuals forward thinkers to help it out
  13. how can you help this project?
  14. Ive finished it to a point im happy as with...except id like more games that arnt on my list if any are good..... it different from mamedOX 1.1 as screenshot showed I think. $HK is busy or just likes working on his build. I have been hard working on a complete package doing an installer that does what mamedOX did to mameOX making the xbox a complete media center / mame machine........ it finished now bar manuals and I must say it brilliant (vainity smurf). Any help would be great id say new mame may come out with new package
  15. 10 Yard Fight 1941 - Counter Attack 1942 - Battle of the Skies 1943 - The Battle of Midway 1943 Kai - Midway Kaisen 1944 - The Loop Master 19XX - The War Against Destiny 720 Degrees 88 Games Act Fancer Aero Fighters 2 Aero Fighters 3 After Burner After Burner II Aggressors of Dark Kombat Air Buster Air Duel Airwolf Alex Kidd Alien Storm Alien Syndrome Alien Vs Predator Alien3 Aliens Alpha Mission II Alpine Ski Altered Beast Ambush Amidar APB - All Points Bulletin Arabian Fight Arabian Magic Arkanoid Armored Warriors Art of Fighting Art of Fighting 2 Art of Fighting 3 Ashura Blaster Assault Asterix Asteroids Athena Atomic Robokid Avengers Bad Dudes Vs Dragonninja Bad Lands Bagman Bagman Bank Panic Baseball Stars 2 Battle Chopper Battle Chopper Battle Circuit Battle Flip Shot Battle Garegga Battlecry Bay Route Berzerk Best Bout Boxing Bionic Commando Black Tiger Blade Master Blasteroids Blazing Star Blazing Tornado Block Block Blood Bros Bomb Jack Bomber Man Bombjack Twin Bosconian Boulder Dash Break Thru Breakers Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble 2 Bubble Booble Symphony Bubble Memories Bubbles Buck Rogers Burger Time Burnin Rubber Burning Fight Cabal Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Caliber 50 Capcom Sports Club Captain America and The Avengers Captain Commando Captain Silver Captain Tomaday Carrier Air Wing Caveman Ninja Centipede Chameleon Champion Wrestler Championship Sprint Chel Atomic Runner Choplifter Circus Charlie City Bomber City Connection Cobra Command Commando Congo Bongo Contra Cop 01 Crazy Kong Crime City Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Crude Buster Cyber Lip Cyber Police ESWAT Dangun Feveron Darius Gaiden Dark Seal Darkstalkers Defender Demon's World Devastators Dig Dug Dig Dug 2 Dimahoo DoDonPachi Donkey Kong Donkey Kong 3 Donkey Kong Junior DonPachi Double Dragon Double Dragon 2 DownTown Dragon Blaze Dragon Breed Dragon Buster Dragon Spirit Dungeons & Dragons Dungeons & Dragons 2 Dynamite Duke Dynamite Dux Dynasty Wars Eco Fighters Eight Man Elevator Action Elevator Action Returns Empire City Empire Strikes Back ESP RaDe Exed Exes Exerion Express Raider Extermination F-1 Grand Prix Fatal Fury Fatal Fury 2 Fatal Fury 3 Fatal Fury Special Final Blow Final Fight Final Round Flicky Flying Shark Football Frenzy Forgotten Worlds Frogger Front Line Galaga Galaga 3 Galaga 98 Galaxian Galaxian Turbo Galivan Gallop Gang Busters Gang Busters Gang Wars Gaplus Garou - Mark of the Wolves Ghost Pilots Ghosts'n Goblins GI Joe Giga Wing Gladiator Golden Axe Gradius III Green Beret Guantlet Guantlet 2 Guerrilla War Gun Force Gun Force 2 Gun Smoke Gunbarich Gunbird Gunbird 2 Gundhara Guwange Gyruss Hammerin Harry Hang On Heavy Barrel Hippodrome Hit the Ice Hot Chase Hyper Olympics Hyper Pacman Hyper Sports Iga Ninjyutsuden Ikari Warriors Ikari Warriors III - The Rescue Image Fight In The Hunt Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Insector X Iron Horse Jackal Jail Break Joust Joust 2 Jr. Pac-Man Jungle King Juno First Kageki Kangaroo Karate Champ Karate Tournament Karnov Karnovs Revenge Ken-Go Kick and Run Kicker Kid Niki King of Dragons King of the Monsters 2 Kizuna Encounter Klax Knights of the Round Knights of Valour Knuckle Joe Kung Fu Master Kuri Kinton Kyukyoku Tiger 2 Lady Bug Land Sea Air Squad Last Blade 2 Last Duel Last Resort League Bowling Legend of Hero Tonma Legend of Kage Legend of Silkroad Legendary