We're all people, our primary focus is to take care of ourselves, your child and your siblings. Anything else is secondary. It's difficult to change someones environment, unless you're really aiming to go far and put that as your primary focus, which could interfere with your important life decisions. Im not saying to be a completely selfish person, but if you do care the least you could do is accept what i said earlier or other peoples opinions, rather just atleast try. I have a sister who has a friend who has a toddler, she's very sweet, but the environment she lives is a total hell hole and the guys father is pretty much a non working buttface who abandoned his daughter and spouse. Any how, my sister visits her and checks up on her, she doesn't just tell her friend she needs help. my sister gives her friend advice.. The advice that she gives to her friend, is her current and past experiences with children, how to connect with them, and that's very important. She can be the best mother ever, but if you lack connectivity with your child then you fail as a mother. There's really nothing you can do change her setting, just stay in touch and show her what's important is connecting, not the father whom ever it may be, don't show attention or importance to that, it's not worth it and things will only become even more complicated for you. Also, no cat fights