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Everything posted by Samor

  1. I wonder what the Duckhunt game is that's in the screenshot on the site of yopyop/DeSmuME ( http://yopyop156.ifrance.com/ ) - I've seen a Duckhunt homebrew game but it didn't look as good as that. Can anyone help me out here? Thx
  2. I wonder what the Duckhunt game is that's in the screenshot on their site ( http://yopyop156.ifrance.com/ ) - I've seen a Duckhunt homebrew game but it didn't look as good as that.
  3. tried it with Flashme/GBAMP as well, and also having nice results
  4. too short, and then even quite uninteresting...
  5. oh yeah, as for the GBA_MP not working anymore on GBA, that depends on which firmware version you used from chism... If you used v1, you'll need a boot_mp.gba on your GBAMP to make it working again. You're better off using v2 of his firmware. Even then, I expected the GBA_MP could be used to fix the corrupted Flashme'd firmware on the DS....
  6. it can't? Wasn't that where the failsave's for? ..and these reports; I assume they're from people using older flashme's?
  7. a little complex way of doing it, but it's funny.
  8. ? the flashme fix isn't a crack to run mariokart; it's an updated version of flashme that doesn't conflict with mario kart. Previous versions of flashme would get partially overwritten because mariokart saves wifi settings in the same space, meaning you'd have to reflash your ds after playing mario kart. This problem is solved in newer versions of flashme.
  9. it had? You know, I've heard a lot of people say that, but I don't know if this was always true.... Maybe it has to do with what the developers made for it (and who made it), but for example, comparing ridge racer 64 with ridge racer type 4, I find r4 to be easily the best looking of the two... I guess because of the higher polygon car models and superior lighting. However, Conker's BFD looks quite excellent.
  10. this graphics whore saw screenshots of the game and thought it used some really nice textures on some really low-poly character models.
  11. why's that then? well, the sega one on ps2 is good. but I like Taito's Battle Gear 3 even better
  12. warning =P I tried to save to a disk image with this emulator, and I can't recommend that; it saved the disk with the same name as the emulator and this quite messed up the compact flash card's file system, so I had to format it =P So, if you try this emulator, maybe it's better to not try saving to disk....
  13. get a DS or GBA and a GBA movieplayer + CF card; even when using just the GBA part of it you can already play the nearly entire NES and GB (classic, not color) libraries of games. (ironically I got a GBAMP and flashme'd my DS and all but what I'm using most is Goomba, the classic GB emulator which works in GBA mode)
  14. mario kart overwrites the old flashme. it's nothing too terrible - the failsafe of flashme can restore it, but it's better if it's fixed
  15. this one's not subdirectory friendly, but the touchscreen keyboard's correct, which makes it instantly the coolest version of fmsxds so far
  16. Did some testing (with a GBAMP): The modified 0.02b that was posted about here by oshisama yesterday, has a much easier interface and supports subdirectories on the GBAMP (and M3) properly, unlike this version. However, this one has more features and a few improvements, such as better sound, and a (very early, as the calibration is off) touch screen keyboard. How to set it up: With both versions of fMSXDS, you need to put the MSX BIOS roms in the root directory of your CF card. Modified 0.02B can run game roms/disks from subdirectories, fMSXDS 0.03 can't, so you'd have to put everything in the root dir (which looks a bit messy when you're using multiboot). I just use DSLinux for some file management on the CF card; when I want to play a game on fmsxDS 0.03 I copy it to the root of the gbamp with DSLinux (the root shows up as the "gbamp" directory in DSLinux; if the root dir gets too messy with all the MSX rom/disk files, you can delete/move files with DSLinux - no need to put the CF card in your PC all the time that way Addition: both versions don't like long file names; use 8.3 instead (fmsx 0.02b modified will show long filenames, but that doesn't mean it boots them). Bottom line: 0.02b modified is easier to use, 0.03 has better emulation. Of course in the (near) future new versions might (and hopefully will be) released that improve on these aspects.
  17. http://www.imasy.or.jp/~ngs/emu/index.html FmsxDS 0.03 it out now
  18. Legally imported games work just fine. You don't need to pirate them
  19. I guess the best solutions are: 1) an Xbox 2) a PS2, a way to import games and a way to play imported games (swapmagic is cheaper than a modchip) I'm going with 2), as I don't have 1) =P
  20. Hello CK and General Plot the emuworld sure is small
  21. for the slimline I use 2 tiny pieces of plastic and swapmagic 3.6... works like a charm, though some people reported the tiny plastic pieces didnt work for them and they used a fliptop instead. Also heard that it doesn't work with the new silver version (maybe by now someone's fixed that, don't know).
  22. I wonder if the Nintendo WiFi Dongle will be able to run WMB as well..?
  23. NGBC finally hitting the PS2... been wondering what that game is like.
  24. I love Pinballs. Whatever the review says about the rumble, it's worth a shot
  25. Just wait while I wipe the hamburger sauce of the touchscreen... what?! ARGH! No, puppy, that's not for you! Bad, BAAAAD puppy! .....and what are you all looking at?!
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