Wings Lemmings Lode Runner M.I.A. - Missing in Action Macross Plus Mad Gear Mag Max Magic Sword Main Event Major Title Marble Madness Marchen Maze Mario Bros Mars Matrix Marvel Super Heroes Marvel Super Heroes Vs Street Fighter Marvel Vs Capcom Matrimelee Maze of Flott Mega Man Mega Man 2 Mega Twins Mega Zone Mercs Metal Slug Metal Slug 2 Metal Slug 3 Metal Slug 4 Metal Slug 5 Metal Slug 5 Plus Metal Slug X Metro Cross Midnight Resistance Millipede Mirai Ninja Missile Command Moon Alien Part 2 Moon Cresta Moon Patrol Mortal Kombat Mr Do Mr Heli Mr. Do's Castle Mr. Do's Wild Ride Ms. Pac-Man Musashi Ganryuuki My Hero Mystic Riders NAM 1975 Naughty Boy Nebulas Ray Nekketsu Kouha Nemesis Nemo New Zealand Story Night Warriors Nightmare in the Dark Ninja Combat Ninja Commando Ninja Kid II Ninja Kids Ninja Spirit Ninja Warriors Operation Thunderbolt Operation Wolf Operation Wolf 3 Out Zone Outrun OutRunners Over Top P.O.W. P-47 - The Phantom Fighter Pac-Land Pacman Pac-Man Plus Pac-Mania Pang Pang 3 Paperboy Pengo Peter Pack Rat Phoenix Pipi & Bibis Pirates Pitfall II Pleasure Goal Pleiads Pochi and Nyaa Point Blank Pole Position Pole Position 2 Pooyan Pound for Pound Power Spikes Power Spikes 2 Prehistoric Isle in 1930 Pro Gear Psychic 5 Psycho Soldier PuckMan Pulstar Punch-Out Punisher Punk Shot Puzzle Bobble Puzzle Bobble 2 Puzzle Bobble 4 Q*bert Quartet Rabio Lepus Rad Mobile Rage of the Dragons Raiden Rainbow Islands Rally Bike Rally X Rambo III Rampage Rampart Rapid Hero Rastan Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 Recordbreaker Renegade Rezon Ring of Destruction: Slammasters Riot City River Patrol Road Fighter Road Runner Robo Army Robocop Robocop 2 Robotron Roc'n Rope Rolling Thunder Rolling Thunder 2 Rough Ranger R-Type R-Type 2 R-Type Leo Rush and Attack Rygar Ryu Jin S.P.Y. S.T.U.N. Runner Salamander Samurai Aces Samurai Shodown Samurai Shodown 2 Samurai Shodown 3 Samurai Shodown 4 Samurai Shodown 5 Samurai Shodown 5 Special SAR - Search And Rescue Saturday Night Slam Masters Scramble Sea Fighter Poseidon Secret Agent Section Z Sega Ninja Sengoku 3 Shackled Shadow Dancer Shadow Force Shadow Land Shadow Warriors Shinobi Shock Troopers Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad Side Arms Side Pocket Silk Worm Simpsons Sinistar Sky Shark Slap Fight Sly Spy Smash T.V. SNK Vs Capcom SNK Vs Capcom Plus Snow Bros 2 Soccer Brawl Sol Divide Solomon's Key Son Son Space Harrier Space Intruder Space Invaders Space Invaders '95 Space Invaders DX Space King 2 Speed Rumbler Spelunker II Spider-Man Spiders Spin Master Splat Splatter House Spy Hunter Star Wars Stargate Steel Force Steel Gunner Storm Blade Street Fighter Alpha Street Fighter Alpha 2 Street Fighter Alpha 3 Street Fighter II - Champion Edition Street Fighter II - The World War Street Fighter II - Turbo Street Hoop Street Smart Strider Strikers 1945 Strikers 1945 II Super Contra Super Contra Super Cross 2 Super Dodge Ball Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix Super Pac-Man Super Pang Super Punch-Out Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo Super Sidekicks Super Space Invaders '91 Super Spacefortress Macross Super Sprint Super Spy Super Street Fighter II Super Street Fighter II Turbo Super Trio Super Xevious Super Zaxxon Superman Swimmer T.N.K. III Tecmo Bowl TeddyBoy Blues Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 Tempest Tengai Terminator 2 - Judgment Day Terra Cresta Tetris The King of Fighters 1994 The King of Fighters 1995 The King of Fighters 1996 The King of Fighters 1997 The King of Fighters 1998 The King of Fighters 1999 The King of Fighters 2000 The King of Fighters 2001 The King of Fighters 2002 The King of Fighters 2003 The King of Fighters 2004 EX The Winter Bobble Thrash Rally Three Wonders Thunder Cross Thunder Cross II Thunder Dragon 2 Thunder Fox Thunder Zone Thundercade Tiger Road Time Pilot Time Pilot 84 Time Scanner Time Soldiers Toki Toobin Top Hunter Top Players Golf Total Carnage Track & Field Traverse USA Trog Trojan Tropical Angel Truxton Truxton