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Everything posted by KyokugenKiss

  1. well after the next 3 after the jins, im going to assume the bottom 5 are subbosses and such and im gonna guess... Krauser *someone from Kizuna Encounter *Someone From Breakers * someone from Bruning Fight * Igniz
  2. Kagami is too much like Kyo...I WANT KRAUSER!!!
  3. its visibly a tag game, and it will problably be 5 button game, however the game mechanics have yet to be shown
  4. Ash Crimson? whatever happened to him, he had come cool gifs and shiet
  5. nope, we dont even know who the final 8 characters in the roster are yet
  7. i dont do links, whats the gist of it? a game that you assasinate someone kennedy style? sweet, but that would be a 2 player game...
  8. oh yea, you never told me about the transpericies, i posted what i had earlier, are those incomplete?
  9. i brought this topic back up because i think there should be a fashion mod
  10. that biatch with the knifes doesnt turn me on very much either...I wonder what happened to trish since she is in the mix but not in the story line
  11. Member of the Year *GryphonKlaw or Agozer Moderator/Admin of the Year *James Best Member's avatar/signature of the Year (desc: Hence the title) *Violence Most helpful member of the Year (desc: The best supportive posters around, from helping out in technical issues to supporting 1Emulation.) most people on this site are helpful, there should be a award for least helpful, then that could go to LSD Weirdest member of the Year (desc: The members that post inadequate, hard to make sense, or spam, etc.) Alot of people are going for fatal, but hes more cold bloooooded than wierd so im gonna go with *666 ghost* Best Newbie (Newcomer) of the Year (desc: The members that have made great posting due to their efforts, selected candiates must be registered 1 month early prior to November 2004). ummmm....i dunno...this doesnt turn me on... Best thread of the Year K' Dash leaving, that was the funniest crap ever! sissy la-la!!!
  12. lammmalammmalammmalammmalaaaaaamaaaah!! I go vegan to balance out the world, besides its not that big of a deal i normally live off of bagettes, vegitable stirfy, and noodles (buckwheat and chow fun) and alot of nonya!!!
  13. im fasting this whole week because im making turducken ( a turkey stuffed with a duck, stuffed with a chicken, stuffed with a quaill) and the rest of the food on the table is spanish/portugese my dad used to do the american stuff but got over it and I have only celebrated a hand full of times so im not going to make a big deal about other food...besides it takes whole day to make turducken after that, im going vegan till new years
  14. i always wait for games to go down, im frugal i loved DMC 2, but the story didnt turn me on...i wanna know whats up with Sparta....
  15. I LOVE KOF 2K3!!!! i wonder when we will see the light of 2k4....if we dont see a site with a "comming soon" by the end of december/begining of january i will get worried...
