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Everything posted by BritneysPAIRS

  1. What direction in my limited time would you like to see OK guys post here also any other stuff and ill pin to the first thread the stuff ive decided to pickup so give me Features for N64 you want....features for other Cores you want...and games you want especially N64 and PSX Recommended Games so far ***Nintendo 64*** Golden Eye (glitchy at present) Perfect Dark (glitchy at present) Sin and Punishment (glitchy at present) Big Moutain 2000 Mario Tennis (glitchy at present) Mortal Kombat Trilogy Off Road Challange Paperboy Quake 64 Rally Challange 2000 Ready to Rumble Boxing - Part 2 RR64 - Ridge Racer 64 Snowboard Kids Wipeout 64 ISS 2000 Fighters Destiny ***Playstation*** WWE The Arcade Game Thrillkill (glitchy at present) also please give me more suitble games and if one or 2 people want to help with the packs ill supply and make it happen you just need to do a bit of donkeywork and you will get your say Peace
  2. new way forward vote is up http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...=33185&st=0
  3. The locks have worked perfectly....given people the builds they deserve without the misinofrmation and its growing in numbers.... for years many people that caused this have given me issues....nothing of mine makes xbox scene and they also spread misinfomation...ive given them sources etc they wont post it.....ive watched the people that give misinformation turn there sites into sad places in viewers and also just sad comments....ive seen the worst in people and now its clear when i offer a hand and a way forward to Surreal team they say no....thats fine but they will blame me now if things dont go there way....this is sad for me as it really is up to you guys what you use...ive always supported a new mame or branch of CoinOPS done the way they like it...infact id enjoy the chalenge in vision so for now the locks have worked perfect and I dont see any valid reason to change them untill I know the people will find the correct info without clear misdirection...(I mean the same people tryed this on the comments of the torrent...its so sad....they mark it down as 1 star my thread...you name it they try it and all I see is them commenting on each others threads about how good there new icon or screenshot pack is....) I do wish the people on the threads where more like the xbmc people....and alot of the old schoolers are...I think it just invite the new school flamers as well unfortunatly....
  4. well let you guys telling them and if I see the misinoframtion isnt working ill release the unlock...but they need to be told to there faces
  5. bigbies video is a fake..... they keep trying.....even though they see its getting so far ahead of them now....and continuing on... more info later ill be back on tonight about way forward as work is going on in the background....on consoles and esp N64 if you used the gui to edit the paths....one says console paths....I may fix this but presently I dont see the point....the only real point is so people can add over 9000 odd games...this has been asked for....and if people really want over 9000 odd games it will require some thinking about muliple screenshot/video/console paths...
  6. OK N64 is nearly done like all other consoles....HD keymapping...save states etc.... Pixel Perfect for consoles base code is in.... I need a list of the pixels for each game system people want done....ill add a one click button.... then ill assemble a list of what people want for 2.2 and ill assemble a list of all the games they want for 2.1 (2.1 fixes alot fo games in the N64 core and adds in HD and all features...plus ill supply a best of extension in the pack)
  7. N64 added save states N64 Added Keymapping
  8. I can look at stuff like CoinOPS taking over surreal etc...im sorry CoinOPS 2 wont have any issues the otherway....it will reconfigure everything on the fly if its changed so it works in CoinOPS 2....I dont want to make everything manaul....I do automatic adjustments so the user never sees whats going on in the background and can just play....N64 is being fixed up alot at present and will come out as 2.1 id say in the next few weeks...
  9. ps those file I gave you will run all games in 720P now...
  10. what is wrong with golden eye I may look at the rice engine to get this going...any help with issues????anyways ill release stuff tonight about a planned upgrade pack nad planned N64 features
  11. no they refused to work with me so im busy updating the core and adding features myself....but I could now give them some tips as there is technal issues with 720p that needs some core changes to make everything work well...of course I want it all to be automatic
  12. eparox you will need to put one rom at leat into your roms folder....sorry I added a feature when it doesnt detect any roms it reboots.....(I didnt think about your situation...sorry just people complaining it locks up if as they try and move up or down with no games) what I would do is put one rom in CoinOPS 2/roms/xxx.zip .... build the build then after its runs...dont launch the emu or or will remove the save and rebuild due to the rom limits....I would then add all the rest of the games to your other drive.....setup in advanced settings the path then rescan....when you see all 2200 plus games are loaded you can play the emu Tonight I will set up a PSX/N64 thread...alot of progress is happening on N64 at present....I might change the save... PS I think pixel perfect is not worth it on N64 whats peoples thoughts.....N64 looks so much better in HD
  13. give it a go...im not sure think its limited....should be able to at least remove one...it wont cause you big issues... im doing N64 features at present save states will be consistant
  14. save games?...id read the readme for starters
  15. can anyone give me a list of N64 games that would suit CoinOPS?
  16. OK been bug fixing some N64 games in HD got the speed up....check...got the bugs out check...got it in HD check hopefully the xtras videos are good in hd that will save me a few hours..... to add a large pack to CoinOPS 2 thinking of redoing the confusing setup process of N64 and make it much easier to configure though CoinOPS romstatus
  17. it will be there soon
  18. also on the N64 note I left it up to surreal64 team if they wanted to patch into CoinOPS and they are not interested....so we will now diverge in code and features....ill be taking submissions soon to handle N64 and PSX better in a CoinOPS vision kind of way...and packs will be formed...not full sets just most wanted kind of thing dye whats your most wanted features...and most wanted games?
  19. wierd that 480p scrambles this....did it used to do that before I added HD...some people reported this....so I think its an old bug....easy to fix though disable 480p....ill look at it some time soon and see if I can find whats doing it
  20. I need this version tested now
  21. Nintendo 64 2nd test with fix for 480P being enabled...(thanks dye I think thats whats happening...can you try this and see it works with 720P and 480P enabled....hopefully fixes a long standing issue a few people had)
  22. no worries no need to comment.... OK Nintendo 64 2nd test with fix for 480P being enabled...(thanks dye I think thats whats happening...can you try this and see it works with 720P and 480P enabled....hopefully fixes a long standing issue a few people had) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9S8ZSORT
  23. any more testing on this?
  24. yes Dragons Lair is new retrospective feature that plays video....issues releasing dvd stuff P47 aces try booting it again....it does boot and play press start after its loaded a bit...its slow to boot though checks.... does it run out of mem or does it just seem to lock up...if it just seems to lock up boot it and keep pressing start to skip the first video bit it seems to kill the frame rate massivly
  25. cry all you want you know why its added and im happy as with the results.....it is exactly the way I wanted it.... I will let people use it the way they want when people dont lie and misinform people on purpose .... while that happens ill lock it into the build it should be
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