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  1. Thanks Shasta, I found evox and installed it - and I tried flashing my bios but it was unable to. As to my chip - I bought the xbox with the chip already installed. I have no clue what is in it. Am I screwed?
  2. How the F do I change my BIOS? I have made the necessary date changes. Thanks
  3. This hasnt happened to anyone?
  4. Hey there, I downloaded and burned BAED 1 and 3. I got 3a to work properly and loving all the old style vids. Question about BAED1???? It loads the menu screen and when I click on one of the 'systems' I get an xbox error screen. Disk damaged? It seems to work fine with Atari 2600 and the Genesis menu loads - but I am unable to load any games. Please help. I will be forever greatful. Am i doing something wrong? THanks
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