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Everything posted by Aoshi

  1. Doom does know sorcery, when he went into a brief exile, he went to monks in the himalayas and was trained by them, eventually he became a master at it, and they forged him his infamous mask, In marvel2 he did shoot electricity, but that is probably sorcery electricity not cosmic mutation caused, and the fact that he has metal skin is bull, he suppose to be scarred by his own experiment which he blames reed for even though reed advise him to use another safer process.
  2. hmmm thats sounds intresting, but what does it mean for actual gameplay, would i be playing a game that looks like advent children or is this even usable to game programmers to take adavantage of, or would it be like the human brain where only a certain percentage of its capabilities be used.
  3. !!SPOILER ALERT!! It wont really follow the comic von doom industries supplies reed richards with a space station to investigate stuff, he is dating sue and choses to go on the trip with them, boom cosmic rays and doom also gets hits granting him electric poweres and metal skin that disfigures him. (What no mysticism) I even heard new line pumping an extra 15mill to improve the graphic quality, when companies have to give more money that means the original product aint up to par. oh and that truck scene in the movie is basically ben's(the thing) fault after he ran away from turning into a hideous creature, after fixing the problem he started with the help of the other 3 members they were lablelled heroes there is no mention of other heroic acts, then doom pissed off at the four plans a plot to destroy them, and even though he has a company were anyone can do his whim he never uses this asset, others have joked that von doom industries of being only employed of von doom himself this doom sound stupid. well lets hope 15 mill is the diferance between a bad movie to a good movie.
  4. Most of you know what i think of this movie If you read the plot in my previous article on fantastic four you would know why well....for those still anxious for the movie http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox/fantastic_four/ enjoy or be horrified so do you still intend to enjoy this movie or subjegate yourself to 2hrs of blasphemy or not go at all.
  5. Hey i was thinking why cant we have a special item or maybe it can be standard so when we die we turn into a zombie until we are revived, in which: -Players are immortal -attack level is low (level1 maybe) -they gain no experience this is only until they are revived by the normal system rules what is it like 3 hours to revive or something im not really sure
  6. Here is what i think so far Ds-Fun launch games, known brand characters, not to hot graphics good battry life, touch screen, small screens. Not to Practical for fighting games, good for inovative games. Psp- Not to hot launch games,unknown for future yet, good graphics for portable , bad battry life, mp3 n stuff, one big screen. Good for fighting and traditional games. p.s.I just heard rockstar confirmed a gta title for the psp taking place in liberty city Verdict. If own a nintendo console in the past and like nintendo presentlyor like innovative games. Buy D.s. If you like sony products, are a fighting game officianado, or third party brand game player or think you will use its other features. Get a psp. Off topic. ANyone have info on sc3(namco) i heard a arcade release of august.
  7. The thing that gets me here is that everyone in the crowd acts all shocked at the BSOD but in truth didnt we expect nothing less, hey arent these things also beta models, bugs and crap do occur. I liked it when Bill gates was pissed off during his presentation and Conan didnt help by saying "whose in charge of this thing.......oh wait" that was funny Do these things ever happen to Steve Jobs?
  8. I believe the purpose of life is to find our true purpose, all of us were placed here for a specific task and when that task is completed we are then meant to die and at the time we wait for purpose we are suppose to live honourably and true to our soul. How we are brought up, situations we live and experience, things we understand and learn, natural gifts these are all factors of how our purpose is determined, either a soldier, a pauper or a leader, we all will eventually find our life drive or die trying......... Death is also purpose. Deaths causes change andd your mear existance can either cause anything from revolutions to books being written, changes in policy or teach lessons of life. We are all chosen at birth to find our cause, our goal, Destiny.
