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Everything posted by BritneysPAIRS

  1. the core is iqs now....100 percent driver wise....if not I could use gogo one easy as ill add that file now let me get back to work please have fun.....there is no way its going in GUI ever and was voted against by every user except you guys...pretty much....if you want to continue this go elsewhere you will get that file unaltered and thats it from me....im doing other stuff attached CoinOPS soften filter to consoles attached CoinOPS 10x11 pixel ratio to consoles attached CoinOPS antialising to consoles added +t+ credits.txt sorry iq even though you did most of it you didnt make the cut made it easy to boot with no roms
  2. attached CoinOPS soften filter to consoles attached CoinOPS 10x11 pixel ratio to consoles attached CoinOPS antialising to consoles made it easy to boot with no roms opps sorry wrong thread out I was just letting you know above is redone code wise to insert into the final burn core as well as the coinops core
  3. Strikers 1945 preview thing fixed and dynamic now...plus made some other changes....so it stretch the pic if on side...eg use hor aspect not vertical aspect as per skin
  4. im using nes6502 core that he said he discontinued final burn not final burn legends his new project....and have loaded all new drivers into them....from iq so its one or two cpps now that are main xport sources, if he didnt say he didnt discontinue them I wouldnt have used them....most code in that emu is from xport and iq and a bit of stuff and none of it it is mentioned... anyways make me a file as I dont really care one way or other.....I truely have better stuff to do...I know as you do the true dev arnt on your side...its your opion and not theres....no offense +t+ this gets people nowhere and nowhere in the future...all credits can be sourced by looking though all 100 release notes and though the 10 odd sources I released....if you grabbed all of those you can do a list for me...and I have no issues adding it....I do have issues with your stance that clearly goes against all the top dev thoughts and has made them discontinue support at times.... send me a file and ill alter it if ness...if you want it done your way just say and ill leave it that way I dont give a rats arse like you think I do...as you can see I left a credit.txt in there that credts most of the people even darknoir etc these people are small fish compaired to those i find helpfull but none the less I left it unaltered and there....its a 1 sec job to add my name as I added HD and other features now...and its a 1 sec job to remove it but I left it in there for anyone to see and read...infact there names are there and not mine.....so people in the future will think they made this I really dont care....and no one I work with does....now all I see is disrespect to those that worked so hard to give you what you have....and then lay the blame on people doing stuff......as I say +t+ this is the last time I say my peace....its all been covered....you know you are speaking for your guys and not the true dev in emu and I have consolted them regulary and read what they had to say....if they instruct me otherwise it will be done....send me the file it wont make any diff to me....I know nes was upset I used his sources but he told me it was ok he just didnt expect I could update them so fast as iq work is generally drop and drag to update.....
  5. all good +t+ I was just pointing out....people are breaking the base of open sources....and I know iq wouldnt agree with this....I know final burn is nearly all his baby looking though the sources and I know what his terms of agreement is.... I also know that you guys twist this...ill add one for you but most dont care...I always credit people on each release if they helped.....eg below is one release **** CoinOPS EPIC R4 (Standalone Release) ******** RELEASED added fast PSIKYO core for many games with sound....strikers II and strikers III etc added fast Daraku Tenshi - The Fallen Angels with sound added fast Tetris the Absolute The Grand Master 2 with sound added fast Tetris the Absolute The Grand Master 2 with sound added fast Tetris the Absolute The Grand Master 2 Plus with sound added all CPS3 games and all CPS3 No-CD games in final burn core for ram upgraded boxes added all PGM games in final burn core for ram upgraded boxes (included ddp2 ddp3 ketsui espgunda KOV2 martial m etc) added DDcrew in final burn core for ram upgraded boxes journey now playable in mame knuckle bash 2 now playable in mame Recalhorn now playable Command War now playable Double Dragon 1 fix ending (I hope seems that way) Changed the way viusally show times played is used and controlled