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Everything posted by BritneysPAIRS

  1. hey guys also please make sure you release the same version of CoinOPS 2 its only ace and phil at present that will be giving it out...others have it....but you to need to be in sync maybe ill release a new pack....another 1000 games.... who wants to help???
  2. question is whats the biggest bang for buck??? msx???...ummm maybe XBMC media playing??? N64???? by the way the surreal is looking good....ill add it to CoinOPS if they allow if not ill update CoinOPS soon for HD then decide if I need to update the core....again bang to buck im not sure at the moment....for now ill see how things go
  3. is there any more consoels you want in it if enough people wanted more it can be added....but if not I wont clutter the interface if is only for a few
  4. its most emus....under one gui...and yes they are heavly update....not so much console wise....but it will run most of them.....and be seemless Its mostly Mameox....with about 10,000 changes (100s and 100s of new drivers and driver fixes....and 100s of new features)....final burn legends with about 1,000 changes (50 or so new drivers and 100 or so driver fixes) and xport emus with about 500 changes per emu (mostly standardisation so its seemless in CoinOPS)....and surreal64 with 500 changes (mostly standardisation so its seemless in CoinOPSs)....ummmm alot more though mameb6 (midway games with speed)....Killer Instinct and heaps more really.....Street Fighter 3 3rd Strike if something needs updating or intergrating I do it..... and yes that means it runs 100s and 100s of games that wont run if you have all these emus on your xbox...it also means lots and lots of features wont be there if you have all these emus on your xbox..... but surreal and psx arnt modified much and if your really into them id stick with the full emus for now....ill look at these in more detail at some time and maybe able to work with the teams if not ill do work alone that best suits a vision of a clean interface with great sorting that plays everything needed..... if you want everything in an engine that sorts this stuff and plays it and is easy to use for everyone, also it has all the xtras like synopisis and videos....not just the ones from emumovies most are redone so they display in hd well as the ones others use dont...and hd videos play everywhere in CoinOPS...in the screensaver...on the skin...in game information....if you want something that has so much attention to detail is constantly improved CoinOPS 2 will be the answer....it plays nearly everything, is hands down miles ahead in arcade emulation and is hands down the simplest most powerfull sorting engine availbe on the xbox today...plus the full pack is tested end to end and everything is there and done for you and works. The last two full releases had very few if any bug reports in years of use over 1000s of xboxs across 1000s of games The largest pain ive had is with documenentation and dont have much time to do this as I prefer to update the emus....but I do show people eventually how to run everything with a point release and a full build...this answers most of the added stuff...and I do have alot of documentation in the emu that not to many read before asking questions anyways..... Yes alot dont like it as they dont want old sources improved or want them to stay in there orig GUI.....some have even tried misinformation and smear tactics and ive seen the worst behavour of man kind in stuborness at times...ive seen people telling me about what ive done and I know I didnt......ive seen a few vocal people with no real skills telling me the sillest stuff and expecting me to listen......it was not xports wish to see it under his GUI and this is from his words and why he added commandline stuff and docummented how to do this on other emus....which I added to CoinOPS so you can run this though any emu that supports commanline launching and you wont see the CoinOPS GUI (note no other arcade emu on the xbox has this)....ive never wanted the other projects to die I would rather work with them...but it has been clear they wanted me gone by any mean possible and I just want to improve things...and have been doing this for years....and little by little people have tried CoinOPS and little by little they see the attention to detail and improvements...not in one area but across the board..... overall this has 100s of games not playable elsewhere on the xbox.....many big titles....this has 100s of features not playable elsewhere on the xbox....like HD mame....like video preview mame...like mouse trackball support...like synopsis in mame....like pixel perfect in mame...like aspect correction across the board in one click button.....like.................................................... Best of luck guys
  5. no worries..... I have alot more psx games like jojo raystorm etc the pack will be big but may release one as an add on....im off to bed now....im out of this till after I see it out there unless theres some major bugs...im busy adding stuff....and this could go on forever as I generally add something every day or two.... peace guys hope you all hook up soon
  6. OK sync the builds and release in anyway you want but the files are there.... hey let me know when you try Street of Rage Remix and let me know it works and has a catagory and video and then its all up to you guys
  7. ok add the MI_S to your zips and the contents of xSorRv5 CoinOPS 2 Files.rar to root of CoinOPS 2 rescan your games and your free to pay it should have catgory be taged as a fav if you use auto add to favs and have a video and it should play......can reset out unless A600 lets me mod one of his files ace whats your thoughts????? better than showroom or showcase???
  8. I would and in 5 mins ill give you the Street of Rage tryout message ... you can leave out mickey...I removed alot of the music...or leave out tekken 3 if you want...I can add the 700 meg one instead of 30meg where you need to press start...? whats your thoughts but id add the psx extras...I have about 80 more on my personal build but those are the arcady one.... and id patch in the new 12 games... whats your thoguths on CoinOPS 2 package ace??
  9. no thats the only one...I should add the full one.... all the other psx should boot perfectly every time...that one I compressed it 70 percent up street of rage remake after this ill show you guys how to use the new dvd player....for stuff like space ace and dragons lair.... are there any more laser disc games on dvd?