  9. Arcade version were talking bout Anyone own one of those card thingies for the machine?
  10. Well i dont know about you guys but this time this christmas was extremly depressing,, every body seems on edge, complaining of this and that, it feels more lonely, the parties are less festive and my friends seem to be dissasocciated with everything, i feel the same. In my country the shop owners had a decreased sale due to illegal street vending and late shipping arrivals due to a strike at the port crime seems to be up, so with road fatalities and our prime minister tells us to look at the bright side lighting the tree this time was like a task, it was never before. I even saw a couple of drunks running around this christmas morning. i think i saw one crying. right now the atmosphere seems, cold and lonely like no one is there I remember going to church for sunday mass and everyone seemed sad or depressed like it was a f'ing funeral. Im not expecting party mood but geez everyone seemed ticked at something Many people here agree with me that this was one of the most horrible christmas in there years of life? and some how i feel that this is a glimpse of the collapse of the festive holiday to a sad commercial season In conclusion this christmas felt like a nestle choclate ball made of cheese. Funky around the edges and hollow in the centre Please respond if you feel the same. maybe share the bs that is your christmas
  11. well they already released last week wang bruce kuma the next ones though reported by arcadia magazine are Mukojin gangryu Devil jin leaving room for one more character that is not known as of yet reports are that heihachi is that missing character but many are convinced he's dead and would be replaced by a depowered Jinpachi Rumors also have been circulating of possible soul calibur character costumes that can be purchased for specific charaters but that is yet to be determined
  12. i've heard they had a cameo of the governator in this game as a helper he looks so realistic. with his suit and tie and all. On a serious note: imagine the day games will actually look like this the though is a bit frightning because then reality would be blindsided and a murder film might look like a game. GTA 10 Washinton dc perhaps
  13. Hmmmmmm........., intiguing, is this real? The Philadelphia Experiment had similiar effects just wondering there is a lot of stuff we dont know in this world that science itself cannot explain fully, scientist still dont really know the makeup of dark matter, but i believe it to be an unstabalized rip in dimensions, crap like this occurs and i wont doubt that government agencies hide it for our own safety, antartica is also an place that has not been fully searched and understood. Didnt hubble find some crazy lost temple in asia a couple years ago, and havent they said that there is a chamber under the sphinx right foot but the egyptian government wont allow excavation. So crap like this is not impossible, but there have been an uproar of net rumors going around so i wont keep my belief meter to high.
  14. Apperently tekken five time release characters are beginning to unlocked this week, 3 yes 3 characters were released Anna Williams fighting style:Assasination nationality:Ireland age:22 Anna Williams,who fought a hard sisters fight against Nina Williams in the past. Anna was feeling unsatisfied since her sister disappered a few years ago. But a telephone call changed such a boring life dramatically. That was from Anna's missing sister,Nina. A few days later,the two met again.As soon as Nina saw Anna's face,Nina shot Anna with no hesitation. Anna shot back instantly and their shooting battle continued for a few days. however they could not finish each other so they decided to come to a conclusion in the king of Iron fist tournament 5. 'biatch!!! This time, This time I shall kill her!' Baek Doo San fighting style: tae kon do nationality:south korea age:48 The master of Tae kon do and the teacher of Hwoarang,Baek Doo San. A few years ago,Baek visited a country to teach tae kon do. He was raided by someone and lost consciousness on his way back home. When Baek got conscious again,he was hospitalized in the military hospital. Baek was informed by a military elite that he had been unconscious for a year. Baek got a job to teach in the military. He was asked by the base commander to write a mail to Hwoarang,which said he was safe alive and asked Hwoarang to come back to the military. And the two met again for 2 years and a half. 2 months passed and Baek entered the king of ironfist tournament 5 in order to identify how Hwoarang got better. Roger jr. fighting style:commando wrestling nationality:none age:unknown Roger jr.The 2nd militalized kangaroo which was born from DNA operation. In the name of Kazuya Mishima,the 1st Roger was born from the developpment of militarized animals in Mishima Zaibatsu Biological Technology facility. Roger(father) lived his silent life with his family after he entered the king of ironfist tournament 2. However,Roger was kidnapped by someone leaving his wife and son. And the king of ironfist tournament was announced soon after as if it was intended. Roger jr. sensed something between the tournament and his father. He decided to enter the tournament in his mother's pocket. dahmn right all those animal haters can suck it , and all those who biatch that baek is dead and wont come backcan suck it 2 but namco could have come up with some thing better than unconsous for a year though. also eddy gordo is a pallete swap of christie devil kazuya wings, tail, horns and third eye are a purchasable item for kazuya. more to come soon.
  15. [scientists have discovered a new and tiny species of human that lived in Indonesia at the same time our own ancestors were colonising the world. The one-metre- (3ft) tall species - dubbed "the Hobbit" - lived on Flores Island until at least 12,000 years ago. The fact that little people feature in the legends of modern Flores islanders suggests we might have to take tales of Leprechauns and Yeti more seriously. Details of the sensational find are described in the journal Nature. The whole idea that you need a particular brain size to do anything intelligent is completely blown away by this find Dr Henry Gee, Nature Australian archaeologists unearthed the bones while digging at a site called Liang Bua, one of numerous limestone caves on Flores. The remains of the partial skeleton were found at a depth of 5.9m (19ft). At first, the researchers thought it was the body of a child. But further investigation revealed otherwise. Wear on the teeth and growth lines on the skull confirm it was an adult. Features of the pelvis identify it as female and a leg bone confirms that it walked upright like we do. "When we got the dates back from the skeleton and we found out how young it was, one anthropologist working with us said it must be wrong because it had so many archaic [primitive] traits," said co-discoverer Mike Morwood, associate professor of archaeology at the University of New England, Australia.] This is funny the picture they gave of how they looked was similiar to gollum,Now im waiting till they find bigfoot
  16. Man lying down on the tracks christ, head first i hope because but then the speed at which the train was going, it wouldnt matter. but explain to me......... oh wait............................. dont bother.
