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Everything posted by BritneysPAIRS

  1. sources for older builds are out....and all other files are there for patching in from other emus.... make your own build guys...id recommend you go back about 18months build or about 18 builds ago as that didnt have Consoles in so CoinOPS Ignite sources
  2. well as said tell the guys causing this...im sorting the misinformation out one step at a time....and dont care any more about anything anyone can start and arcade only branch im not interested but its easy to do and sources are out
  3. as per vote....dont worry nothing much for you guys its all console stuff now....not really but at least 50 percent is consoles PS yes its running perfectly....enjoy it the way it is....your just limiting your future at present...but if you have the files keep them as you may want to update at some point and it wont be possible at present
  4. as for +T+ you try and dictate to me how I release my emus and what I do.....freedom person you are.....what a joke...I never use CoinOPS you tell me....ive heard this from you guys so much yet its all you do....is ride me....and are the first to go ive worked out shit all and im helping you guys....oh I use this but tell everyone its got to many features and to many releases and all the other cry baby stuff.... well thanks for your help +T+ its users like you that make things great...and why I do this good luck with all the bad things you say about CoinOPS gone guys.....what ever is said ive had my say above take it or leave it im allready moving forward *****Remember if you use Bigbies build it will effect your Future as promised....but the payload comes down the track....it wont kill anything at present will just lock you in the future*****
  5. lol bigby worked it out.....what a joke lock 1 - 1200 plus games must be on CoinOPS 2 if not reboot on playing games (for raped version) lock 2 - xbe is checked (for raped version) lock 3 - 0 games in CoinOPS 2 means a reboot till there is games (for general issues with support) lock 4 - updates are locked unless consoles are present (for xtras team) and the full package has alot more than the 1200 arcade games in it I only recommend you dont remove the consoles and it would effect your future....as per lock 4....I said remove what you want etc...as you need to remove 1000 plus games for it not to work....worked it out lol....if I wanted to lock you guys out it would be easy as....remember I can write to bios....check saves...check crc...encrypt xbes.....remove files....change files....format drives......it was only to stop the raped build as they got alot of downloads and caused me support issues....xtras team is pretty much dead....and if they continue they will be locked out all upgrades and anyone that uses there stuff and it will message them why this is so at the time..... if this stuff goes once more 2.1 will have really really good locks and will format drives it atempted to get around.....so stop this stuff or else ill give you a proper challenge to break locks....and see if you guys are clever or just newbes..... remember everytime you talked about locks I was like what newbes are there where non that you guys talked about all the time....and I never said there was....you asumed so everyone that gets that build he released will get the warning when they update and as you pushed the situation and didnt relax it.....the locks stay and I can have my laugh later....soonish looking now actually but ill give it a few weeks to get out there....if this didnt happen I would have unlocked it in 2.1 probably as ive done in the past Im out and yes this is a helpfull thread.....read what I say its my final word on locks....I wont vary from what ive said ever....read them with caution.....as it has effects.....I dont want to effect normal users but I need to stop the rubbish builds for my support sake and other users sake.....this effects no one really and out of 1000s and 1000s of downloads its only the usual complainers...eg xtras and +T+ shooting off when I only recommended they didnt remove this stuff and said it wasnt serious....they may make it serious down the track for people that use there stuff depending on there behavour.....I dont care one way or the other....its a 1 sec job now to turn off the locks that are there that you cant see
  6. thats fine....remove the snowbro3 and sfiii3 stuff as it wont work....its changed to snowbros3 and sf3
  7. you wont have any issues..... and shouldnt have seen any....they are only there to help support really....
  8. The build is out there and im happy about the locks.....yes there will be down stream issues for those that remove console games...they wont be serious it just blocks the new update methods......but today it will be fine....if you want you can use CoinOPS 2 without any console...limit is about 1150...and hex editing the xbe... it was just a behaviour experience and ive seen what I expected...no issues anywhere except direct at me from usuals...and there are 1000s of downloads and on the xtras site the usual people issues...no other issues...so this tells me I can quite easily allow the other locks to come into play later and it will just be the people I know having issues....if they release it and people grab it without the consoles it will just stop there upgrading only new stuff at present and the locks as said are determined by how people handle them....and so far no real issues just virtual issues from the normal people...so they dont reliase that this is building a picture for me on what to do later and what not to do....what happens is determined by your guys behavour....im finished with tell you guys stuff.....if misdirection doesnt finish the locks get stronger....if it dies down they get weaker...normal people it wont effect....right now raped builds where the starting locks are 100 percent non functional now...everything thing else will function for now pathch wise ive seen....xtra site is kind of dead now but if I notice downloads like raped versions id lock them out as well if they behave the way they normally do... so in essience as said it doesnt effect users at present....how they handle things has always been the difference of if they are removed or get stronger.....ive told you guys and drawn a line in the sand....it will be moved in 2.1....and 2.2 and 2.3 depending on what I see happening......at present they are 1150 odd games and dont alter xbe....and updates are locked for those that didnt listen...and im thinking at present its best the update lock isnt removed....till once again I dont have to support the changes...as the new patchs are mainly console related it wont matter to arcade users they are 1 or 2 versions behind and they complain about the updates anyways.....so they will get what they ask for....no updates for them.... lock 1 - 1200 plus games must be on CoinOPS 2 if not reboot on playing games (for raped version) lock 2 - xbe is checked (for raped version) lock 3 - 0 games in CoinOPS 2 means a reboot till there is games (for general issues with support) lock 4 - updates are locked unless consoles are present (for xtras team) I note them as saying there is to many updates....xtras team...so they have lock 4 which is no updates will work for them....once again doesnt effect normal users...there is your issues if you listen to others....and the locks....ive seen a valid issue with one...some had no games and want to change though the gui the path before playing...and hit lock 3 ill think about this one...it was solved with a work around for him but its a valid issues...but obviously gives me valid support issues without it...but ive thought about how to handle this...lock 4 is why I warned you that down the track it will cause you problems...now its out there.... right im onto 2.1 now and have been for weeks.....
