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Everything posted by BritneysPAIRS

  1. there are 1000s and 1000s of downloads....the others emu are pushed by all sites and they are gone in weeks only one emu at present keeps the numbers up:) you just dont know where to look at numbers...out of touchers use mameoxhk.....goto xtras site and ask them for a pack....Id love to see more time wasted on out of date stuff....its good for a laugh...they will do anything to win and yet always lose and have no chance of winning there stuff is pics of my stuff and left behind 5 years ago.....10,000 games ago and 1000 bugs and features ago......xtras will be back though as there stuff will die and get left with the new CoinOPS....welcome xtras to the CoinOPS show....owned by one person the whole lot hahahahaha a credits file is there megaman boot n64 and ytou will see it creates one....I left that code in send me one if you want...or post a credits on xtra and xbox scene....I dont give a rats.....its of little importance and only import to people that are out of touch
  2. to me showing old mame shows you are clearly out of touch anyways....with the majority of users........my guess but im sure its more acurate than you think
  3. man your using my work and saying its someone elses....and it seems its not just you..... arrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im getting discredited thansk +t+ for helping that out....its my skin from mamedox and it was my image I uploaded.... reason for ignoring new posters is the same xtras people join as a new name and post the same thing so ill ignor people with no posts.... anyway +t+ you are promoting my work as others....in the most graphical way one can do......SO GUY THAT SKIN POSTED BY +T+ IS MY WORK PLEASE ADD A CREDIT FILE TO YOUR WORK lol joking I dont give a rats its just funny use what you want +t+ if you cant see the advantages of CoinOPS and can see advantages of other mames use them....I know of so many bugs and issues I couldnt list them on 1000 lines
  4. well the pic is actually the one I released of my build along time ago you and cba use it to promote a long ago past....and claim it shows a representation of hk work...but I released this picture as it was my build and he used sources from hehehehe arrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhh how bad is that..... can you add a credits file to your build please and also on that skin picture as its misleading and shows my work but credits someone else lol what a joke brother....another lol moment...its reasons like this I love to play
  5. they come cause I own them......hehehe and baiting them just makes it better
  6. ill post the fix later today....ill talk about 8000 game builds soon as well
  7. +t+ your using my version of that emu....+t+ im not worried about here....no one comes but idots the real users are the downloaders and you tube people ive never meet or seen....and the last download was great than I expected... if it was for the few that come here...which alot I dont listen to and play around with....it would be over....its funny that when cba and +t+ show you the old emu they dont relise they are showing you my work as well...lol what a joke guys....show them my version 5 years ago its buggy as shit...missing so many games and I know as I fixed them....none of those version get any hits where I see now and never show anywhere voting has 3 days left im ignoring new users and xtras....but its going as expected
  8. Sparda your irrelivant to all here id say...im muting you again so sorry I wont see you stuff good luck with your rants.....id say they are boring to most but go for it...the team is thanked in the normal open source way...source is uploaded and all credit to them is left in....the other teams lock there sources then wont answer why....you are free to add a credit file to any CoinOPS release you want im not doing it the sources have it over and out about silly credit its 100 percent against by normal users....the people like xport and iq have been consolted and are fine....its all in your heads you know better than everyone else....
