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Everything posted by JuMeSyn

  1. I would feel better with blue pill
  2. As just like everyone, the series Legend of Zelda is a MUST to have on this great system. This is a fantastic game with his unique style. Then It comes GoldenEye, Jet Force Gemini, Super Smash Brothers, some of the Mario games were good. as Mario 64 received 100% on magazines.
  3. Hedoba, Masquirin and Hazuki from Shining Force 3. Tifa from FF7 and Yuna (the FFX-2)
  4. The girls I know like Tomb Raider and Harry Potter games
  5. Real games for sure. You don´t have the sme feeling when playing roms, and the system will always be better to play with
  6. Genesis beacuse of the Sonic and Shinobi series.
  7. Mostly Football (European), Basketball and Voleyball. I do some jogging everyday
  8. That are great news. I wonder why this place sn´t so active with such great stuff around here... O_o
  9. You can find me on the Classic Sega Direct Connect hub. My screenname is "Scorpion"
  10. What?! Devil May Cry is easy until the Hard Mode. On easy it seems like killing "two birds with one stone".... As for DMC2....Well I only need to beat "Dante Must Die" mode
  11. Ghouls and Ghosts was WAY HARD! >_<
  12. WinXP Pro Pentium 4 2GHz GeForce 4 Ti 4200 120MB 512 SDRAM (512DDR on my hand) P4VXASD2 Motherboard 1st HD - 120GB 2nd HD - 80GB SB 5.1 Live! Sound card 512k Motorolla Modem 52x cd-rom Combo 32x12x16 4 fans
  13. I like them both but the GFs system on FF8 make me like it more then FF8. And it was the *first* FF game I bought ;; And I got used to those great graphics(back in time)
  14. Looney Toons for sure. Bugs Bunny kickass!!
  15. I usually go to newsground.com They alot of funny games there
  16. I like to fight against Akuma(preferable Super Akuma). Also Goro from MK2 is a good character to pick a fight with.
  17. That figure has nothing to do with Street Fighter. In fact, that figure sucks
  18. http://www.smiff.clara.net/plugins/ http://www.ngemu.com/n64/pj64.php?page=plugins here they are
  19. have you tried to change the exe file into a bin or a iso file?
  20. I haven´t broken nothing so far. Sometimes my NES and MD Didn´t work because of some dust collected after some years
  21. so I just put a dreamcast game on my DC, Then when The flashing logo comes up I put the burned PSX game and thats it?
  22. I think they mean from where they are j=japan g= german u=usa e=europe i=Italy (?) And I guess some more
  23. I don´t have enough but when I get, could I upload some when time comes? maybe you guys have already enough isos....
  24. wait a seccccc..... so that means I can play burned PSX Games on my dreamcast?
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