  16. System: Neo RomName: kof2k3nd Game: The King Of Fighters (w/ Bosses and Infinity symbol fixxed) [Program] 271-p1bh.bin,0,800000,D0EDF325,0 271_p2.rom,800000,400000,5D3D8BB3,0 [Text] 271-s1bh.bin,0,20000,8E33B485,0 [Z80] 271-m1d.bin,0,20000,396E17CD,0 [samples] 271_v1.rom,0,400000,D2B8AA5E,0 271_v2.rom,400000,400000,71956EE2,0 271_v3.rom,800000,400000,DDBBB199,0 271_v4.rom,C00000,400000,1B90C4F,0 [Graphics] 271_c1.rom,0,800000,E42FC226,0 271_c2.rom,1,800000,1B5E3B58,0 271_c3.rom,1000000,800000,D334FDD9,0 271_c4.rom,1000001,800000,D457699,0 271_c5.rom,2000000,800000,8A91AAE4,0 271_c6.rom,2000001,800000,9F8674B8,0 271_c7.rom,3000000,800000,374EA523,0 271_c8.rom,3000001,800000,75211F4D,0 [system] CartridgeID: 271 GfxCrypt: 0 GfxKey: 0 ButLayout: 9 Fix: 0
  17. well this is what i got... what am i missing? ; Fog Begin 1e78-1f07 2 aa48-aa5c 2 b090-b094 1 b098-b09c 1 b0a0-b0aa 1 b1f0-b208 1 b530-b538 1 ; Fog End ; Ash Crimson Table 114ff-11505 1 11521-11554 1 1156e-1157f 1 11598-115a9 1 115ba-115c8 1 115de-115e8 1 11673-11678 1 11692-116a3 1 116bf-116d2 1 116e9-116fb 1 1170d-1171d 1 11737-11748 1 1175f-1176d 1 11784-11799 1 11bc6-11bca 1 11bdf-11be2 1 11c00-11c1a 1 11c31-11c3e 1 11c55-11c8f 1 11ce4-11d1a 1 11d23-11d64 1 11d7c-11dc1 1 11dd7-11e23 1 11e35-12014 1 12023-12049 1 12053-12068 1 120ff-12114 1 1212e-1216e 1 12187-121b9 1 121d0-121d8 1 121ed-12261 1 1227b-122ad 1 122c6-122d8 1 128e6-128e9 1 128eb-128f3 1 128f5-12908 1 12912-1291b 1 12927-1292a 1 1293a-12950 1 1295e-12974 1 12981-12993 1 1299d-129ab 1 12c55-13167 1 ; Ash Crimson End ; Duolon Begin 139cf-13a77 1 13b3c-13b50 1 14f47-14fd1 1 1512f-15350 1 158b3-158ca 1 158e6-158fd 1 1590c-1592b 1 159fc-15a05 1 15a34-15a40 1 15a6f-15a7d 1 15aaa-15abc 1 15ae9-15afc 1 15b26-15b3d 1 15b61-15b7d 1 15ba5-15bd2 1 15d5b-15d80 1 15d9c-15ddc 1 15dea-15e42 1 15e60-15ec5 1 15edd-15f4d 1 15f68-15fda 1 15ff1-16069 1 16082-160f9 1 16112-1617c 1 16194-161eb 1 161f3-16347 1 16913-16e0d 1 ; Duo Lon End ; Shen Woo Begin 17f4c-17f6a 1 1802b-180cf 1 1859c-1865c 1 1867b-186ca 1 186ea-187ef 1 190c2-19130 1 ; Shen Woo End ; Terry Bogard Begin 19e47-19e50 1 1a21c-1a265 1 1a266-1a27b 1 1a27c-1a33d 1 1aa88-1c4a3 1 ; Terry Bogard End ; Joe Higashi Begin 1dfb0-1ead2 1 ; Joe Higashi End ; Tizoc Begin 215d8-2160a 1 227eb-23a57 1 ; Tizoc End ; Ryo Sakazaki Begin 25900-25c5f 1 ;Ryo Sakazaki End ; Robert Garcia Begin 2693c-26944 1 2695b-26960 1 26976-2697c 1 2698a-26991 1 269a3-269a9 1 269c0-269c1 1 269db-269de 1 26e6a-26e85 1 27bbd-2800f 1 ; Robert Garcia End ; Yuri Sakazaki Begin 29206-2928f 1 29c81-2a0cf 1 ; Yuri Sakazaki End ; Kim Kaphwan ; Chang Koehan ; Jhun Hoon Begin 3059c-3063d 1 30bcb-30db0 1 ; Jhun Hoon End ; Leona Heidern Begin 31db6-31e63 1 31f15-31f7d 1 31f95-31ffb 1 32d82-3301b 1 ; Leona Heidern End; ; Ralf Jones ; Clark Steel ; Gato Begin 3794e-3796f 1 37a62-37a7f 1 3887d-388bc 1 38985-389c1 1 389cd-38a06 1 38a14-38a4a 1 38a56-38a89 1 394a6-39a37 1 ; Gato End ; Billy Kane Begin 3b524-3b672 1 3ce4e-3cf8c 1 ; Billy Kane End ; Ryuji Yamazaki Begin 3de93-3deda 1 3deff-3df43 1 3df64-3dfab 1 3ea44-3ea4f 1 3ea77-3ea8b 1 3eab6-3eabb 1 3eabe-3eacb 1 3eace-3ead1 1 3eaf6-3eaf7 1 3eafb-3eafe 1 3eb01-3eb0f 1 3eb11-3eb15 1 3eb48-3eb5d 1 3f4e3-3f4e8 1 3f4f8-3f4fb 1 3f505-3f508 1 3f586-3f5a6 1 3f5bb-3f5d7 1 3f5e8-3f600 1 3f695-3f6b0 1 3f6b1-3fc91 1 ; Ryuji Yamazaki End ; King Begin 40a8c-40abb 1 40af6-40b04 1 40b4b-40b6a 1 40c53-40d7d 1 