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Everything posted by BritneysPAIRS

  1. CoinOPS skin isnt to hard to skin....simple list is the place...but yes its not like unleashed x and requires alpha channels....if you learnt graphic design this stuff would be easy....if you just play on photoshop this stuff will be hard for you...but if you look at the default skin you will work it out....also yes I cant help it if the TV isnt HD compliant...I know he didnt try the patch if it works in GUI it will work in Nintendo 64 games...hes just wasting time guys dont worry the code is just copied and pasted from CoinOPS as I say a minute job
  2. its mostly to do with mixed files. Or inclorrectly FTP files...
  3. the real systems where widescreen....if you run CoinOPS in SD they will look fine the same as FBA-XXX Pro...in HD they run more acurate as they can....only cheap people ran then in SD screen back in the day
  4. I bet its something to do with CoinOPS...its probably we hate it but its all we talk about...we hate it but we all use it anyways lunch for you and sleep for me....
  5. I know the same 5 people saying great icon.... and we dont care about CoinOPS but its all we talk about team everywhere all day....thats kind of strange
  6. what ever....time will tell...maybe your right and I cant code....cant be arsed with vid as people can test it for themselves ****NINTENDO 64 CoinOPS 2 patch...720P support...Keymapping Support....Save States Support***** http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9VJGTAEJ test it if you have issues try removing the save and retrying it and tell me if that fixes it? strike ive sent you a PM.....testing is about to start and you can help with this no end im sure.... considering the xtras guys say they arnt interested they are all on 1emulation now...most of the time...and not on there site...thats really strange guys...your site normally just reflects what im doing...thats kind of strange as well guys...
  7. just overwirte the files and the code is the same code...if it works for one it works for all....maybe you didnt overwrite the files...it seems simple to me...ask any of the other guys that had no issues they can help you....im unsure your the only person with any issues and at least 50 peoples xboxs have tried this
  8. real time shot...my TV says the below and it looks so much better than SD soooo much better I think its running fine in HD
  9. lol it runs fine in 720P for others and me....anyways it will be good for you guys if it doesnt and I cant do it so be happy about that....last time waal please....I dont want to have to go though banning stuff again
  10. no that wont work in 720p....its not needed in 720p....I dont see any reason for this??? is there any reason anyone would want this....its not aspect correct
  11. OK guys tommorrow ill get this thread back on track...I know you love it here but I need to get my new stuff back on track again soon....and you know what that means....waal you have been banned for this before.... guys in all honesty if you left like you say you would...I would be all good with it....for good as you say you do...I dont have to come to your guys site and post stuff, I can do it here and we know why its fine this way for me...its not rocket science....im sure your all complaining about stuff but really thing keep moving here and never stop for you guys and it would best you get over it and do what you want else where....
  12. strike loves it in HD as I do, I told people id do it...they locked away the sources...I gave them 2 notifications and how they could give CoinOPS users what they wanted and they declined....no it impossible to patch the 2 together as ive had to alter the launch engine and cores......so it will be hard to patch in now....and soon everyone can enjoy it.....they can choose any version they like I dont care and never have done....id say most will want this in CoinOPS and a few wont...its up to them anyways
  13. cause your a newbe....if it works for CoinOPS it works for Nintendo 64 right now as they are the same.....sorry if you cant get it to work others all have and now we are testing games....
  14. no worries brother ive seen so many come and so many leave....for along time....and things continue on...but best of luck with whatever your doing
  15. scared newbes...I feel sorry for you guys.... not misinformed...hahahaha nearly everything in wall last statement on his site was wrong
  16. at least im not helping when I dont know anything and get every single buit wrong
  17. what a newbe
  18. ok ill keep this stuff as is...also the information you gave on your site is sooo wrong...nearly everything you said was wrong and I mean everything....you couldnt have screwed it up more if you tried actually....Midway is not xbox...afterburner is mame you name it its wrong......alot isnt .84.....IQ wrote the final burn drivers......cps3 is in the final burn updates.....as it requires 128meg support to run....also there is the xbox version in there.....anyways cheers for saving me the time....anyways back to testing and they can fix stuff there end...this will make the update 5 megs less as well ....strike ill send you my msn later I have done some stuff and im currently adding some of the newer games from the surreal pc core or lookig if they are worth wihile
  19. OK strike ive updated the core a little to fix some games...im getting used to this...now... hey does anyone have list of playable games?? or even N64 games...I only real cared about F Zero , Pilot Wings, Super Mario 64 and Starfox 64 but im sure I can add more and some look ok
  20. lol its 100 percent HD compliant....and takes about 1minute to do that in the code...its harder to manage some of the other stuff inside the core so it doesnt lock up in places...if anyone starts I wont look at fixing my automatic correction if I find the rom details wrong at all....once again its up to you guys....if you start on this...I wont spend my time to fix it..... go on waal or Bigby tempt me to take you on just say the word and ill make it happen...my emu automatically configs on changes of roms....surreal doesnt...my guys dont have to know what to do just add the games and it will sort it out for you...I can fix this and will do it soon...but one more bit of misinformation and I wont...period and dont give a shit if you blame me for it.....I didnt know this untill a week ago and now I know why I can fix it...but if you guys provoc me every time someone runs coinops n64, surrreal will have to rereconfigured
  21. bit of an issue is when I detect any differences in the game configure it rescans automatically unlike surreal today....so I update the list to the new drivers when you play Nintendo on CoinOPS then when you go into surreal you have to manauly scan again by looks....im wondering if I can be arsed fixing this for people that use manual builds....ill give it a go but it not piority...will people use both much?
  22. I notice the games in there arnt the ones with issues in HD a bit of work is needed to get some running and not just tweaking the memory as well...the cores need a bit of work unfortunatly anyways strike ill give you a test soon...ill release a best of pack with the games that work well in 2.1 and then ill fix some others later on...im getting fimiliar with the sources now...im about to tear about the way things are done as its kind of not working well from a core point of view to make it automatic...some minor changes but they will break the old sources alot... yeah and I like it in HD as well ok ill get in contact tonight
  23. bump whos in for testing PM me and ill get a team...this is quite far along now....and in the Alpha Stage
  24. lol this has got the best reactions ive ever seen....lol this worked better than I could have ever imagined.....but it effect me or my friends in no way what so ever.....I write it and can do what I want with it....."Oh, one more thing: seriously? I should go make my own emulator?" yes this is quoted as its true....I dont give a rats about what you think I should do..... ..its up to you to use it or not....and I recommend you dont and just leave it...im fine with that....there is other ways around this...any older CoinOPS builds..mameox...final burn alpha or raine....mameb6.....all the sources are out as well anyways its all just reactions now im back to developing...if it continues to much longer ill have to get it pruned....im bored with it...you can keep going on any other thread except this one...soon this thread will be on topic again....im gone if it doesnt stay on topic on pinned threads ill have to make it so....but feel free to post elsewhere your concerns or whatever.... OK some new sort methods are under development....sort by Name and Console.....it jumps down A B C...Z in arcades but when it hits consoles it fast jumps down each console type....and they are arranged Aracades A-Z then Console Type A-Z.... does anyone else have any others they want? ill reopen soon with more release notes....
  25. im sorry....ratherannoyed AKA???? its pathetic really you have tried everything....and I mean everything and you have failed every time...I cant think of one time ive felt like you guys where achieving anything....pathetic these guys will treat you well.... ok im gone now as we are all better off on site anyways....this mean this thread will be tumble weeds soon
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