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Everything posted by BritneysPAIRS

  1. hehe the fix also fixes the slowdown sometimes by looks...ill add it this weekend
  2. no worries what if I fixed the music shouldnt be hard...no one I know has noticed as they all run hd...ill fix the sound in snes for next build ive found the changes required....and you where the second person to report this
  3. alots been added after that time as well at least 30-50 new games
  4. right I can see alot of new people around and alot of links to other sites on blog .... any dev questions or want ask away looks like others are handling the output very well this time....without me saying I dont release stuff fantastic guys
  5. yes no one I know uses there emus any more...normal people infact they kind of think the others are not nearly in the same leage....remember these people just want to pick a controller up and play and I used to watch them on other people emu....you should see all the stuff they get confused on...the keymapping the screensresizing even chooing games and even what the feck is vice64 I want to play internation karate where is it why is some in HD some not....why mapping diff....why is the skin sizing all messed up...I saw so many issues and they never wanted these or asked for them..they excepted it cause they like to play games...now they can play games on CoinOPS with no fuss they have all moved and the new ones that look cant beleive anyone played the other ones....but this is just what ive seen from normal people that would never come here...I know techos are diff so ill give madmab one last message.. To madmab "I have achieved my goals with the consoles now...I may add a few more cores but they will look the same as the other console cores featurewise... I am glad your build is around and will keep going, no one I personally know uses it or likes it but im sure others do...I modeled CoinOPS in a way that your isnt....I never wanted your sources and would have never have used them...I know of many bugs in the xtras and missing games that are not issues in CoinOPS and alot think its the emus but it was the rom choices themselves by rx...you may update this at some point but its of no worries to me as I already have done so....I know have eaten into your followship and you have not eaten into mine and it was nothing personal infact at present I dont care to look for any other solutions to consoles on the xbox....and if it was it would be to renew the cores not to gain your sources...as you know I wouldnt use them they would require more work than xports to remove all the stuff I deem to be off scope and make the users life more painfull....I just want normal people to be able to play...I watch youtube vids and all your stuff was going though menus...all CoinOPS vids are sorting and scrolling though the list then playing so this is and was always my goal. Im sorry you found it a fight, I was always going to achieve my goals which is now at an end for consoles...(my friends and I have now got what they want...a simple and easy to sort and config console engine....most cant stand other stuff now....normal people are such newbes) if you just look at keymaping or pixel perfect on both emus you can quickly see the vision and goals differ alot and we where never in the same ball park with visions on emus.... you can beleive what you want about things...I was always going to do what the majority asked for and I was always going to leave it once that was done...you or your guys who I dont think could offer anything never ever stood in my way and I still dont think ill ever see anything I or my friedns want from them...but I wish you the best of luck in your vision....its funny you cared so much about stuff that was pretty much written in stone from a few years ago and was nothing personal.... I wish you the best though and can give up with your games of whatever...I dont want your sources and I have finalised the consoles unless people specifiaclly ask for features or games as it meets my end goals...I have bigger projects to do now good luck" Consoles is gameover for what I want....its time to move forward....oh except ive got a 500 game pack in the works...this is why no polls lately have had consoles in them rockon
  6. cheers ace.... I have nearly done the console part of thise update 2..... this can go into the new full version....then id say release a new full version....can talk over msn if you want psx etc in there
  7. you asked for it to be fixed....madmab is funny no one else asked for anything thats all if is asked for and I think its a good idea ill do it...but all seem happy with consoles now...except for speed in GBA...N64 and PSX compatibility...but lucky consoles is now on the back burner for a while except some new cores might go in...but it does everything people asked for for forums and alot easier than xport could have dreamed of....to do pixel perfet click one button and every game on every system is done and if you change from 720 to 480p well it just resets it up for you on the fly...I wish others would do this stuff as I watch normal people pick these emulators up and end up going these are shit...the screen is in the top corner...etc...nothing is dynamic or easy....and for these reason after watching so many people in real life I decided these things needed to be fixed to make this true plug and play good luck with what your doing madmab....no one I know uses any of it now....and really all CoinOPS has been about was listening to them and removing all these other emus and there compexed interfaces....and now they are all happy...im moving on to other stuff systems others dont dream of touching lol just promoting hahaha anyways good luck brother im happy with the way things went I achieve what I set out to do....now this is erralivant all the top systes are in and work well and easy for everyone that wants them...infact nearly seemless
  8. madmab I see your reading this.....im joking its a 2 second fix and phil asked me to do it...things move on and that was about the easiest fix ive done in ages...just set though the code in debug till you see it change and bam theres the line that did it things really do move on my friend
  9. Hey guys glad to see all here but really others want you to support other stuff so you throw your support that way as well.... cheers ace for putting it out there, upload is all good...the full release ill drop a few more things into it if you want
  10. not sure its as per the new sources....FBA core....but not really tested...Final burn is under going alot of work at present....(more about this elsewhere is being discussed and put into action) Good release I see people have the pack from a few you tube vids good to see....enjoy others...sorry dev talk is elsewhere now but ill come by and say hi and tell you of new releases
  11. man so many new games after night slaher that was 18 months ago probably 100 add games I added cheats for alot fo the games....like bubble booble ultra should have cheats
  12. ill upload tonight if not kof2k_cracked is not in there I dont think ace.... "kof 2000 was in CoinOPS 2 full...whats the diff...it maybe a new request at blog
  13. CoinOPS 2 R3 Standalone in the wild now CoinOPS 2 Upgrade Pack 1 in the wild now
  14. its ok he has it now and everyone will tonight.... direct x bug lol
  15. update Pack(1.8gig) and Update Emu tonight....