41417-41429 1 ; King End ; Mai Shiranui Begin 4241b-42422 1 42440-42449 1 4246d-4247b 1 42485-424b0 1 424c2-4254b 1 428d3-42961 1 429e8-42aa2 1 437bf-43c57 1 ; Mai Shiranui End ; Blue Mary Begin 45d22-45d2b 1 45df7-45ff8 1 ; Blue Mary End ; Benimaru Nikaido Begin 47a3b-47a3e 1 47a49-47a4c 1 47a55-47a5a 1 47a6d-47a79 1 47a82-47a92 1 47a9a-47a9e 1 47d2a-47d3f 1 47e70-48129 1 4825a-48418 1 ; Benimaru Nikaido End ; Shingo Yabuki Begin 49441-49462 1 ; Shingo Yabuki End ; Goro Daimon ; Athena Asamiya Begin 4d164-4d1bb 1 4d4d6-4d510 1 4da52-4db68 1 4de7b-4defb 1 4defc-4dfbb 1 4e101-4e1e0 1 4e7b2-4e7c9 1 4e7d0-4e7df 1 4e7e5-4e7ec 1 4e7f5-4e7fe 1 4e807-4e80c 1 4e817-4e81f 1 4e831-4e837 1 4e84d-4e84f 1 4e909-4e912 1 4e919-4e921 1 4e92a-4e933 1 4e941-4e950 1 4e95d-4e970 1 4e979-4e981 1 4e987-4e98f 1 4e994-4e999 1 4ee6a-4f27f 1 4f280-4f294 1 4f295-4f2cb 1 4f2cc-4f3fb 1 4f3fc-4f8be 1 4f8bf-4f96b 1 4f96c-4fa46 1 4fa6c-4fab6 1 4fab7-4fb77 1 4fb78-4fb9a 1 ; Athena Asamiya End ; Hinako Shijo Begin 5114c-51161 1 51ccc-51d1d 1 ; Hinako Shijo End ; Malin Begin 52987-52990 1 52993 1 5299a 1 529a1 1 529a6-529b5 1 529b8 1 529be 1 529c5 1 529c9 1 529cc-529d1 1 529d6 1 529da 1 529df-529e1 1 52a8c-52a95 1 52a98-52a99 1 52a9c 1 52aab-52ab4 1 52ab8 1 52abb 1 52ac4-52ace 1 52b50-52b5c 1 52f8c-52fb4 1 53144-5315a 1 531e8-531ff 1 53201 1 53311-533f2 1 53a0f-53a86 1 53aa5-53abb 1 53ad0-53ae8 1 53aea-53b1c 1 ; Malin End ; K' Begin 5431a-54331 1 55507-5553a 1 55584-555b0 1 5563a-5568d 1 55830-55918 1 564c0-56c62 1 ; K' End ; Maxima Begin 5828a-5829b 1 582bf-582cd 1 58665-586d8 1 58bd5-58c7e 1 59a00-59aae 1 59aaf-59b45 1 59b46-59bed 1 59c18-5a523 1 ; Maxima End ; Whip Begin 5dc20-5dde4 1 ; Whip End ; Kyo Kusanagi Begin 5f8ba-5f8bb 1 5f8c2-5f8c3 1 5f995-5f9b2 1 6018b-60b10 1 ; Kyo Kusanagi End ; Iori Begin 62068-62089 1 620a5-620b4 1 620d1-620e1 1 62119-6211a 1 62597-625a0 1 625a5 1 625bd-625c6 1 625c8 1 625e3-625ec 1 6268f-62695 1 6269c-6269d 1 626a4-626a8 1 626af-626b1 1 626b9 1 626c4-626c8 1 626ce-626cf 1 626d6 1 626e0-626e3 1 626e9-626ec 1 626f3 1 62703 1 06270c-06270c 1 62715 1 6271b 1 627be-627f0 1 628ba-628c1 1 631dd-63fd8 1 ; Iori End ; Chizuru Kagura Begin 65631-6563e 1 65655-6565a 1 65d9a 1 65da3-65da4 1 65dab-65dad 1 65db6-65db8 1 65dbf-65dc2 1 65dcb-65dcd 1 65dd3-65dd5 1 65ddc-65de1 1 65de8-65e0e 1 65ee9-660f5 1 ; Chizuru Kagura End ; Kusanagi Begin 6742f-67430 1 67438-67439 1 67466-67599 1 67c24-68030 1 ; Kusanagi End ; Adel Bernstein Begin 69366-69c5b 1 ; Adel Bernstein End ; Mukai Begin 6a24c-6a26e 1 6add9-6adf5 1 6ae21-6ae30 1 6ae5e-6ae6b 1 6afdd-6b012 1 6b299-6b51a 1 6ba8e-6bbcd 1 6c4f5-6c54c 1 ; Mukai End ; Maki Kagura Begin 6d1d2-6d1df 1 6d1f6-6d1fc 1 6e18b-6e398 1 ; Maki Kagura End ; Other Stuff Begin 6e39a-6fb56 1 6fb57-6fb68 1 ; Other Stuff End ; Presentation Begin 70423-70485 1 71cb5-7237b 1 725f1-73044 1 73478-73a5b 1 73f3a-73f6f 1 74003-7402d 1 740e0-7412c 1 74395-74a0b 1 ; Presentation End ; Character Select Screen 7b311-7b3c4 1 7cb7c-7cc63 1 7d4b7-7db6a 1 7ddee-7df12 1 7df57-7dfed 1 ; Character Select Screen End
  18. yea but now the names on this picture look messed up
  19. it just doesnt turn me on....neither does psp
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