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Everything posted by BritneysPAIRS

  1. BP Produced and helped on lots and lots for dev including xbmc GUI, xbmc features, Mamedox, CoinOPS, Final Burn, KIxxx, DVD2XBOX, videos for xtras and alot more Posts: 4828 Joined: 6-August 04 vs retro gamer Produced nothing known Posts: 34 Joined: 30-November 10 lol.......oh yeah baby I say the newbes should run things as they have proven to be at least full of alot of talk
  2. I posted something on the staff forum emsley something you wont have access to....sorry you dont have any say there and its the best place for this stuff it should end it for you though.... im actually thinking you will rise now and all will be well PS from that thread it seems you allready think its burning to ground.....lol how predicable....also the scene is linked in many way killing one thing may lead to other things being effected just a thought
  3. lol what a joke I voted yes.... let the newbes run the show and burn the place to the ground...... I removed myself from staff by the way and would vote for my account to be removed or shut down like I did at xbox scene, as this place is full of people with no skills asking for you guys to tollerate me when it is me who cant tollerate you guys anymore....and believe me its not me that miss out on stuff lol how predicable...ill continue on my hobby now
  4. OK guys im mainly availbe on MSN for those that know me....ill be removing PM notice coming to me now....so I wont see it sorry.... its been good...im not to hard to find that those that want to if not best of luck
  5. OK ill handle this my side... the Emu I released links back to here....and now this thread is where they will come....this will of course need to be remedied for obvious at least to me reasons... to those that PM here....dont worry about it now ill be around and lots know how to contact me....im free alot to talk and fix or add stuff time permitting.... ill now treat this site like the others that give out wrong info as its a hard emulator to do right and leave them to it and feel sorry for users....but this is a hobby.... I do wish you the best but I also am realistic that stuff I find simple will be supported bad with wrong info or alot of talk and no real fixes...... Best of luck guys this isnt the offical thread for me PS take care Robert and sorry about typo
  6. hmmmm robot this is clearly pirated roms availble from the person that shut the project down and talked about what is wrong...clear violation of the rules....roms ???? he should just PM that no link it also if the name offical coinops thread isnt changed as this site is linked to last build and I dont want the very people that dont know what they are doing and like to spread misinformation controlling this I will control it from the EMU side....its been warned and it will be the only warning....ill post reason why things happen on the offical place and will be included in the new build coming next week... this is rude that the very person that insulted all the developers creates an offical support forum....this doesnt not sit well with me at all thank you for taking your time to read this safety message....
  7. well to me he was the one that got the dev thread unpinned and shut down as alot didnt want to work with them...now they are back to make there own CoinOPS threads... ill see how it goes...but if im not happy I can do stuff about if of course my end when warned by most people he continued to push and find it funny to run with the now banned people...he was told and warned many times and continued on untill the warnings where stopped and stuff shut down....as I told him time and time again it doesnt effect me or my friends....and it would effect the inocent...im here to tell you your all missing out on stuff cause of sparda and this much I know.....maybe im a lair so far exactly what I said has happened....they caused a ghost town....and now facing the total demise of everything painfully attact an offical CoinOPS thread which is also linked to CoinOPS 2 in the readme....now people have to suffer with substandard support from people that have left very sour tastes in my mouth for one and have out of spit removed anything I though sparda might like from the public build as warned
  8. what a joke to those that PMed go to the dev blog.... sparda is one that asked for me to leave personally and got his wish....im not talking about dev here now its just his thread....nothing to do with me im not sure why hes created this when he pushed for it to die here and got his wish
  9. if you update to R3 it wont show as added games ...you can rename the folder roms to roms 1....then copy in new roms and rescan...and only the new games will show...theres a million ways to do it
  10. sparda ran with the crew that said I was the problem and that I souldnt say the others cant do anything...I shouldnt tell people of there constant wrong information they told you...that I should respect people that rename files that where given to them and respect there talent.... and let them overpower the scene.....so I listened and let them overpower the scene... I only warned the place would burn to the ground with there skills but id continue on and my friends and I would have no issues...I did say I felt for the inoccent...but many said they could live with that and it was better off without CoinOPS....1 week later and its dead as I said and people like +t+ etc not commenting or admitting they killed the place to satisfy there own egos....or even admitting I was right...now I get to say told you so as it was predictible and untill I here "I admit your right" ill let people lie in the bed that sparda waal +t+ and few others let you lie in im out now that about covers things nicely
  11. ive left dev here talking is still all good as its a news site as I said it would become...sparda decided to enter in with a few others and take on the develpers and dictate to others that I was the problem:) now alot of work happens without you guys knowing... I warned them all the trolls coulnt help you and had no skills...they said they wanted to go alone and now you guys all suffer....just read the last threads of the CoinOPS 2 dev thread and you will see what I mean... now you guys are left with a tabloid site from people with lots of smart comments and witty stuff but no skills to do anything and they didnt like that I told them so... Spada even decided it was a good idea to insult the people that gave you most of the games you love and there are not many of them...and now he is here to do lord knows what???....save you from him maybe... he was just one but was the one that broke the camels back...I warned him and others the place would burn with them and now im enjoying watching it burn while I continue on and amusingly look on and think I TOLD YOU SO..... they actually asked for it to burn publically and now they have there wish thank them for there help in stopping developement moving forward.....
