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LoRd_SnOw last won the day on May 17 2015

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About LoRd_SnOw

  • Birthday 06/29/1986

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  1. I don't game with crazies.

  2. You might want to check out https://www.retrode.com/
  3. Did you email me a few days ago? I got a similar response from someone asking how to dump snes carts.
  4. Less File-sharing more Surveys... Today's internet sucks.
  5. You have to very business savvy to make big profits on eBay, you're better off making let's-plays on YouTube
  6. I barely recall you too Ryan.
  7. I don't think I'm brave enough for self-employment. Just some mixed experiences, hopefully one day things will get a little better.
  8. In 1998, my cousin and I would sell playstation memory cards filled with saves for a slightly higher price. I'm not entirely sure how we went about doing that, it was only for 2-3 months though. 2005, I ran a website and use to force my friends to buy mugs, hats, t-shirts related to the website, It was a good thing until I graduated from HighSchool. I also worked for Little Caesars, and was part of its grand opening team at New York City. 2008, I use to sell modded Xboxes. Around that time you could get them for 60$. I was also a contracted clerical worker / Auditor for Chase and Citi Bank up until early 2010 from where I decided it was time to go to college. 2010, I was a gamestop employee for 6 months. I had a hard time working with people there and unfortunately it wasn't everything I'd hope it be. I was also an auditor for Suny Downstate Medical center in Brooklyn, I left the job after they weren't paying me correctly for my hours, from there I did absolutely nothing but school. 2012*, I worked on campus as a programmer. I found the job to be too easy, so I ended up teaching it for a semester. The pay was pretty low, but somehow I didn't mind. Summer 2013*, I worked at a local KMart in New York City, my supervisor was treating me like crap and so I left after 4 weeks. Right now, I'm a contracted Web developer for an accounting firm in New York City, but I'm hoping to keep the job. Also, I have my associates degree, that's how I got the job. I recently started working on my bachelors degree in Computer Science, and that's where I stand. That's my hussle.
  9. If it's wireless, you need to buy a dongle. See here: http://www.amazon.com/Xbox-360-Wireless-Gaming-Receiver-Windows/dp/B000HZFCT2 Honestly, like one person mentioned here, wired is better. it's cheaper and close to no latency. I have a wired controller, but it's pretty beat up. Right now, I use a DS4, and it seems to work fine, I have not encountered any issues.
  10. That's offbeat, I'll report the problem to Alpha and see if we can determine the issue. As alternative, you can download it directly from my mediafire page http://www.mediafire.com/download/tc7ycpyrdcl5638/xbe_loader-wip-29062012.zip. Please feel free to report back any further issues. Thanks Edit If you're getting a network failed error, your antivirus software is detecting the file as a virus, this is a false positive issue. What can you do to remedy the situation is add an exception to your virus definition. For future builds, I will either change or lift my security scheme so that it circumvents this problem.
  11. Thanks, I appreciate that. Maybe when I have the time, we can make this the official thread for the project. Until then, I think the main title and post of this thread will suffice.
  12. Sorry for the extremely late response, I have re-uploaded the alpha build (29062012). Sadly, there has not been much activity from this project since January 2013. In spite of that, the project is not discontinued. I do have plans on re-writing some areas of my existing implementation and perhaps add a few other things in preparation for publicly sharing my source for whom it may benefit. As it stands, I don't know when I will be getting back into this project, it may be as soon as this summer or as early as next year. For the mods, sorry for resurrecting this thread. xbe_loader-wip-29062012.zip
  13. Graphically, the game was a step down for me compared to Killzone 2. I will say the ending when the old guy screams *fuuuuuuuuu* had to have been the only hilarious bit and probably the only reason to run and gun through the game.
  14. Which Dreamcast Emulator are you experiencing said issues with?
  15. Xbe loader is an application that hopes to provide accurate Information on how the XBOX executable structure functions. For more Information regarding this and other releases feel free to visit http://lordsnowdev.emunext.net
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