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Everything posted by kefka

  1. I'd have to agree. Maximum Impact looks really bad. I hate 2d fighters gone 3d.
  2. Does SH4 going to have that crappy RE-like control, where instead of being able to run 360, up is forward, down is backward, and left and right turn?
  3. Yeah, I already like it here. Thanks guys. OH NO YOU DI'NT! I just realized that both my avatar and sig are from Samurai Shodown. Hah, what a coincidence.
  4. Streetlight Manifesto - A Better Place, A Better Time
  5. That'd be nice. I'm getting an Xbox soon anyway, though.
  6. It's not released it, it will be next month or so. Ohh, no wonder.
  7. Oh crap, I didn't realize the topic was that old. Sorry. I'm used to larger forums where nothing on the first page is old.
  8. Guardian Heroes NiGHTS Panzer Dragoon Burning Rangers X-Men: COTA SFA 1, maybe 2? But yes, Guardian Heroes was SO good. <3 Treasure.
  9. Yes, yes it was. It might've been import only though. I absolutely LOVE this game. It's so amazingly good.
  10. There's this REALLY megaman one on newgrounds.com, but I can't remember which, and don't want to find it right now. I won't remember I posted this either. *Tries to*
  11. Lisk your life? [/gunbound]
  12. I'm down for almost any game. I'd probably miss the sign-up thread though. @_@
  13. Please PM me the IP adress for the server, too.
  14. That's 'cause she gets by being a badass, not using her cleavage.
  15. I don't think so. I couldn't figure it out.
  16. I didn't even know there was a fourth one. (==-=-) Masked kirby
  17. Greetings. I <3 you guys. Finally got my PSX to USB adaptor, so I decided to finally get some emulators and such. Hot damn it's sexy.
  18. Cramps - All Women Are Bad
  19. These are my roms: - Garou: MotW: Doesn't work. Is this even ON mame? I downloaded it off planetemu.net... Ohhhhh. Now I get it the blue dots are the game and the red ones are the other things you need to get. *slaps forehead* I'll download the rest and get back to you. Yeah it's still on the available list, but doesn't work. Says it's either missing files or there's some corrupt ones. Do I have to zip all four of the files into one zip thing, or what? - Last Blade 2: Okay, got the requesites, but now I realize that LB2 isn't even on the list of "all games". - Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter: It's fine, works fine, and it's on the list. Nothing wrong here. - Marvel vs Capcom: Same thing, it's fine. P.S. - X-men vs. Street Fighter works fine, too. - Street Fighter Alpha 3: Ah, yes. The weird one. Here's the list of "available" games. SFA3 is not there. However, if I double click this: The game runs and plays fine. ...What is up with that? Can I fix it?
  20. You can download GGXX: Reloaded for pc (so far I've only figured out how to use the keyboard) off of suprnova...
  21. It's a japanese ps2 game, that's on the pc. It's not really run by an emulator, I guess. Do you know if there's some program or something I can download so it thinks my controller is my keyboard?
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