Changed the aspect ratio for basic users and works for Arcades and Consoles with one click Removed alot of bugs from V3 Linked the Aspect ratios correction of arcades and consoles and moved it to basic settings Moved advanced arcade aspect ratios like pixel perfect etc to advanced settings Added New Romstatus to tagging many different ways Added New games to catagories Added New games and alot of Older supported games to Final Burn Cores (speed related) where it is seen fit to do so Fixed C64 Booting Fixed auto resize of GB games changing in and out of Aspect Correction Some tidy ups drivers added DRIVER( kbash2 ) DRIVER( recalh ) DRIVER( commandw ) DRIVER( Ket ) DRIVER( Keta ) DRIVER( Ketb ) DRIVER( Espgal ) DRIVER( Thegladpcb ) DRIVER( Ddp2 ) DRIVER( Ddp2101 ) DRIVER( Ddp2102 ) DRIVER( Ddp3 ) DRIVER( Ddp3v100 ) DRIVER( Ddp3v101 ) DRIVER( Ddp3d ) DRIVER( Ddp3blk ) DRIVER( Martmasc ) DRIVER( Martmast ) DRIVER( Kov2 ) DRIVER( Kov2106 ) DRIVER( Kov2p ) DRIVER( Kov2p205 ) DRIVER( warzard ) DRIVER( sfiii ) DRIVER( jojo ) DRIVER( jojoba ) DRIVER( jojobaa ) DRIVER( sfiii2 ) DRIVER( jojoan ) // NO CD VERSION DRIVER( jojon ) // NO CD VERSION DRIVER( jojoban ) // NO CD VERSION DRIVER( Jojobane ) // NO CD VERSION DRIVER( redeartn ) // NO CD VERSION DRIVER( redearth ) DRIVER( sfiii2n ) // NO CD VERSION DRIVER( sfiii3n ) // NO CD VERSION DRIVER( sfiii3 ) DRIVER( sfiiin ) DRIVER( sf3 ) NOTE FOR EPIC USERS : sfiii3 rom pic and video now needs to be renamed as sf3.zip sf3.png sf3.xmv this is due to sfiii3 is now being used by the final burn core NOTE Please for each game I wish to know if it runs on an Xbox with 128Megs of ram and how well (also on the trusty ones) Thanks to IQ as usual for his help.....although alot of work was put in by me without IQ this would have never been possible in the first place this is added anytime he helps even tohugh he says he doesnt care or want it...if he wanted it would be in anyway he wanted it.... Everyone that helps thats asks gets this....I know the sources are the way to keep things alive...HK didnt release his and that was against mames wishes and against xports wishes.....also against mine ebsay and bendermike all of which put time into this...I dont keep on about this though...its not what keeps me going...its a shame though.... We both know why the xtras team come at me about this...and I know they are not holding there end up and you know this to be true as well...but you bias it against me....when I follow what is asked by the terms and they dont...I just dont follow your rules....my sources could easly be used now to up grade mame .72 on the 360 and that is alot due to IQ but also alot due to me...I wouldnt care about credit and it would be nice just for a thanks to me personally and then nice to see people use it.... you know people are quickly forgotten in this business and no one really cares who did what.....its nice to share and keep the thing alive....instead naming the product as your own...which I never do and not releasing sources....I think you know this is worse than me....but ill release a credit file soon or you can create one and ill mod it and add to the public build alot of people with no skills around claiming stuff but I know its holding the scene back...more than they think.....and I know this for a fact just cause people can rename screenshot and dont want others to progress if it means they lose respect....doesnt make it right for them to slow open source dev to the world...as it can be used in alot more places than the old xbox.....they dont even listen to people that have served the scene with the most beloved stuff ever and achieving the impossible to all but a few people in the world these dev have and do close there sources at times because of behavours as mentioned above that you have no issues with......you want to teach me repect when I ask them what they want and I honour there terms and ask them there terms...then you expect me to listen to you and follow your rules....you have heard from one of them, id hope its left at that....ill follow any rules iq sets down to me and ignor others that really have no place asking for respect....im sorry but you know this is true you know the people you support are hurting things moving forward and you know they dont have the skills and arnt in the same leage as iq...yet you would rather the scene suffers if it means I fail and you know in the end thats actually sad for everyone but still I know you have a desire to do this....its up to you ill keep going anyways as a hobby just like iq said it will be the innocent that suffer Over and out