  12. lol ohhhh my god....I cant develop
  13. goto the new CoinOPS dev thread or PM me....no one here now knows anything about CoinOPS and wanted help removed....the newbes now run the show anyways PM me its all easy stuff
  14. go ask the dev ive heard this is for news only now.....why hes not sharing his toys???? who knows.....all his friends are happy with his work and think he can code...I see he even fixed some stuff that was asked lately on his thread... sparda enjoy the news site you helped create lol I posted about a new skin for you guys just to help with the new tabloid format
  15. man its a new skin with a new background....sharp im sorry other sites have the news
  16. no dev talk is what I said...the threads are gone...this is a news site now midway was postponed due to personal reasons...its pretty easy to patch in if someone wants to to do it and send a patch....wrong site as well for that stuff well maybe the news of it will make it here maybe not...it interesting other peoples features made it in though and midway keeps not making it in...wonder why? soon im thinking of a new 6month icon and skin project and ill grab a team of 10 or so to do one....it will be epic.... sorry guys just joking around.....if I dont post it got less than 1/5 of the blogs hits per day on the xbox thread....and to me this is a plain I told you so moment......without this its basically dead now....
  17. but its not here.... and its hot news....many of the same people have thanked each other on all the sites they can but sadly not here Grunge Skin For Xboyadvance ive been waiting for such big things for so long and final its arrived....wait no more its on all popular sites
  18. lol xbox scene is now talking about kawa x where I started 6-7 years ago....that site has fantastic help now....lol
  19. lol funny as shit everywhere normal people talking about CoinOPS and others saying dont use it its bad lol....no news ever comes out to tell them about it... its been this way for ages and its funny for me....hehhhe CoinOPS is banned from some sites yet its the only talked about stuff now....im not there to say anything...I just look and think its funny....at least they seem to have given up mostly about arcades being better elsewhere as others must check out what they say and they would instantly go these people are misleading me....and id say it will take them about 3 seconds to to come to that conculsion....and then they never come back and ask another question mostly you see they turn up elsewhere asking questions..... new release this weekend....R4 daring to improve and add stuff while others wait
  20. this is just for fun....here now Id say theres a 99percent chance the ones that talked alot about a new begining have no skills as I said alot is still happening ... im not waiting around to see the pricable results....before I say I TOLD YOU SO..... this is now a news site from what I see...how about you? and where are the promised icons and screenshot packs???
  21. Amiga is in BETA and should be in R4 and the console update pack..... alot of other stuff is happening as well in CoinOPS and personal life....all I do is if someone I know wants something I patch it in as they dont like other interfaces...its nothing personal
  22. Oh how this has fallen and as fast as I thought.....its sad people where so out of touch they wanted it to burn....and now they are left waiting for news and it was written and fortold to people as well....but they argued with logic they thought to be true....and in the end they once again burn all they touch lol how predicable
  23. surrport qwuestions or whatever ill only answer on the blogg now...ill post release info here
  24. copy what ever you want across...
  25. no worries just only had one complaint the sources are all over the place for fixes to this....ill hand out a beta soon and test all games should work in pal and ntsc...I knew pal was an issue
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