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Everything posted by KyokugenKiss

  1. youd be supprised.... hell i know a girl named maple
  2. which Yuki? not the one in battle colo, thats a man! even though his name is spelled the girls way a guy named Yuki wouls have 2 u's snk loves doing stuff like that though i guess Kaede is a girls name
  3. well do you have a dat or what because your not very helpful otherwise, i do like that Kaede Icon though
  4. i dont need cheats, ive beat it before but now i just wanna have fun with IRON LIZZARD AND DO IT WHILE BEING FAT AND INVULNERABLE!!!
  5. he can do that too hahaha, i think there super moves though
  6. oh man thats gonna be funny to watch, especially id he ever fuxx up on the daimond cutter
  7. does anyone have a cheat.dat file for metal slug 5? for kawaks/nebula?
  8. i wonder what other kinds of moves he has, i hope he can use Iron lizzard as a projectile
  9. yea especially for Redwood city, thats bullshit Oakland on the other hand has the highest Homocide rate in the US but you never hear about that
  10. i dont listen to hip hop nowadays but back when i used to it was all about Wu - Tang.... especially crazy as ODB....
  11. DDP is too old, he needs to just go somewere and sit down, his injuries he got in WWE were very serious and hes going to end up like Droz soon enough
  12. and i thought i was fruitti you guys are power bottoms! hahaha eh i guess it would be nice to see his smartass post again.
  13. well most of the sprites are either new or drastically retouched
  14. im supprised this case got soo much attention, crap like this happens in the bay area all the time, but once it happens in redwood city (pretty much filled with rich white and whitewashed indians) it gets national attention as if it were flocking OJ Simpson
  15. i think triple H is going to have more title wins than Ric Flair, and doesnt Ric currently have 16 major title Reigns (NWA+WWF+WCW)
  16. sad news indeed, he was alot cuter than most of these other geeks...
  17. i wonder if SNKP has the rights to use anyone from ROTD
  18. the first thing i told her to do was strip, what a tease
  19. Geesu!!! I dont like that term fanboy, it sounds too gay even more me, what kinda girlfriendless geek come of with stupid terms like this
  20. everyobe love Chonrei (the blue one) he looks like a Dragon Ball Z character, the other one looks liek a girl
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