  10. BC Story and New Multi Game 5
  11. also in the /BPHome/TO ADD PSX GAMES you can add the .xmv files to CoinOPS 2/videos add the .zip files to CoinOPS 2/roms add the extracted files from the rars to CoinOPS 2/roms then you will have alot more psx games that are arcdae related and all are running properly under CoinOPS 2..... are you guys going to add these?? or the latest 12 games I added??? you need to decide this then do a 5min test and if it works as I think it will release it also ill hand you the street of rage files you guys can release as a pack if you want....or what ever....that will happen soon(is going up will take 30mins) can you test it as well, the files and folders need to go into the root CoinOPS 2....3 folders with files in them and 4 files
  12. no worries let me know if the new games work how are you finding it??? more there....??? maybe a bit nicer look as well and smoother interface
  13. ok grab the update folder and over write your build...can you also tell me if it works?
  14. also note now...before if no roms where detected it locked up....now if no roms are detected it will restart and rebuild....make sure you have added roms if it keeps retrying to scan roms
  15. added 12 more games in "CoinOPS 2 xtra 12 game" folder on FTP...some good ones comes thanks to iq for final burn...patch it in and try a few out phil...then I say release it....and give the xtra stuff to the seeders also ive included instructions on how to launch Street of Rage Remake in the readme and I included the video for you it will be in the default CoinOPS 2 but the game itself wont be as its A600s and no permission to do this...it will just sort it and show you a video and launch it for you peace all hopefull its out tommorrow
  16. why dont I make them perminantly 300 percent....esp raide Guwange etc play better in the mame core and have more options...they are in that by default and operate at full speed.... bigby I know of literly 100s of problems with final burn legends.....(I have no idea if you guys use it as much as you say like +T+ why you havent not spoted the many issues there are, it makes me think you are not really doing this and you just want to find fault in my help, well that gets you guys nowhere and is at best painfull...and also leads to issues going to the people you support as you have told yourselves this stuff so much you beleive it to be true)best of luck....I use parent mainly you are using rx xtras I bet and he only uses US roms or something like that...I used the parent unless it didnt work then I used the bootleg etc....also the stretch aspect correct vertical game preview option has been in there for year in CoinOPSs.....please dont tell me one has to add black bars to the preview and the code doesnt look for the aspect ratios and adjust the sizes for you....this would make the black bars locked in thats not good...as it was once discussed years ago I added this feature and added the option to have it both ways...skins support vert preview and horizontal preview sizes for pics and videos in CoinOPS.... no offense this has been done for years...and I want out as ive moved the core along alot since then and I find this stuff to be looking back ....updating the core would be a good place to start....as the fixes are out in the wild now....but hey good luck brother also if you dont use parent like rx if you change the option alot of games will be filtered out as its not dynamic
  17. fix them like I did on CoinOPS ...anyways its all pointless as its been done years ago on CoinOPS.... some of the games added from your snaps are games with issues...in 720p and in later levels having issues...have you been over the Final Burn issues when it was released?
  18. yes I need to tqlk to people to discuss the issues with a true filter the positives and the cpu hit...im aware of stuff to do with this now
  19. back in 1-2 hours if cos or phil or whoever want to msn me
  20. hmmmm it seems like people are compalain no CoinOPS 2 yet phil...maybe the complainers are wrong and they want releases??? and then upgrades...as it keeps going forward and at present we are stalling them??? its a hard world to please everyone but if we release today its out of date next week??? its so hard
  21. man bigby you need help A aspect correct is not what your saying....every mame game is different...eg your horizontal games are nt aspect correct....as well as your vert games...games dont need parent...plus alot of the snaps you published have bugs in them....like they crash later or crash in 720p but work in 480 yes I have tested final burn legends so im aware like the guys who have truly played this of the issues....im sorry people doubt these instead of fixing them and say im the bad guy for saying this....its a great release but needed some tlc....if they play a few games like the cps2 and neo geo they are is good.....as tlc went into those but the other stuff was just released anyways ive fix 10 more final burn games yesterday and ill add another 3 or 4 new final burn games today hopefully that have never been emualted on the xbox.... also cos the fix for vertical game rotation what is it? I can look at this stuff for you....and I need to talk in person about scanlines as there is some issues with it not being correct and I need it to work in 720 and 480i and 480p...widescreen wont matter and id say it wont slow down or take any xtra ram as ill just change opsity every x line....dont know why madmab says it takes to much cpu....it doesnt take any really...well one more instruction every 100,000 instructions
  22. updated Final Burn Core to add 10 more arcade game driver...will patch it into CoinOPS 2 tommorrow if it isnt released and people want it to....
  23. yeah I looked scanline filter is easy and adds no real over heads....not sure how it works first line = 100percent second = 50 percent third =25 forth = 50 and then repeat? any ideas on the maths of this stuff? also ill give pixel perfect a go for all consoles and final burn alpha soon...but the screen rotation code of fba is sux sux....and ill have to redo that completely (im sure you have seen this if you try to do pixel perfect )
  24. also note to bigby I didnt want to say but those are all done or are bios just renaming is wrong on the other 3, just grab them from emumovies or CoinOPS showcase/showroom
  25. well wait till you have CoinOPS 2 then ill except feature requests...till ones seen it I wont be
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