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Everything posted by BritneysPAIRS

  1. Added to R3 a more intuative boot sequence for people that dont have any roms....so it fixes that for them if 0 roms are found it will rescan your games (about 20 secs) and only get out of this when at least 1 rom is found....I should have done this earlier but thought people would be upgrading not standalone no rom builds
  2. no worries if you do some stuff ill fix some stuff up and give you the new version with a few more features to start testing...plus all the roms and videos as ive redone most of the big name games
  3. OPPs you will have to remove the save if you built the emu without any roms....ill fix this up in R3 and make it better...ill add a message and rescan for games the save is E:/tdata/BABE0202 E:/udata/BABE0202 then make sure theres at least one rom in CoinOPS 2/roms and reboot
  4. alot of N64 is in the Pack..... but yes add the rom pointers to CoinOPS 2/roms add the roms to CoinOPS 2/RomsN64 and if you want them to play in HD add the pointer to CoinOPS 2/RomsN64HiDef I need games tested to what run in HD and what crashes in HD...alot crash after 1 hour of playing
  5. after a bit of time and some feedback ill start a thread to see what the most wanted is for R3
  6. fumanchu is there any other arcade games that need adding (hacked ones)
  7. yes just overwrite.... any comments??? also anyone want to help with the new Nintendo 64 core...I need some testers.....
  8. ill look at doing this I like bubble booble http://code.google.com/p/genx/updates/list is that the latest sources...its 2009?
  9. its part of the pack coming out in the next few days...plus 250 more...but cheers
  10. CoinOPS 2 R2 Standalone 1 day grab
  11. note alot of work is going in on a new Nintendo 64 core....this will give you it in SD and HD but must be configured....if anyone wants to help in testing let me know....the core is undergoing alot of changes as its not sturctured well for CoinOPS at present...but this should work and work well for all users...read the readmes if you want to test a game in HD as it needs a file to turn it on...alot of games crash in HD at present....im clearing memory and other things to improve this this should play all you want including Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Z-Zero 64, Starfox 64, Pilot Wings, Banzoo K, Conkers Bad Fur Day and Sin and Punishment..... and more and alot of them in HD
  12. ***** CoinOPS 2 R2 Standalone ***** Nintendo 64 HD support (user definable) Pixel Perfect Support for Consoles...new one click Aspect Correction and Pixel Perfect settings New Sort by Split Name and Sort by Merged Name New Sort by Name and Console.......Sorts it by Arcades...then Commodore 64...Game Boy..... fast Jumps Arcade A...Arcade B............to....Arcade Z....then Commodore 64...Gameboy......... Support for more Arcades, Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64 Fixed alot of Arcade games for the new pack Added bublbobu (Bubble Booble ultimate) Bug Fixes Cleanups Better support for SoRr Updated doccumentation Matched to the new Update Pack with 250games coming in the next few days......
  13. ***** CoinOPS 2 R2 Standalone ***** Nintendo 64 HD support (user definable) Pixel Perfect Support for Consoles...new one click Aspect Correction and Pixel Perfect settings New Sort by Split Name and Sort by Merged Name New Sort by Name and Console.......Sorts it by Arcades...then Commodore 64...Game Boy..... fast Jumps Arcade A...Arcade B............to....Arcade Z....then Commodore 64...Gameboy......... Support for more Arcades, Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64 Fixed alot of Arcade games for the new pack Added bublbobu (Bubble Booble ultimate) Bug Fixes Cleanups Better support for SoRr Updated doccumentation Matched to the new Update Pack with 250games coming in the next few days......
  14. sorry guys really updating the sorting engine alot I better test it as alots changed some settings like merging of the naming lists are gone now....
  15. if theres any more you want let me know by tommorrow or what you think of these...as they will be released tommorrow
  16. added sort by favorites it sorts favs to top then rest....fast jumps favs to non favs added sort by name and console this sorts by Arcade Games then each console it fast Jumps Arcades A B C....Z then by each console ..... so it s mix of sort by name for arcade and sort by console for consoles.....