  9. just telling you guys....the locks wont effect you guys and that it wont stop you removing any of your console games
  10. you have always been able to remove all console games!!!!! and a few 100 arcade games lol...and it works fine!!!!!........hehe what the hell is going on.......the limit is 1150 odd games only.... but it was fun to see all the people cry and say everything on the torrent comments lol what newbes...that didnt have it so we know who they are now and I know that the misinformers are still there.....anyways the misinformers this time helped the stats, all this talk so thanks extras guys.....lol what newbes im sorry guys it was just to produce talk........I told you it wouldnt effect my users and it was interesting what I saw on the forums....misinformation central.....and yes I mostly locked the raped build.....phil you where right again....I dont want to restrict any of you legit guys im just sorry people get so misinformed....and its easy to lead them on.....and the lock comments helped the publicity and downloads so its all worked perfectly....
  11. its really evening out now ...hard to know what to do first 2 more days....id like a team of people for N64 and PSX adding 4 games each a week 3-4 could add a best 100 in a month
  12. CoinOPS 2 Update 1 is approaching this will just be the update files....and will be released 2 ways CoinOPS 2 Update 1 CoinOPS 2 Update Pack 1 (this is the update and new roms) It will be an upgrade to CoinOPS sort engine features...more in the next few days and Nintendo 64 ...... Warning about the usual is only an update to CoinOPS 2 (PS simple PSX disc swapping will go in soon after this and is added to things for Update 2...that will be mainly sorting PSX stuff)
  13. thanks patched into CoinOPS
  14. no worries the packs will add alot soon (PS Nintendo 64 is getting a large overhaul into CoinOPS standards now and is pretty much done...this includes updates to the core...HD automatic support...easykeymap and save states)..... to those about locks unless you can reverse engine it....it knows the crcs of xbe and also some of bits and what they should be....it will scramble stuff if altered over time.....2.1 will see this become very apparewnt instantly for you guys....so if you download there stuff it will cause you issues in the furture.....and they will get bigger over time.... there will be no more talk about the locks my side.....I know whats behind the code and I know the results you are going to have...its just a matter time lol ...... newbes adding one lock is newbe stuff....spreading the locks with diff results is what was needed.... I WILL GIVE PEOPLE ONE LAST WARNING IF YOU USE STUFF WITH LOCKS REMOVED....IT MAY CAUSE YOU SERIOUS ISSUES IN FUTURE!!!!!WARNING trust me about it or dont....no more will said and you can quote me on this as a I told you so....(cheap hacks are easy to do but wont give you the features of new stuff for CoinOPS 2) you can select what games to show and hide with the favorites....then press black and it toggles all shown....only selected games show...to add to that you can turn on to add a cutom selected list (that can be adjusted by the user in romstatus.xml) to add to the favs.....all times classics and All time classics+hot
  15. psx core was upgraded a bit in CoinOPS..... hide console option isnt availble....I dont like hidding stuff as people dont generally work out how to find it....
  16. why not just permently overclock some games???? also why not use the CoinOPS statards ones as they play full speed and have all the options like rotate etc
  17. ill make video packs if people assemble games for N64 and PSX.....thats easy for me to do and also I can add features.....
  18. its ok the locks are good...if they alter the xbe cirtain numbers......bigger pain in the arses will happen down the track for them.... Bigby you can release the build if you want no worries....I think its CoinOPS 1 with a new skin or a faked video but if not you should see some nice payloads at some point....there are 4 locks....the only one most people will have to worry about is limit of roms...that will reboot when you try and play....everything else you will have to alter code.....anyways this just drags the locks out, they would get relaxed if misinformation didnt spread....but instead it continues so locks continue and maybe get more obvious...the warnings and results.... Anywasy yes bigby is ignored from now on......he claim incoent but he acts like cba....oh I didnt know....its boring me now....
  19. the old video is fine just release your build with locks gone for others.....on xtras site if bigby doesnt prove he can remove the locks then that proves my point and locks will stay till CoinOPS 3 bigby put up or shut up.....
  20. arrrrrhhhh bloody newbe pain in the arses
  21. if bigby comments again....and doesnt prove its not faked....the locks will remain till CoinOPS 3 just to prove there are people trying there best to misinform so its not worth letting the foot off the throat of them.....for the good people out there
  22. show a video of you launching games you know what it does....and if lock one is bypassed you also know lock 2 is much worse I know it wont play like that Bigby dont try and tell me its real...it maybe real but its unplayable like you have it...if not I give your permission to give it out no worries at all
  23. yes bigbies crack it for you guys......that alows him to misinform people and give you an altered version and introduce bugs....or is he just a newbe like I say......
  24. just put it on and click go and its all done...read the readme if you really want something look at the top lines called FAQ they are nearly always what people ask.....and then try to do it them selves the emu will do all of this for you.....nothing else needs doing.. ps bigby had the settings in expert mode by default thre is only 12 settings unless expert is enabled then it opens the doors to all the features people have asked for (PS to new people dont worry about +T+ hes a troll) Welcome to new people....first off try the readme FAQ and if it doesnt help ask here...it should get answered bigbies video says it plays with no consoles....how about you guys that wanted that ask him for it .....it should be funny as the results for me.....hes doing it right now as he promised....ive lost.....so from now on if people ask to remove the locks ill say dont bother bigby has a video of it and can give it to you....problems solved for those complaining in the torrent comments (or are they actually newbes like I say )
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