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Everything posted by KyokugenKiss

  1. good luck selling that piece o' shiet, im rich beotch!, i need to move out of the bay area so i can stay rich
  2. super street fighter 2 turbo and the first Alpha were the most memorable, thus making them the greatest
  3. i've been playing xenosaga forever, damn this game is long
  4. problably nothing more but a gloryfied tekken force mode, this doesnt turn me on.... although that NINA game looks very promising...
  5. yea a friend of mine has a white one and the panasonic gc they were available at buyrite or somthing like that
  6. please correct it by all means,lol
  7. no theres a whole row for space underneeth!!! GO KRAUSER!!!
  8. YOU GO GERL!!! BUILD THAT SYSTUUUM!!! and give it 8 USB ports
  9. i recently bought it (for 12.99) damn this game is epic, soo much cinematic scenes, and its been 18 hours so far and i feel as if im knowere close to beating it (im breaking out of quarantine from the U-TIC setup) so how long did it take any of you people to beat it? what are you opinions of the sequel? what do you thin of the series in general? OOPS! i totally meant to say XENOSAGA!!! but hey im working graveyard
  10. hmmm... i give up...was it a musician? what genre of music?
  11. i've never read sandman, but he turns me on....i once drew a picture of him passionatly kissing the crow
  12. hmmm...was it the length of the actual sex or the time it take to cum?
  13. the only non-marvel title i ever read/collected was THE MAXX, he turned me on
  14. Breakers was a fun game though! well they have yet to reveal the last 8 characters, im hoping one of them will be Krauser!!! this game is sure gonna be fun though... a new older sexier Robert Garcia!!! whooohooo!!! and then KOF 2k4 in '05!!!!
  15. yea i like that idea, id like a pre-alpha beat em up game starring Ryu and Ken, now that would kick ass! the shinshoryuken is the hottest move in the "shotokan" characters reptoir
  17. i have a closet full of them, i started collecting when i was about 6 too, but my collecting prim was when i was 12-14 i have mostly spider-man and X titles (X-men, X factor, X force, eXcalibur) i've recently gotten into NYX and the newer titles, i thought it got stupid when the storylines got too serious and they got rid of the colourful costumes but they have since gone back to the bright looks so i collect again, especially since Havok is a leader...i wonder whats up with that broad from NYX with wolverine like claws...and a sabertooth type costume...hmmm
  18. im rich, but money cant buy me love, and its not worth renting
  19. funny thing is i havent gotten spam or pop ups in over a year
  20. i know what you mean, video games dont turn me on anymore, i feel as if im outgrowing them, last night however i bought xenosaga and i was playing it for hours, its a good game to kill time because i never know were im going, however theres no gurantee i will beat it, i have been known to dessert games like that, the only time i enjoy video games is when theres a new KOF and even after kicking certain peoples asses it gets old
  21. Japanese is alot easier to learn than Mandarin, cantonese, and korean
  22. they need to make a GTA online so we can jack each others rides that would be the best mmorpg ever!!!
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