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Everything posted by BritneysPAIRS

  1. its not to hard...about 1minute per game
  2. hey guys im having trouble reading and supporting all these questionsss.... you can add what ever you want and can delete a bit if you get that wrong it wont boot when you run a game...then you can add stuff and rescan and it will work...if things settle with misinformation ill unlock the upgrade at sometime the locks have worked perfectly....giving people an optunity to see a full build
  3. you will need to look at that the file name and add as per readme... look in the console supported games for the name will be something like PSX_thrillkill then add a point file 0k file or renamed text file as PSX_thrillkill.zip add the rom PSX_thrillkill.bin or toa or iso then add the PSX_thrillkill.xmv then add the file name into Cat.ini in general folder as the catagory you want it to be in....Driving 3D just copy one of the other ones the stuff is in the readme
  4. OK reboot is the first lock due to games arnt the ones one there....it will reboot and scan everytime if people do this....they will know when they hit the limit as it will have to do a full rebuild till this is corrected when they launch a game....=lock 1 out 4 (low level altering low level effect) video show...they are normally about 10-15 secs to save time....its enough to see gameplay.... I would like a list of psx games and n64 games to add soon...and Ill do a pack...it wont be a full pack just games that suit CoinOPS 2.....I have res evil and thrill kill and will post them tommorrow... you have to press start in Tekken 3 sorry....otherwise its 700 megs extra download and you have to turn off the sound anyways....im not sure about other questions etc there alot here....arrhhhhhhhhh..... If people want a upgrade pack as ive updated alot of videos that are not in that build...eg rise of robots snes....unfortuantly only new vids have been added and not my updated ones.....but ill be making upgrade packs that will require CoinOPS 2 in the future and will just patch changes....releases and wants will be asked when CoinOPS 2 videos are out in the wild....ummm not sure about choppyness its just the xport emu core I can look at it if wanted but the games played ok for me that I played....if you remove the .zip and rescan the game will be gone from the list...to add the name read the readme change cat.ini file in general folder and rescan....its in the readme CoinOPS 2 build over old one....200 new arcade games....100 new console games....new features...new skin...match sets....more optomised games....game fixes....low level code changes to make updating different and easier
  5. enjoy it the way it is you know why they are there....im not saying any limits etc to help solve the 4 locks with 4 diff issues it will cause
  6. alot of grabed this from multiple places....CoinOPS 2 video
  7. momaw yes there is slow down in alot of gba games (same as all gba emulators on the xbox at present) ... and yes with the full download of a psx games you will have sound...except for tekken 3 if you do that it will stutter if thats done and has to be disabled after opening the game to play it properly you can just add CoinOPS 2 and it will do everything....but id probably delete all the babe/boob folders from tdata and udata esp if its really slow I have not included any screens as they slow down things a little and videos are smoother...also I have the new smooth scroll effect so the video never dissapears....so the pics where of no real use...
  8. looks like the decision to stop the misinformation is now working out well....great to see its caused the people to get what they should have without all the issues people say are me but are normally the people saying its me.... im glad it was released this way.....and no reported issues with any locks etc as expected.... dyphne isnt on this only a dvd emulator...and as asked many times I only know of 3 games on dvd dragaons 1 and 2 and space ace maybe there is more but at present there is no name place for them
  9. vote will come for the way forward for me.....after the first good video of CoinOPS 2 appears....then ill discuss.....what people want me to spend my time on ...I have alot of stuff in BETA but I dont release it till its working right....
  10. a vote will come for the way forward for me.....after the first good video of CoinOPS 2 appears....then ill discuss.....what people want me to spend my time on ...I have alot of stuff in BETA but I dont release it till its working right.... options are new XBMC....new coinops features...new coinops packs....something like that.....its really what people want in the next 3 or so months.....
  11. VIDEOS......its changed in my build...but I dont do the upload I just show people how...so goonies 2 is goonies 1 and one castlivia gba game is another gba game...id say I have done them properly and ill add them to 2.1...as they will be just change files now and will require CoinOPS 2 to upgrade....... alot of games are working with upgrades includeing cps3..pgm cave games....and more
  12. arrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i
  13. but phil this ones 5 star and CoinOPS has been rated as low as 1 star.. I wonder why....its a mystery how that can happen
  14. PS I dont do full packs thats easy to do and da schoola has done it for CoinOPS its 16000 games.....or something...anyways I wont add pointless games but anyones free to make packs....but that is not what my builds are about...they are about a massive best of collection.....2200 is quite alot for anyone asked for is in it
  15. 200 or so more than the last one maybe 1400 or 1500 looks like at have it now....any videos or comments??? 100s have it by looks
  16. who posts the first video ... ill dissuc the way forward when people have got this....there are many paths that can be taken
  17. just adding keymapping to N64...next ill add HD and link in aspect switch....
  18. it just in BETA and had no time to do it with CoinOPS....but its planned and hoped to do it next...
  19. only a select few of psx...I have 100 more on my build totaling 60more gig good to see your its out there....hopefully you guys can share the love....if so I might org a massive n64 psx update....
  20. ill look at pixel perfect soon for consoles that will be easy....then final burn ill have to fix the core a bit for that one
  21. all good....I hope the xtra psx and xtra 12 games are in sync... to Bigby its only for a heads up....id say release any packs for sure...and maybe madmab can fix your bugs....they are easy enough to sort out
  22. whats the name? there is an arcade version
  23. let me know about the video they all work my side.....go end to end and see they all work and if they do its all good if not redown one and if it still doesnt work let me know and ill reup them.....ive been end to end quite a few times with no issues PS : bigby you have all the final fight videos in good quality in your showroom or showcase build....you should play alot of those games though as alot of them lock up later on esp capcom games and it doesnt matter the res....just a hint but alot crash on level 3 or 4 type of thing....unless of course you fix the drivers....and they are on your download list and they are also discussed at xbox scene and confirmed whats wrong and what to do to fix some of them....although most just said play it in CoinOPS (even your founder came to that conclusion later on).....just a heads up from the past id read up cause you are about to give people stuff that doesnt work when played....eg gwange can be fixed as well but by default it will lockup in 720p as well as some of the others....but hey maybe it doesnt have alot of problems....ps want me to point out some more....resize the screen in a vertical game to suit and then try a horizontal game now thats wierd and it kills all the games now.....want some more???? ps all can be fixed patchs are pretty easy.... anyways +T+ says there are no bugs and im making them up.....try the resize its really wierd but oh so painfull....I might hint at a bug a day for you bigby in your build your handing out......tommorrow I might do sound......if only it wasnt repeating stuff done years ago........ hmmmm ok I should stay out...best of luck Bigby I feel sorry for people but it will work mostly...and some might live with this stuff and think it cant be solves......ignorance is bliss they say...there has been alot of hints for you from many people on this site its kind of up to you to read forums from years ago as this stuff has long since come to conclusions.....those that forget the past are deemed to repeat in the future.... Peace all......I hope the release goes a better at some point.....
  24. you guys dont look you have it in sync bummer I guess there may end up as 2 diff versions.....they wont differ alot it will be like CoinOPS 2 and 2.1....unless phil is in sync with you ace
  25. well id recommend it...just as one great all in one package...
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