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Everything posted by Aoshi

  1. my thoughts well its there first venture into 3-d so i cant blame them for imperfected glossy graphics the gameplay looks good but as with all 3-d fighting games are a bit sluggish compared to 2-d fighting games but for a game i like maximum impact it has k' yeah rock 2 so in conclusion yeah i will play it. new characters aint bad either
  2. hey i liked it some faults in gamplay maybe perfected in the second one
  3. wow that site looks pretty authentic but in this world nothing in this world is for free an i pod is like US 200-300 if it is not a scam............. well i would be intrested if it were true, but that is unlikely the internet is full of scams ilike2l33ch if it reallly is true show us your i pod maybe i might then change my mind and this also must follow that you havent gotten any spyware viruses or missing money from a bank account from this offer.
  4. he says he watches comedy central unless there different comedy centrals
  5. To me my summer sucked and i mean sucked bored throughout the entire time insanity is something that taste like sheep that is what i learnt throughout this summer even my friends had nothing to do my highlight of this summer ....................... spider man 2....................... ...................... ................................that's it arghhhhh and every year my summers seem to be getting shorter and more mind numbing it drives me crazy. at least i got a dvd burner out of this crap season
  6. "who's dave chappelle" hopefully your a confused individual but isnt it true the only reason i would watch it is because of him and no not david e chappelle maker of the britney spears video dave chappelle funny comedy central dude slogan used most often "bitches"
  7. Me personally like pc's better there upgradable games look better certain games are unplayable if converted to console (starcraft 64) have more uses than gaming (my paperwieght conole when not in use) well this is just my opinion and in truth there are games i like that cannot be played on my pc and only on consoles(for now) and consoles do have a novel sense of purpose(pure gaming machines) so what's you choice?
  8. wow thanks that's really helpfull!!!
  9. 251 years old Currently somewhere in the caribbean being a 2 hundred year old assasin is kinda boring
  10. roms i have 269-p1.bin crc 7bdc4420 269-s1.bin crc bc670454 269-m1d.bin crc 4e81642e 269p-p1.bin crc 7bdc4420 269p-s1.bin crc bc670454 roms i need 269-p1.bin crc 93855c0b 269-s1.bin crc 3334ac31 269-m1d.bin crc dcc67f10 269p-p1.bin crc 8ae0710d 269p-s1.bin crc aaef740c please try
  11. yeah i know but there's a certain charm in playing the arcade version it's almost a completely different experience
  12. oasis -D'you know what i mean?
  13. snk vs capcom2 (whenever it comes out) tekken 5 zelda (tenative title)
  14. I loved the last blade series but why snk stop making it is the story over? did snk lose its lisence? did they think the series did not sell? man any one can enlighten me and who else agrees with me.
  15. hey i went to that site and it doesn,t help my crc does not match the origin of the patches to the ones i want any body actually has those.bin parts
  16. Well in my case i hope for a ton of more characters, hey and they should have teams like classic kof games imagine kyo/benimaru/shingo vs ryu/ken/dan. characters i wish they put k/marco(metal slug)/bass/orochi team/strider/and maybe some last blade characters. but what would be better a tag system or a one on one match system? i just hope they get started on this game
  17. I agree with you K' dash that sounds like a bunch of kaka but those spoilers, hmmm intresting and who' that m dude not mukai that he talks about. but if it is true no more certain member with a cool weap noooo i hope its wrong i really do.
  18. yeah i know that whwere i normally gey my info from but still people may know things that are not posted there but that now apparently seems doubtful I wonder if they'll put eddy and what about abel? i want roger and alex back though!! but there dead
  19. I know its protection but maybe it can be bypassed for the time being it could be the camera controls because if you play with nightmare i could have fight but it was extremely obscured and then ten seconds later after i hit stuff(sparkly lights from sword) i had a ring out and all the characters seem to act like the are moving falling and dead at the same time maybe its the integer in which the characters x,Y axis is being obscured or manipulated by protection therefore 10 second ring out. Maybe someone can think of a way to resolve it currently ringing out in mame.
  20. yeah guru complains a lot about that but an attempt cannot hurt.
  21. Hey thanks now if i have patience look out for Saitoh anji, aoshi soujiro sheshio geniai cho and a couple more,
  22. Dude i know the concequence of this my suggestion. What i want is to start now because look at the cps-3 it has been how many years now and when testing of possibilities of emulation had begun 5 maybe 6 years and where they have reached now just a dead boot. What I Propose is to start feasibility studies then is it posssible what encryption is used ? how complex it is? what systems may run it? remember mame took how many years with the current tech to emulate cps-2 games they still haven't decrypted some games due to protection Hence if nothing is done now to a least a simple documentation for possible emulation then the future emulation may take 10 years EVEN MORE Well i guess i should just wait and wait and wait and wait.......................................... (10 years later) oh not emulated yet oh well.....................
  23. Thanks K'man that cleared up my headackes for today but i don't think misty would be the boss for the next one though she would more probabaly be composed in a team who knows SNK loves to place hard bosses (except for mukai) she maybe skilled but to be "boss skilled" i can't picture it. But still that doesn't answer why k's hand was flaming in a uncontrollable manner it sounded like he actually was getting burnt himself. or is that normal and if ikari warriors isnt coming back and this is orochi saga 2 leona must be part of it orochi leoni the one who killed her parents under the guidence of goenitz she is an important part or should be i hope they make sense of this story.
  24. ALL PROGRAMMERS PEOPLE WHO CAN MAKE GREAT GUI"S DUMP ROMS, Program SYSTEM CODE. I call out a challenge to begin atomiswave emulation KOF neowave,2004 metal slug 6 sam sho 6 and others are being developed Our neo geo emu's are now a vintage emulator unable to play these games. IF you KNow anyone who can program code dump games have equipement that might help. Please make an attemt to assist It is possible Remember if this isnt done we will have to wait 5yrs before we can play it on our pc (the time it takes for the other emulators to come into existence) THIS TEAM SHALL BE CODE NAMED: ATOMISVISION
  25. I want to make samurai x chars but have no idea how to make chars How do i and with what programs!!! how do i make a GIF anyways and yes i already have the sam x chars that were made but i feel i could do better
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