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Everything posted by KyokugenKiss

  1. ya never know, i used to know a bunch of broads like that, and when they were single they were pretty darn easy
  2. if only i could get that to fit,lol!! ot just throw it all together like...
  3. well its been much better since my original complaint, but i still use the IPB default
  4. Mandonna 11/13/04... slims...get into the groove!!!
  5. i totally agree, i loved that game! I want DUCK KING! and KING! and ROBERT! K'! ASH! and on the cap side....MEGAMAN X, JILL, STRIDER,DANTE,BLITZEN, and mabey BATSU im sure we will hear some new details around december or in the new year that game kicked wayy too much arse to not have a sequel
  6. i beat the first street fighter in arcade (that is the hardest game ever!!!!)
  7. zzzzzz Bill will win because democrats dont vote
  8. i just dont dig pride, for me its k1 or nothing
  9. Beating -Violence- at least 3 times in every Tekken game ever
  10. TKD was originally made to knock people off thier horses
  11. haha I still dont consider this whole Iraq thing war, it was never declared...it is Vietnam all over again....and i hear if they reinstate it will be much harder to dodge it, HA HA HA, I laugh because im a dual citizen! i'll be soo outta here! but its soo obvious that they will oneday do it, i mean why the hell is there still a selective service!
  12. vale tudo is garbage, every one i've seen who studys this "style" has either been huge, abnormally strong, or in peak human physical perfection. and the training is nothing more but getting your ass kicked until you finally learn how to protect yourself, its not really anything someone should pay for when they could have picked it up at the back of thier school
  13. life is what you make of it...its gonna suck nomatter what though, you gotta work on making it suck less, getting laid is overrated, but having a gf/bf does help I am a musician who doesnt starve/because I also happen to be a chef
  14. who cares! i still use 1.45 and have all the roms working perfectly
  15. that wasnt from the fafsa was it!? i think you did something wrong here... shiet ! lemme buy you a drink!
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