II Tumble Pop Turkey Shoot Tutankham Twin Cobra Twin Eagle Twin Eagle II Twin Hawk TwinBee U.N. Defense Force U.N. Squadron Ultra Balloon Undercover Cops Up'n Down US AAF Mustang Valtric Vampire Savior Vampire Savior 2 Vapor Trail Varth Vasara Vasara 2 Victory Road Video Hustler Viewpoint Vigilante Vindicators Vs Gradius Vulcan Venture Vulgus Wardner Warrior Blade - Rastan Saga Warriors of Fate Water Ski WEC Le Mans 24 Wild Fang Wild West COW Boys of Moo Mesa Willow Wizard Fire Wizard of Wor Wonder Boy Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair World Heroes World Heroes 2 World Heroes 2 Jet World Heroes Perfect Wrestle War WWF Superstars X Multiply Xain'd Sleena Xevious X-Men X-Men Children of the Atom X-Men Vs Street Fighter Yie Ar Kung-Fu Zaxxon Zed Blade Zupapa
  16. all good I was resonsible for testing and kind of made this happen though settings as I didnt like it in Xboxmediacenter.xml PS thanks to Gemiserver for his coding skills he did a great job on all the FTP stuff and SMB stuff
  17. OK ill try and explain SMB there are many ways this works You only need a pass for intial logon ummmmm so here goes You can create an SMB share with no pass or name in normal mode, this will allow you to smb to all shares from music video pic and filemanager if A ) your XP has no pass at startup (and you have shared folders from that user) B ) you have logged into XP (and have shared folders from that user) C ) you have logged into XP and logged out (and have shared folders from that user) so you can even make another user with no pass and share folders and comp will only need to be on. The only time you really need user/pass is this if you turn on XP comp and it goes to where you log onto XP and you have shared folders in it, it wont open SMB shares without user name / pass (untill its verfied eg you log on from your PC ) unless you have it proper user names / pass. To some it up if you log on to PC ( you can even log out from there ) you can use normal user and no pass is needed or have a an account with no pass. If you want to turn on and never enter Pass into PC go into advanced user and setup correct info. PS I hope your not using 9sep build but im sure with DVD menus now you will be all updating build
  18. Dont use 9 or 10th sep to access SMB music pretty please, trust me it could truncate your files, you have been warned http://www.xboxmediaplayer.de/cgi-bin/foru...=ST;f=1;t=15555 update now DVD player is added with menus
  19. Mavel super hereos you will need to use MSHA.zip not MSH.zip clone in MAMEdOX 1.0 and 1.0 sorry have fixed this now for next release some time but MSHA.zip works perfect
  20. Ummm thats close you dont need password or username if its in simple mode in SMB share setup in xbmc, just change the IP to IP of the computer and apply it then share any folders you want to on PC they will be added to list as long as filename doesnt have illegal characters or isnt longer than 40 characters in music pic video and filemanger. If you know what you are doing you can go into advanced and setup pass and user names but it sounds like you might not be at that level. Also SMB was broken on 3 sep for a few days so dont download that build
  21. dam, dreamed I could play arcade quality SFA3 better than now I really wanted this
  22. Ummm I use MamedOX every day for a Street Fighter Alpha 3 hit Would love the extra characters as long as it plays as well as it does in MamedOX Cheers
  23. the version I want with extra characters is on PS1 (how good is it and is it running on xbox?) GBA (looked not up to quality as you would expect with this system) Arcade (NAOMI board unemulated on Xbox I think) Dreamcast (unemulated on Xbox I think) Saturn (No idea about this on xbox) If anyone knows im wrong on any these it would be great I play street fighter alpha 3 and wondered why everyone talked about other versions being better.
  24. HK$ are you in to release a new MamedOX ? for people? im sure they would love some of your features
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