  9. interesting vote though its gone more in line with what ive thought than I predicted it would.... glade to see it...sorry about the few they always come but as usual they will be ignored and the rest of the votes will be taken into consideration but so far the track is looking good and should just get moving again....no reasons so far to deviate at present I can see...maybe a few more cores thats a surprise but if its wanted enough ill add them.... keep up the votes guys..... good luck
  10. I know iq do you....do you think we havent discussed this .....if iq wants any credit he can ask and its his.....I know his help is the biggest for most users of arcade games....the mame team and him are the real credit for me...and alot of them have been shit on lately by new people.... rise again haze the newbe sux and cant do anything but backstab....and everyone suffers when they claim haze is the bad one....how can he be when he bought us so much we love today....anyways everyone knows iq helped he doesnt want or require his name splashed over stuff as his reputation is enough even without it
  11. please stand up guys if you want me to put all developers names all over the emu....i could form another vote but im sick of pointless votes for the 3 people that cried from day one and stay here crying years after there dreams of stopping this have gone down in smoke....if I rule out xtras people I see most are now using CoinOPS for consoles....and happy with it.....thats a big change from a year ago and happy for most its a help as it is for people I know and myself....just easier to use for everyone these people said they would own me years ago...they wouldnt upload anything of mine and talk down about it....they said they wouldnt support it.....now I see there sites are dead and they still stick to it...throw in emu names from years ago with 100s and 100s of missing features, no hd etc.....they killed there sites like xbox scene and they still think the same use mameox its better will work....they under estimate the normal users alot and take there intelligence for granted then say im a bad person and give you advice that has helped seal there sites fate..... and I am bad that I laugh about it and tell them so and I shouldnt really it just I cant help telling them so
  12. added Smoothing enable disable automatic settings in CoinOPS now effects consoles....eg you can remove it or have it automactic(so its enabled or disabled automatically with pixel perfect aspect settings) or lock it on.... Fix issue of if you turned off advanced settings filtering was smoothed even when pixel perfect is enabled till you reenable it Fix a long standing issue when you keymap the smoothing is turned on when its was off in most of the console cores....xported you missed a typo .....acording to others working on xports platforms this is a directx bug...but to me its a 5 sec fix
  13. ill do a madmab name locked to skin and list if thats what people want so far its 100 percent against that....only you voted for it ....waal your irrelivant and out of touch but keep coming back crying.....im happy my decision is correct once again and in step with whats wanted...if it isnt just vote it that way.... credit inserted into the emu is what you are asking for waal eg an option and 0 votes for it....100 percent against it...your out of touch and no I wont let the small vocal manority rule the majority....ive played your game you make a vote and get support...name it how you see fit and ill listen if it goes the way you think it will if not its the last vote on this or follow waal to mameokhk like everyone else
  14. Madmab type name locked to list and put over skins idea is under vote at present ill live by the results ....
  15. cheers jojones the pack will be kind to you judging by your votes
  16. first vote....wierd as usual...I use standalones only yet the most wanted is an arcade pack???? this makes me confused to what your asking for
  17. OK voting is up...ill ignor the xtras team as per norm.....anyone has stuff to say about the vote let me know....also note Midway is allready on my todo list... not sure of any games in Final Burn core that need speedups that work better....eg ESP raid works better in CoinOPS with alot more features....and it works at full speed...maybe Mslug 2 but that works better in CoinOPS as well and has speedup...but name some and ill look....and instead of option ill enable it by default so you dont have to adjust it http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...t=0#entry347665 5 days left
  18. nope but progear is under Capcom and its a cave game as well...unless iq helps I dont think ill get the remaining cave going for 64meg users....id say he could
  19. thats two gather here guys lol MameOx128 Plus all the way its great.... your years out of date guys I show most people everything and its the same answers everytime...one looks perfessional the others look like amature night to them.... and its the same everytime from people who have never seen any of it....I take there instant 5 second looks over years of bitterness and makes me think you are out of touch..... use whatever mame you want guys..... I know of 100s and 100s of bugs in all you have said and no reason to look back you guys can....if you cant see reason to well now its not even worth an explaination....its obvious to the 5 years olds I show +t+ im not adding a credit file and slaping BritneysPAIRS CoinOPS 2 I rock on the skin and hard lock it into the list etc im sorry no one gives a shit....they know my name though other means and not cause its in the emu at all
  20. the same people that say im bored and ill leave never have done and no one else listens...go over to all the other sites you post on....they might work but here your kind of irralivant......waal thanks but its bug city for MameOx128 Plus and missing titles .... but hey if people want it in MameOx128 Plus just copy the pack into it or ill tell you what waal release a pack and we can compair it lol ive seen your guys work and know the thing ive done that will slip by you .... your out of touch with what people want .... ill look though this stuff and make a vote tommorrow.... any more would be good mameox128 plus id recommend you guys try it in full SD .......waal is about to light the world up with this discovery....
  21. ok im out of this now....ive got that game running now...best of luck guys
  22. +t+ your out of touch with what people want...start a thread and see like the others....300 views in 6 months was someone elses that claimed he knew what people wanted even after 10 posts by him......oh also multiple releases.....and gone....the only things left is for those to come to CoinOPS and put there point of view across cause threads are tumbleweeds...both of you should start a thread about what your views are indipendant of CoinOPS and see how they go....and whats even better post them on multiple sites get the same 5 people that talk about this stuff to all say the same thing on all sites and then watch it die.....hope im wrong but this is what I see these days everywhere else...then I get blammed and in truth maybe im to blame cause I do keep a pace that teams and teams cant seem to keep up with
  23. ok ill post you a fix soon
  24. im ignoring some...sparda tristan it doesnt really matter what you say sorry....but keep going ill put some voting up soon....
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