Believe it or not, I never played Perfect Dark. I do remember it being somewhat of a pain to play FPS's with the N64 controller, though. I still think that doing day-to-day errands (albeit with a flocked up twist) and having the power to urinate in someone's face, or douse someone in gasoline and light them on fire, or throw a diseased cow's head in their direction makes the most entertaining possible premise for a video game. The errand where you had to vote was hilarious, the ballot made me laugh so hard.... But enough about that. Counter Strike is arguably one of the worst FPS's out there, yet I was addicted to it for about 2 years. Same with Unreal Tournament, though that was a bit more notable. Giants: Citizen Kabuto, though not a FPS (still technically a shooter) is probably the second most addictive game I've ever played. Shame that it never really caught on, especially the online part of it. It was great fun.