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Everything posted by KyokugenKiss

  1. i belive thats called splicing or somthing like that that would be cool...id want my genes mixed with that of a wolf
  2. zzzzzz we've talked about this before ya via fashion section?
  3. hmmmm...looks like room for 5 more characters on that roster... let me guess.... 1.Kain from Garou 2.Leona 3.Athena 4.Raiden/Big Bear 5.Alba Miera (that guys cool!)
  4. eh? whatever dude...i knew about vanessa and co because i have kof for DC im talking about may lee, whom my point is shes garbage http://www.kof10th.com/english/character/index.php
  5. zzzz i saw this crap on msn months ago ZZZZ the sound of me sleeping from bordom
  6. i think they should remake GTA london 1965
  7. i like terrys voice, i love how the names of his commands change when he's Matrure Terry... for those who dont know Power wave or groundwave /Live wire burn knuckle/burning crack shot/ i cant tell what hes saying rising tackle/bingo
  8. lol, i've never been touched by Tessa i hope when they have a sequel that they put Dante into the game!!!! along with someone like....Musashi from Last Blade, we's way cooler than Haomaru
  9. has anyone beat all the missions yet? i havent had time to get past the 4th row
  10. it will be cool, im sure there gonna add a crapload of extra characters, like Iori from 95/Eiji/Billy Kane ect or retrofy K' that would kick ass!! haha
  11. the nostromo control pad its the best for playing games, and as for 2k3, that was a wonderful game! well minus the removal of andy May Lee is garbage and you will never see her again (because she was owned by Eolith) GO KING GO!!!
  12. they problably just cant afford it anymore,lol, i think that used to be neo geo's problem
  13. yea we will see some light on this project around feb-march no doubt,and it will kick some serious arse!!! oh yea and kof 2k3 was prestented very late in '03 but didnt even hit arcades until '04 as far as i know
  14. id get it for my car, its sleak and sexy, very nice no mention i dont need to buy new controllers or anything...and as for the HDD i think they should just merely use the external ones that they have for the old PS2 (the ones that dont have the expansion bay)
  15. all about HD, but there not worth all that money they cost
  16. i havent seen it yet, its funny, i seldom give any opponent the chance to hit me, except duke because hes hard!
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