  6. ive released about 10 lots of source code and xbins refused to upload it...I change my build weekly and there is gigs and gigs of sources so I dont have the time to keep the sources up to date...if people want them for valid reasons they get them...and at times they are released I know of 3 dev that think your wrong about source...two by far are the main people why final burn xxx was there...I see they are both credited now I look ...you will know who they are.... but its good to know you think this way....I dont credit anyone and ask the dev if they want credit the only ones that did where surreal even if gogo doesnt get credit and his name is all though sources....if you play surreal a file is created called credit.txt in the main CoinOPS folder....this is an unaltered credit file by them....the real dev know who they are...they know I dont add my name to the build... I know of one dev that stopped working on drivers etc cause of people that refused to release sources not refused to release credit....and other that thinks its really wrong....ask them yourself you know who they are...you must want the true dev to stop giving all the entire scene stuff not just one emu ill print there poilicy on sources tonight for you...+t+ and read it well...it doesnt mention credit it mentions sources.....so its nice you make your own rules up but you dont seem to agree with what the dev want? and go the distance to push your case.....a simple search for final burn or xport release will show you there views...nothing about credit just all about releasing the sources so everything can continue....if you really want to spin those words +t+ you can but they are written on there web sites front pages for you to see...ill also give you public discussion about sources and show you how it effects the dev when you work the way you guys do....... peace though and best of luck then ill leave it up to you....remember these are facts +t+ and you can ask them yourself....I know you know what im talking about.....go after me you are and ignor the first page of dev wishes
  7. Ill spend a full afternoon crediting everyone in all 12gig of sources and support files added...probably 100plus people when the xport sources are updated to the release builds by the xtras team with the opensource code they used from xport....but not till then...so xtras make it happen and credit will be there except for those that asked for it not to be in there...plus all sources will be synced with SVN CoinOPS 2 R3. +t+ if you want me to respect you tell me to my face and others faces about what you think of people that actively lock there sources?? including locking there names into the sources?? and tell me why you support the people that you know do this?? without questioning it?? do you think a list of credit names is better than the sources for keeping things alive?? nice simple and good question....if you answer this im sure your all good why do you hassle me yet never say anything about this....do you think dev like this...once again hop on msn and ask them to there face.....whats your thoughts on your source code being locked and have you stopped giving stuff out cause people have done this?
  8. sorry guys another pointless night when I could be imporving the drivers.....please send me that test tommorrow for the N64 would be great....I also have some new games that need testing ill put them on FTP tommorrow.... ill be off msn the gf is calling...back on tommorrow
  9. Ill spend a full afternoon crediting everyone in all 12gig of sources and support files added...probably 100plus people when the xport sources are updated to the release builds by the xtras team with the opensource code they used from xport....but not till then...so xtras make it happen and credit will be there except for those that asked for it not to be in there...plus all sources will be synced with SVN CoinOPS 2 R3. if you really cared +t+ you would ask them about this? its hypicritical and ill do my bit when this is done.....please dont ask me again they are in my sources that are availbe and ill spend time adding them when the others you support do the right thing..... +t+ if you want me to respect you tell me to my face and others faces about what you think of people that actively lock there sources?? including locking there names into the sources?? and tell me why you support the people that you know do this?? without questioning it?? do you think a list of credit names is better than the sources for keeping things alive?? nice simple and good question....if you answer this im sure your all good why do you hassle me yet never say anything about this....do you think dev like this...once again hop on msn and ask them to there face.....whats your thoughts on your source code being locked and have you stopped giving stuff out cause people have done this?