  17. out tommorrow just added a few features tonight...ill tidy them after sleep and release them
  18. all the games work dont need a test....its just if I add it or not...its only a dvd player
  19. the pack is being assembled now...standalones will be coming as well they would out sooner but took the GF to dinner now im adding a few more sorting methods for you guys
  20. ill be releasing a build today.....ive decided to disregard the few due the sadness of others....ill continue doing this the way I used to soon...lots of releases and leave it up to you guys to upgrade or not,,,,its clear they where out of touch.....and most like this...ill post in each build how the numbering system works so people can know the latest build but basicaly there will be no more new names it will be CoinOPS 2 CoinOPS 3 CoinOPS 4...... these will be full packs of everything (only released every 6 plus months) CoinOPS 2 R2 Pack CoinOPS 2 R3 Pack CoinOPS 2 R4 Pack.... these are upgrade game packs with vids...recommend using the correct standalone to make sure everything works (released everyso ofter maybe 4 months) CoinOPS 2 R2 Standalone CoinOPS 2 R3 Standalone CoinOPS 2 R4 Standalone..... this is the latest CoinOPS and will have the latest features patches and bug fixes.... (released every month or 2) The packs are tested end to end and a good place to start....then add the Packs and stanalones as you see fit...you dont have to get any of them and id recommend getting the fill CoinOPS 2 as the place to start...I wont answer questions about the how to add stuff thats in the pack...the pack has nearly everything in it and it wastes my time talking about how to make it work....others can look and see what ive done and help you out im sure.... Peace all Standalone will be out soon and the pack will be out soon....Standalone should be out within hours...the pack will take a day to get out.....you can just use the pack but some games will be missing if you dont have the linked standalone or a greater standalone....eg R2 Pack id recommend R2 Standlone or R3 standalone...eg something higher as all games will work and show
  21. wait for Final Burn to get redone and ill ask questions about config... the button setup thing...the game your talking about is a Midway core...I havent tested that it remember the keyboard config...I know all the other games do...NBA jam NBA Jam TE Narc MK MK2 all use a diff core...please tell me the results is it just one core not mappable? Yes I havent included the DVD player in CoinOPS yet....it will go in soon with launchers to games...but I wont be uploading the dvds it will just launch them...then back + start goes back to CoinOPS
  22. CoinOPS 2 full 20 gigs is best....and soon it will have an update pack...just copy it over and play....all your arcade consoles and handhelds are covered
  23. no at present...final burn core will get a going over a t some point...eg pixel perfect will be added...what do you want to config...left thumb and right thumb allwo you to remap the game or adjust the screensize
  24. mortal kombat ultimate works in the full package....if you drag everything from the new build 95 percent will work in the old build....its just missing some driver tidy ups and some of the new games...and features....but 95 percetn of games work and 90 percent will work the same as the new CoinOPS 2.1 its just missing fixes updates and new game drivers....
  25. as madmab found fzero is in SD....because it knows it runs out of mem in HD...this hook is now definable in CoinOPS and will be optomised over time...eg games will be placed in SD/HD as suited on infomration and on driver fixes....HD is buggy as if you play long enough alot of games lock up he thought it was a bug when it was the first feature cause if you run it in 720 on an N 64 emu it crashs some let you do it though others say it wont work so drop down to the one that works ...anyway he can define what games run in HD and what games run in SD in CoinOPS 2 for the nintendo 64....ill have default settings but they can be adjusted by configuration if one wants to spend the time.... I know the HD code isnt the same its not linked to backbuffer and can get out of sync and cause issues(surreal64) cause black screens and skins being in top left corner....sure one can manually change each time they move there xbox but luckly like every game in CoinOPS if you change from an HD TV to SD you dont have configure anything...other emus mean reconfiging everything dont know why someone would think this is excepble....People I know hated that....that means you cant move it around the house easily normally
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