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Everything posted by BritneysPAIRS

  1. well im sorry I dont care...use what you want.... you can use mameox mameb6 mameoxhk128 mameox bendermike mamedox (although alot of that is my work ) final burn final burn pro final burn legends neoxraine and probably more.... and even start your own threads telling people to try them.....im not concerned in the slightest.....I know there limits and I know how far behind they are....but hey im not here to make you use CoinOPS maybe its not what you want...let others move forward without you and you can post about these projects and form a team to make it how you think things should be..........and all power to you....best of luck
  2. allready done just copyright issues as they are currently availble...
  3. nope but its in R3 allready so no vote required
  4. what are your wants???? The pack allready has 250 games in it and a few other surprises
  5. Dodonpachi fixed.....can anone test this for me...as my xbox played it fine as it was...but I adjusted the Hi def virtual mem for the game.... ummm I might make anther folder....but the packs are matched.....so ill think about how im going to do that.....
  6. nope just remove alot of them.....at present...... but if people really prove they have more than 4000 games ill add another folder...it will slow acess a bit though...not much just a little
  7. all new versions will work no worries for you adamshumpis and issues will be solved for you in next build... locks are if you want any update packages you will require having CoinOPS 2 full package overwriten...standalones can operate anyway people want I just wont support them on anything that is done allready in the Full or upgrade builds.... like all the issues with the rx build I dont care about I know of 100s of them but why help when A no listened about the issues from day one and B CoinOPS 2 is miles ahead...this is only one example there are others. I support CoinOPS 2 full as I know its in good shape and why no one reports issues
  8. Upgrade release info tonight...after work
  9. 250 game Upgrade package...aka R3 will be upgrade only to CoinOPS 2 thanks waal I was asking hoping for this and was part of the plan and helps me solve the jodo issue as well.....2 birds with one stone.... to get the upgrade pack you will require CoinOPS 2 (full package) 250 more games alot not playable on any other version of CoinOPS....upgrade packs are for the full users as a treat...standalones are for the others that can use others support etc....ill trow those out when I feel like it but wont be supported... standalone when/if released wont be locked
  10. worst that will happen is it will ask you for the full CoinOPS 2 to upgrade.....this effects few users of CoinOPS that update....but it does effect a few mostly it effects people that complain and yet tinker....like jodo.....so its worth doing for the sake of normal users as they generally have no idea what they are doing....my packs come out with no issues....cause I spend hours and hours testing every game in every res
  11. as part of the pack....
  12. ill fix it in R3....the update doesnt have this issue..the stanalone isnt matched it kind of all....game infos all that was xtras....I just said I recommend using CoinOPS 2 and I can do what I feel like...nothing was ever more than the limits mentioned....xtras where the ones hyping it up everywhere.....It funny they said alot about not being able to remove consoles you allways could remove all of them....I never said id do anything just said I could if I wanted to....others said I was doing this....CoinOPS 2 is massive now in amounts of downloads so im happy people can see the consoles running and the benifits without misinformation....if you checked here you would know the limits it was others that told you all sorts of stuff that never was in the plan its easy to mislead the few and hype things..... I noticed on two site xtras people where involved lots of issues...all other sites lots of praise and no issues.......wierd that the numbers where alot more than I expected so thats great.... R3 has some changes and will be out in the next week or to....any ideas people want added??? ill do a vote soon...it will be matched with the update pack... NOTE I noticed jodo from isoxbox or something like that asked about the upgrade he was the reason for the build and says I never give out anything and the usual ill never use it again....then on a new build oh whats in it and can I get it....these people sux
  13. cheers all go at solid 58frames a sec and good ram left....a few sound hickups but 98 percent good..... also had to mod the 7.bin crc and size but didnt make much diff.... cheers again iq you know your stuff
  14. link to final burn driver and ill add it in....
  15. whos the man
  16. ok ill sort that in R3.....aspect correction is what you want and maybe filtering off.....I can actually do that....in R3 you will be able to disable enable or automatic filter for both arcades and consoles
  17. really I dont care about one user...id rather not here from people that talk like that....id rather move forward with others ive heard the same thing from people like yourself from day one....you keep coming back.....im fine if you leave though.....ive seen all of the others go and normal people never mention anyy of there stuff that was going others threatened to use....its like the other stuff disippeared off the planet the only trace is a few people still talking up the game use what you want....I know the differences
  18. all the new pack is waiting os weather the new 30 N64 games should be launchble in HD.....so I need to test them..they are all good in SD.... anyone want to help testing or else you will have to wait till I can be arsed spending 10-15mins a game to see if it should work in HD
  19. got any spare time iq
  20. anyone like the pixel perfect?
  21. let me know if you have sorted it the first people to work it out and start helping will get alot of help moving this forward....like 40winks sin and punishment etc all with good videos....
  22. if people are truely testing ill give them my msn as I have alot sitting around....but most are tirer kickers and should wait for the pack....
  23. Pointer file in CoinOPS/Roms....is there so mame can find it.... the game itself is in CoinOPS/RomsN64.....this is the game its self..... if you want it to boot in 720p if the tv is capible you must a file of the same name to CoinOPS/RomsN64HiDef this tells the program it is aloud to run in HiDef.... so CoinOPS/roms (is a 0 byte file called the lookup name.zip.....this adds the name to the CoinOPS list) CoinOPS/RomsN64 (this is the rom its self named the same as above but has the rom contents) CoinOPS/RomsN64HiDef (is a 0 byte file called lookup name.zip as per above and if this is there the rom can run in HD...if not it will be SD only...so by default all games run in SD unless this lookup is added...note N64_SuperMario64 is added to this folder by default to show you how it works....) so all games from the old packs will run at present in SD....except for N64_SuperMario64 as I added the hd enabler by default to CoinOPS/RomsN64HiDef so it will play as both...I need to know what games will work and what games will work if I add the HD enabler I have a large pack of working games...I just need to know if I should add the HD enablers to them....
  24. dont care if you use it or not.... id say use something else id recommend mameox that was before I started butchering it
  25. copy the default xbe over your old one from this rar...if you want it to automatcally fix a build with 0 roms and not have to delete your saves...... http://www.megaupload.com/?d=U1H0QG0F it will be in R3 and its more intuative and automatic now....
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