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Everything posted by dteale666

  1. Looking to get real nice sharp image for my shooters using Mame 32, what settings are best for great lookin games? Thanks
  2. Just dl'd WinKawaks147b (after reading it was the best NGEmu out there), a copy of KOF2000 (Mame version{?}), and the necessary neogeo.zip Kawaks runs fine but i get a message: Could'nt find 030-pl.bin (d396c 9cb) for game, ERROR , when i scan for the KOF2k rom. How do i fix this prob, pls. Thanks for any help.
  3. LOL sorry to keep asking for info @_@ I got it working without autoexiting. But it now says it is unable to load program roms. Do i need to get the SvCrxfix from Agozer also in order to make it work? Thanks again
  4. Thanks for the help. It works but now when i try to import any games it closes and im back in windows. any suggestions pls?
  5. Just downloaded Neogamez.net Neoragex.zip from FileMirrors and SvC, but it's asking me for a key. Where do i get the key from? Thanks.
  6. Sorry to bug all who are reading, but i just got NeoRagex to work and its the same program i was using before. 3 boxes is actually 4 @_@ Again, sorry for the useless post LOL
  7. Just started getting back into emulation and have had no probs getting non-neogeo roms to work using MAME32, but am having a heck of a time getting my KoF2002 to work on anything. I used to have a neogeo emulator that ran almost all neogeo roms i used to have but cannot find that same emu nymore. It had a blue background, with three boxes. One on the left side of the screen with the list of games in it. One box in the upper middle/right with options (just below that was play game, scan for new roms, and some other stuff) and another box on the botton (i believe) Just wondering if anyone know what emu im talking about and what the name of it is. I believe it might be an early version of neorage (non dos) but i cant find anything like it anymore. Any assistance is appreciated. Thanks
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