  10. its ok ill remove it but really I talk to these dev....and they dont want what you guys are saying.... and they want the sources released as its open source...you know the people dont release sources and this goes against there wishes gogo even worked on surreal and you know most of these people get sick of this stuff and they are the true dev like iq when they tire stuff like cave games cant be achieved.......why do you support rubbish about crediting screenshot packs? from people that dont release anything but credit themselves for the tinest of things
  11. gogoack iq132 Yoshiro haze Nicola Salmoria R. Belmont ElSemi Luca Elia.....xport...just read the names in the source code This is a tiny list taken from availbe sources none are removed or altered and all are in open source svn no more is said cause the people that are here block sources(other peoples that stated he wanted them released eg xport) and cry I dont add people like rx that took others work(alot mine) and renamed it...and screwed up alot of it.....as if rx did feck all or +t+ these guys cant even sort out mame config files... half that list is wrong I didnt use that snes core at all I used xports as per what he wanted....most of those people I had to remove there work as it was buggy cluttered and irralivant.... as for you +t+ gogo would be disapointed in you....but now hes got himself a nice girlfriend....riding on him is shamefull......+t+ if you want join the dev on msn gogo and tell him to his face...I know you know hes a nice guy...megaman says names there of people I helped like bendermike , I helped him.....rx ive always called a newbe and would remove all his work in a second as his xtras are full buggy dumps and miss so many fgood games....and lots of issues in his mame, thats was the worst release for bugs ive seen....you can write the credits the way you see it but I know who did what and I know the people that come to sprout off are the people that go against open source and cant do even simple things yet want credit...they are useless and think I want them to help me...you really have no clue (people that dont release sources yet use others open source code ... rename files and put credits all over there skins and build them into emu.... leaving out the real developers are newbes to me.....over and out.....) anyways ill leave you to them to help you do drivers etc features and bug fixes im sure if they talk enough the sources will update themselves......lets see.................... apprently they can do it lol lol lol lol not this again Ill spend a full afternoon crediting everyone in all 12gig of sources and support files added...probably 100plus people when the xport sources are updated to the release builds by the xtras team with the opensource code they used from xport....but not till then...so xtras make it happen and credit will be there except for those that asked for it not to be in there...plus all sources will be synced with SVN CoinOPS 2 R3. over and out ill leave you to your cry feast then tumble weeds
  12. you have no idea, who made what you know shit all....I know alot of the org people personally and worked on alot of the stuff with gogo etc.... I know them personally....on MSN facebook etc....+t+ hahaha as if he did stuff all and no credit to the real people that I know personally that made these emus.... You are quoting wrong cores im using and wrong people...I know who made alot of this stuff and you disrespect them with this list.... thank you to the real people you know who you are and I look forward to working with you again.... fkn newbes that want to credit themselves credit list made for emu...but not the people that rename files...im gone (people that dont release sources yet use others open source code ... rename files and put credits all over there skins and build them into emu.... leaving out the real developers are newbes to me.....over and out.....)
  13. Updgraded some stuff on Final Burn all testers ill be preping a private beta tonight....please get your stuff in...and if your testing please test the new Final Burn and new Nintendo stuff and new arcade games...ill be on later tonight
  14. dev has moved underground till the trolls carm down...this happens around release time release time is next weekend...if you think you can help and want private stuff PM can I help....no ill leave it up to the talkers, maybe they can talk the source code into fixing itself ....patched final burn core with fix
  15. final words for you guys you win the battle of words im tiring of it....work continues ......you win...you dont stop anything dev wise.....but you win the battle of words congradulations it doesnt hurt me....or my friends only you guys and inocent people..... Im sorry for this, and im sorry for haze........good luck as others told you your very offensive from people far greater than me.....
  16. what a joke alot of people that said they would own me...got owned by one person....teams of them the biggest sites like xbox scene turn to tumbleweeds....its funny shit I left there long ago and now its dead pretty much.....I will continue forward and get further and further ahead....and others that team together now in final attempts to stop me will only have one place to come and cry about yesterday and long ago...and to me its just proof of the last nails in the coffin.....good luck boys stopping me getting further ahead its worked well in the past..... soon ill add another nail in the coffin...expect it next week...cry about it plead its not fair but next weekend ill roll it out....big update...yes im getting sick of this...but no im not getting sick of improving CoinOPS....so of course it will get updated and improved the legions of desparate followers have nothing but words...and time tells a picture they dont want to face....im get tired of telling them I told them so...so ill stop soon as it is boring now....but it was much easier than I expected....anyways lead on with your anti BP stuff its never worked and CoinOPS is now very wlll known even when blocked from xbins etc xbox scene etc....... its ok retroG id say leave it alone...we all will soon....look forward to new releases if you want stuff there is allways PM or a new private site
