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Everything posted by KyokugenKiss

  1. FF 12 doesnt really turn me on, id just get KH did tetsuya nomura do ff12?
  2. haha okay just asking Paint it black by the rolling stones
  3. its all good as long as all the gamecube RE's go to PS2 once that contract is up
  4. the simpsons need to lay down and die...
  5. man!! always with a video game OST!!! dont you ever listen to regular music? Fortress of Tears by H. I. M i used to love that band but american kids and MTV ruined them for me
  6. YES HE DESRVES TO DIE AND I HOPE HE BURNS IN HELL!!! COLD BLOOOOODED ps i said the same thing about Christopher Reeves people are so ignorant, when i was working today i hear stupid people trying to blame bush about the middle east but the thing is the US foriegn policy has been fuct up since the Truman administration and the US started all this crap by telling all the Jew Survivors to go back to Zion which is bullshit because they were in europe for centurys and why bo back and force the palestinians out of there home. but i still dont get why they cant live together in harmony those stupid ethnically biased mother fuuckers
  7. there will never be peice in the middle east and this just made crap even worst
  8. I LOVE KINGDOM HEARTS!!! WHY DID THE DATE FOR PART 2 go back?! ARGH!!! same thing happened with kof 02/03 ARGHHH!!!
  9. amen to that! i used to prefer musicmatch jukebox but then the updates got too much like I tunes and i hate I tunes it makes my pc lag! I LOVE WINAMP!!! - inappropriate link -
  10. yea...i once thought Colin Powel would be our first black president
  11. i just dont understand you mame heads, but then again im sure you all feel the same because I LOVE KAWAKS 1.45 and have ALL NEO GEO and CPS ROMS WORKING "I LOVE KAWAKS!!!"
  12. that guy is a total pansy, overreacting too damn much. I didnt vote for bush but he won so i guess i have bitching rights, although it doesnt directly effect me so im over it right now. It might not even be that bad after all these sissy whiners start to exodus
  13. "GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!" first the fat sue mcdonalds now this? frivolous lawsuits like this should be illegal
  14. thats only for the usa though so i dont give a damn my ps2 is moded
  15. yea sorry about that i meant the japanese ver of ss 4 for psx
  16. oh well....I wish Micheal Powell would resign
  17. i like TNA i havent seen Team Mexico that much lately though...I WANT ESSA RIOS!!!
  18. Booker T is only limited because WWE is cautious about getting wrestlers hurt thats why we dont see much high flyers taking highrisk moves. does anyone remember the Harlem Hangover?!
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