  16. upgrade pack tonight
  17. phil did you see I fixed the xport console core bug to do with going into keymapping??? the one you was told was a direct x bug....if they ask me for the fix ill give it to them...it was very simple anyways it will be standard in R3
  18. ill release source changes....and all is good...if people want it in ill enable it and if aurthors want sources ill hand them to them.... lol goodbye zorglub its up to users and not to you...ill ask them
  19. Oh well may it all burn to the ground...so the phenox can rise from the fire.... The prophecy has been fortold.... Im fine to say my point I have no issues being banned...if im not wanted and gamecop says so im all good with it....im doing this cause you guys dont have the skills you say you do and I feel sorry for the users you try and persuade are hard features or cant happen etc...I know some may listen and I feel sorry for them....you guys are vocal yet to me dont know simple things....and it makes me cry for the weak.... fumanchu etc I try and listen as I know he knows his stuff...ive found a few more lately that know there stuff and it makes things easier...ive never wanted your help and im sorry and ive allways been up front and told you to your faces why...I know you dont like it and I wouldnt say it unless I 100 percent beleived it and I wouldnt say it if I didnt think it effect new people....
  20. its a ghost town allready if you remove the xtras team... It its the sadest thing for me....ive kept doing stuff and im about to release new stuff tommorrow...it hasnt effected me much and it wont really effect anyone I know... its a shame for 1emulation to me....
  21. quite frankly ive got alot of the users on the blog and via msn and had no issues...all I see is you guys left and the issues remain....people that come to the blog and PM have been 100 percent supportive.... its only you guys and now waal is banned there leader NeoBomb is in to replace him....not normal users or people wanting new features or help...but people that compete against CoinOPS and are here saying how bad I am....
  22. its only you 3 or 4 left....have you noticed that...I got more people on the blog that used to be here than the users that post here now in one day.... is it me or am I the only one that see its a disscussion around the xtras team....+t+ and robert now.....wierd isnt it.... I have seen a ton more valid posts and requests via PM than ive seen here for weeks, by alot more people that are sadly just wanting things to move forward and quite frankly are supportive....
  23. I wish it wasnt true....but its what I beleive....and nearly everything ive predicted has become true as its easy to predict.... I have never wanted to beleive such statement...but I do beleive them to be statements of fact...and so do alot of others that PM I hope I am wrong in this occasion All we get is 90 percent of threads about CoinOPS or CoinOPS bashing....thats about all we get these days you guys have put out virtually nothing in years...and if you say surreal in HD I put that in in an hour or so...and most CoinOPS bashing is the same few who are on the xtras team...a team I have said I dont think are good...and I do beleive this...I wont live by your quality of products and cirtainly not by your timelines or your help which never says it like I know to be true from looking at the sources... time will tell and im fine with it being that way...I hope im wrong
  24. next time we see gamecop here or on MSN, ill discuss these things with him like I have done in the past....you can count on it...speak of the devil
  25. not anymore its up to max now just you guys love to put everything of yours at 5 and its allways you guys and all mine at one...thats desparte no one else ever does it...so I just say hey show them it can be changed very easily back to max....in less than a day good luck I hope you post your screenshot packs here Should be CoinOPS 2 R3 tommorrow and the update packs
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