  17. DEV has closed here.....
  18. well compair it to others....100 to 1 of other stuff and I am number one on now as well ever.....oh yeah...not bad considering ive never join both these sites....hehe so the other stuff must get 1-2 downloads ... anyways I know my stuff will get used alot and all of you do and you all hate that its killing everyone elses...and that I laugh about it...but soon my build will continue to get strong you all must want things to burn and not get new features...non of you can produce the simplest things but screenshot packs....man I hope we get another icon from your team heheheh they are such good quality hey im gone I know many will come for the new downloads......and if they dont its all good dev work continues on anyways....real features and games are added not just talked about dreams of new icons and screenshots
  19. ok good luck..... Standalones Only [ 7 ] [21.88%] -5 known trolls or brand new users Full Packs Only [ 9 ] [28.12%] CONSOLES Full Packs and Standalones [ 16 ] [50.00%] CONSOLES Arcades only [ 15 ] [46.88%] -6 known trolls or brand new users Arcade and Consoles [ 17 ] [53.12%] Consoles only [ 0 ] [0.00%] I want names and credit inserted into the emu and skin [ 10 ] [31.25%] -7 known trolls or brand new users I want it clean without credits over the skin and emu [ 22 ] [68.75%] those numbers have improved closer to what I wanted every new vote....yes I may twist them but anyone can make a there own poll and see how it goes im happy the direction is fine for people I want and others are generally out of touch, and just vocal..... gone this thread is off topic.....
  20. there are 100s of coinops threads not created by me look though the history and I mean 100s.... just let us have our one or two threads then +t+ and leave the few alone....to our tiny world....just on xboxiso there was over 6000 downloads of the last build and climbing across muliple builds...and this hasnt dropped for years on each new release...........*snip* search for CoinOPS and look on that one site the results....just cause one loser wants to go back to the dark ages when he first took up the fight to take me out and lost years ago doesnt mean shit all.... just cause a few dont want the many asking questions doesnt make it right....just cause you have a long standing axe to grind and thought you would make everyone see your way when clearly they moved doesnt make it right....if you do beleive no one comes why do you but in and try and put them off coming.....as said many times if you just make your own threads and leave other alone it would be better without you...im sorry to say my new release will get alot of hits? if I dont turn up.....we all know it will......if you wherent there it would of course run smoother and I cant help that all your stuff is now vaporware....its the nature of progress....if you look on any sites CoinOPS still gets massive hits and massive downloads....sure people dont want in with people like you around but on there world that I look at CoinOPS is king as well without me being there anyways your right this leads to nothing....the others dont have to fight idots and enjoy what they want and voted long ago with there feet.... thumbleweeds.....
  21. some more updates to the N64 engine... more options to config it.... adam I cleaned up some and added new features to N64...its ready for testing....hopefully can make it in R3
  22. all this proves is that one is still here the others that claimed they would own where tumbleweeds....now they just come back to nag as there stuff is dead welcome back nagger.....now ill let this be tumbleweeds again post your stuff here and enjoy the results of your labor you can talk all you like but ill see the results when I leave....hahahaha its allways the same joke to me...all talk and then nobody cares its like it didnt exsist now....apart from your talk ups....others its gone gone and as usual im sure time will prove this the same as every other time.....nothing but talk and hot air and no real people will come back or comment they long ago gave up on you and I am now giving up as well....the facts steer you in the face daily I dont need to bring them up.....care to listen or care not to...the I told you so has long since past now its sad how much things went the way I thought with little to no real competition that I hoped for...all talk bummer
  23. allready there...its two years out of date with 100s of bugs....cause he didnt listen....and most are 2 sec fixes I say grab it and enjoy the bugs in there org form from mameox post a link here waal it will be good for a laugh...CoinOPS 2 is so far ahead its not funny....even the most popular games dont work or are buggy in this build....
  24. OK locking this down as well...this stuff is boring now....the thread that was locked was the one you kept spamming with waal...the request for next release thread...now your spamming this one so im locking it down as I say you hurt normal people....you claim inocence but ive seen 5 people say they have a problem with you sparda and some of them are the most respected....they wont say this to you again just behind closed doors...do you really think waal is respected??? make you mind up yourself to me things are obvious and dont need explaining if they do then im not your man and nor are the others....I know people are sorry you joined here its up to you to change that not me or anyone else as you said we dont control you.... waal is the only person in 6 plus years to ever get banned for a time....the only one and you alot of the time sound much like him..then try and sound nice on the next line....that is wierd at least waal is constantly an idot private forum is where stuff is happening this week for release
  25. updated final burn driver
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