  17. Hmm i wonder what he thought the second he got hit by the train, dammit what a mess he made, i wonder what drove him to suicide, probably the typical broke, confused, sexless, in a seeming hopless situation, disposition of all suicidal folks. I kinda know what its like but suicide is not the key here it gains you nothing but a dilusion of freedom. True freedom is found in chaos.
  18. Yeah jinpachi has been mentioned before as heihachi's father who tried to teach his son good values, but when he heard that he threw his grandson kazuya off into that cliff he tried to take away the company from him. he ultimately died unsucceful in redeming his son.... until now. I guess he is a ghost or something. He was also good friend of wang "the old guy" Magniz I heard that the devil jin cheat in ttt was only in the japanese version only. So maybe thats your problem. Here are a couple unconfirmed time released characters. kuma Heihachi Mishima Mokujin Roger Jr. Anna Williams Wang Ganryu Baek Doo San Devil Jin Bruce Irvin Eddy Gordo (likely to be a Christie palette swap) What i dont get is how the hell jinpachi came into being now, i mean a bunch of jack-5's blelw the crap out of heihachi then boom jinpachi come in his place in the ashes, where the hell is heihachi it doesnt make friggin sense, unless heihachi turned into jinpachi, which is stupid but then it can make sorta sense, Im angry there's no devil kazuya
  19. I agree with L.S.D. that touch screen may sound like a good idea but when kids or friends with damn sticky greasy fingers want to touch you pad violently, i wont be suprised with some complaint of damaged d.s's from the result of this, I dont hate nintendo or the d.s. but looking at what they have to offer, currently its like this D.S. - So far better titles,touch screen(good\bad), cartridge based Psp- Sorta lackluster launch titles, really big screen, Umd thats cool, poor battery life depending how used. For me I require more time before shelling out my cash on either one, i think i'll wait half a year when they can resolve launch problems and have a broder game library. All i need is a good fighting game lets hope for soul calibur portable or D.S.
  20. Kuju Entertainment announced its first title for Sony's eagerly anticipated PSP portable platform. The impressive multiplayer arcade flight combat game (working title: Project Interceptor) is moving from prototyping into full production. Jonathan Newth, Managing Director of Kuju commented, We're extremely pleased that Sony has given us the support to proceed with 'Project Interceptor'. Developing the prototype has been an enjoyable and instructive experience and we're looking forward to exploring the PSP's potential. He continued, Now we'll certainly be talking to publishers who are keen to have early PSP titles. Whilst most of the main game features remain under wraps, Kuju confirms that Project Interceptor will feature multiplayer dogfights using the PSP's networking capability. Hey even though the battry life sucks you should see the shots for this game and multiplayer i wanna play it now.
  21. Its kinda sad, but then the series even though with its makeovers has become a little long in the tooth, now they could go on to side stories like outbreak, or move on to other projects like tech romancer 2 .
  22. I think his death was induced by those trying to either remove him from power or by the ones who want to replace him, i have this feeling of an oncoming war approaching, or maybe im paranoid.
  23. man thats sad, even though i dont use it that often it was really a good free music player. Hey does this mean there shutting down the tv servers.
  24. Everyone thinks that time travel can only be caused by the speed of light, what is not though of is the frequency in which matter exist and the manipulation of gravity in which a dynamic system can distort space and itself time, think of it as a space of nothingness and non existance in a secondary reality, a material like this exist in theory, it is called dark matter. With Dark matter it is possible to slip out of exsitance in reality but you will die If you manage to control dark matter Dark matter which is impossible you may slip out into a tandem dimension or time The problems with time travel 1) wont survive the process. 2)If you survive it, your meer existance in the new timeline would change history, destroying or altering the path of the natural time line. 3) You would need the power of 10 suns to power the system to manipulate dark matter What would i do if i went back in time 1)Educate cavemen, become their god,show them what technology is and leave them with plans for wmd's and playstation 2's
  25. How about a 1emulation news ticker for those who like to be updated on stuff while writing on the forums, it can be updated regularly, when breaking news on games or stuff occurs so we can be informed on things and you dont have to write it on the home page if its not that important. For those who don't know a ticker is a scrolling bar that displays text words nomally linear, distributes short news updates and if done correctly would look hella cool.
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