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Everything posted by ejx982

  1. Prican25, I appreciate the speedy reply. We'll try out the Date/Time. Unfortunatly he's using a Xecutor 1 Modchip, which is not flashable. I've already suggested to him to remove it, and do a TSOP Flash with a newer BIOS. I had him rip apart the ISO and upload the xbe with a few roms to his HD to see if that works & it did. So it should be taken care off, one way or antoher. Thanks, ejx982 P.S. I use usenetserver.com as my news of choice, and my retention is HUGE. Back when everyone was requesting reposts of BAED3, I still had access to them from Thursday till yesterday. Eitherway, I'm always on the look out for something new. WHat do you use Prican25 as your newsservice?
  2. ShastaO, Quick Question: I got a friend who can't get BAED3-B to work. He says it hangs on the "X" logon on his system. He says BAED-A, MAME works fine, but FBA-xxx doesn't. I told him rip-apart the.ISO, and try patching default.xbe from debug to retail, then repack the ISO but it still didn't work. Your ideas are welcome, as I'm at a loss. It works perfectly on mine, but I dumped both discs to my HD. BAED1 was also great!!. Can't wait for a repost of BAED2. Thx!!! ejx982
  3. Sweet... I see BAED3 being posted.... I found this.com in the perfect time. I was sorting out my KawaX/FBA-xxx roms when I found this BAED project, killed my project, but I fully support S.O. project!!!! ejx982
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